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Old 31-05-2007, 16:38   #1
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Crazy country this or what ???

Just heard on the radio coming home about an ex-Gurkha soldier, living in Nepal who has applied to come to this country and been refused.

Ok he's 84, but this guy fought in the Second World War, - his story was truly amazing - to help his english comrades escape. he. after all his platoon had been killed, single handedly overcame the 2 Japanese machine gun nests that had killed his mates, getting wounded in the process, then turns the enemy machine gun on more Japanese that were just about to slaughter the rest of the small english force.

He was one of the very few Gurkhas to recieve the Victoria Cross

And now how does the country that he fought for repay him, ??? - they refuse him entry to the UK so that he can get consistent healthcare in his fading years (which isn't available in Nepal) and to be close to comrades that are still living in the UK

Doesn't it make you sick ?? - if you're a potential terrorist, or a probable state scrounger you're welcomed with open arms !!!! - but if you've served (not even his) your country, been wounded in battle, been awarded the highest military award going, very nearly losing his own life - what does he get >>>>> " Sod off " >>>>>>>>>

Doesn't it make you puke
Que Sera, Sera
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Old 31-05-2007, 16:43   #2
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Re: Crazy country this or what ???

That is truly ashame that this man of obvious honor and courage should be denied his request. Very odd decision.


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Old 31-05-2007, 16:47   #3
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Re: Crazy country this or what ???

Isn't this old news? I'm sure I read about it last week.
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Old 31-05-2007, 18:06   #4
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Re: Crazy country this or what ???

i thought U.K let ANYONE in!
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Old 31-05-2007, 18:09   #5
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Re: Crazy country this or what ???

Originally Posted by panther View Post
i thought U.K let ANYONE in!
If you apply you don't get let in, the bloke should have just arrived here without appointment, he wouldn't have had a problem then.
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Old 31-05-2007, 18:10   #6
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Re: Crazy country this or what ???

Originally Posted by Tin Monkey View Post
Isn't this old news? I'm sure I read about it last week.
Doesn't matter when this was first discussed, does it Tin Monkey ?..still quite sad that we can't support our 'past supporters'.
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Old 31-05-2007, 19:17   #7
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Re: Crazy country this or what ???

Disgraceful but typical of the way Britain acts towards the Ghurkas. Despite the fact that they have fought for this country with incredible valour, they are treated like dirt. They don't even have the same pension rights as other ex-soldiers. Terrorist supporters are allowed into this country to preach their message of hate against us, yet this brave man is kept out and the government does precisely nothing. Quite frankly, the motley collection of chancers, conmen and slimeballs who currently inhabit the upper echelons of government aren't fit to lick his boots.
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Old 31-05-2007, 19:18   #8
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Re: Crazy country this or what ???

Disgraceful but typical of the way Britain acts towards the Ghurkas. Despite the fact that they have fought for this country with incredible valour, they are treated like dirt. They don't even have the same pension rights as other ex-soldiers. Terrorist supporters are allowed into this country to preach their message of hate against us, yet this brave man is kept out and the government does precisely nothing. Quite frankly, the motley collection of chancers, conmen and slimeballs who currently inhabit the upper echelons of government aren't fit to lick his boots.

Last edited by Wynonie Harris; 31-05-2007 at 19:23.
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Old 31-05-2007, 19:22   #9
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Re: Crazy country this or what ???

Sorry, double post, I'd worked myself up into such a lather, I think I pressed the button twice!
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Old 31-05-2007, 19:41   #10
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Re: Crazy country this or what ???

Absolutely disgraceful, are the people making these decisions human?

I remember a few years ago reading a story about some West Indian men who fought for our country in the 2nd world war in the greek islands somewhere and something similar happened but i cant remember whether it was about gettng the same amount of pension as an english soldier
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Old 31-05-2007, 20:06   #11
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Re: Crazy country this or what ???

well thats it! i thought this place could not get STUPIDER, but this is really disgraceful,it brings nothing but shame on us.
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Old 31-05-2007, 21:29   #12
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Re: Crazy country this or what ???

I'm normally disparaging of anyone who tries to come here to take advantage of our NHS etc. but I make an exception for the Ghurkas. We had a family friend who fought alongside them in Burma from 1940 to 1945 and he couldn't speak too highly of them. They helped to save our troops from the Japanese and we've treated them like dirt ever since.

It's disgraceful that Eastern Europeans can arrive on our doorsteps and claim every Benefit going while these brave old men are discarded like rubbish. Please don't misunderstand me, the Poles are a bit different, they come here to work and they are, on the whole, honest and hard-working but they too did the same thing in WW2, they were brave men who fought for us. It's the rest who make me angry, arriving on our shores to milk everything they can from us while we tell the Ghurkas to "sod off".

Sometimes I'm ashamed to be English.
Some cinemas let the flying monkeys in............and some don't.
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Old 31-05-2007, 21:54   #13
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Re: Crazy country this or what ???

well said westender pity it wont let me give you karma, have to spread it around,
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 31-05-2007, 22:20   #14
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Re: Crazy country this or what ???

Originally Posted by West Ender View Post
Sometimes I'm ashamed to be English.
I never thought I'd hear myself say it, but so am I when I read about situations like this.
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Old 31-05-2007, 22:26   #15
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Re: Crazy country this or what ???

Originally Posted by katex View Post
Doesn't matter when this was first discussed, does it Tin Monkey ?..still quite sad that we can't support our 'past supporters'.
I think it does, but if you want a reactionary 'debate' then I suppose it doesn't. Please carry on.
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