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16-07-2006, 22:07
Resting in Peace
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Created for men; forget us women.
Have noticed two small pieces of machinery/equipment lately that I find extremely difficult to operate, because of the length of my fingernails. No, not the long, long false thingies either:-
Ever used one of the smaller Asda trolleys you have to put a pound deposit in the slot, very easy to get in, but try and get it out again .. have had to succumb to asking a knight of the aisles with short strong, stubby thumbs to get it out for me ... grrrrrh.
This new lawn mower thing I have purchased has a button which is level with the casing .. you press whilst pulling up the handle to get going. Cannot do it, have to get some tool to press it as not enough diameter to fit in thumb and nail ... grrrh.
Can think of many more items like this whereby some designer has not given us women and our adornments enough consideration. 
16-07-2006, 22:15
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Re: Created for men; forget us women.
Originally Posted by katex
Ever used one of the smaller Asda trolleys you have to put a pound deposit in the slot, very easy to get in, but try and get it out again .. have had to succumb to asking a knight of the aisles with short strong, stubby thumbs to get it out for me ... grrrrrh.
Can think of many more items like this whereby some designer has not given us women and our adornments enough consideration. 
The asda i go to more often than not at Rawtenstall you have to put a £1 in no matter which trolley you use simple reason is so many trolleys were nicked and chucked in the river at the side of asda. I have the coins that you get on the keyrings for the trolleys - that way if i cant get the £1 out which has happened a few times its that that gets left in the trolley not a £1 that i could spend! But yet Tesco at Haslingden doesnt bother with the £1 slots on either of their trolleys - they have a box halfway up the road that stops you taking the trolleys any further!
16-07-2006, 22:18
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Re: Created for men; forget us women.
Flippin' heck Kate, you have me thinking now. I also have very long, natural nails and came across something that threw me the other day. Trouble is that I can't remember what it was!! Old age creeping in!
I do recall thinking that it was time to chop them off but why should I?
It's one of those things which will come to mind in the middle of the night......I'll be back x
June xx
So much muck to eat before you die
16-07-2006, 22:19
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Created for men; forget us women.
never thought of that katex, i always do the shopping anyway but the answer must be invented by MAN. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
16-07-2006, 22:21
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Re: Created for men; forget us women.
Originally Posted by junetta
Flippin' heck Kate, you have me thinking now. I also have very long, natural nails and came across something that threw me the other day. Trouble is that I can't remember what it was!! Old age creeping in!
I do recall thinking that it was time to chop them off but why should I?
It's one of those things which will come to mind in the middle of the night......I'll be back x
PMSL!!! junetta blimey it must be a thing thats catching i've had a few of those moments then typically it comes back to you half way through a good dream then you think 'where did that come from'? 
16-07-2006, 23:27
Resident Waffler
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Re: Created for men; forget us women.
The loos on Peel Street get me. You have to push the button thingy right in to get it to flush and that's hard to do with finger nails because it's just the nail taking all the strain. I tend to bend my finger and push with the flat bit between the knuckles. Some of them are worse than others. There's one where I actually had to fish in my bag for something I could push it with because it wasn't working with a bent finger.
16-07-2006, 23:27
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Re: Created for men; forget us women.
that mower sounds a right pile of **@* first it wouldnt go together, no the safety buttons faulty.
Don't see the difference if its a pound you can spend cos you have to spend a pound you can spend to buy another key ring.
Is the new asda open yet? I like rawtenstall, shame i can't go in woolworth.
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Accy-web-web-web, push pineapple, grind coffee
To the left, to the right, jump up and down and to the knees
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17-07-2006, 13:25
Beacon of light
Re: Created for men; forget us women.
There are some trolleys that are reluctant to spit out either the token or the pound coin......so I have a pair of tweezers in my bag that I use the prise the coin/token out with. I only have very short nails anyway so they are not much use for that kind of job.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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17-07-2006, 16:00
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Re: Created for men; forget us women.
Anyone tried the new self-servive checkout out at ASDA yet? These are certainly created for men; get in the store, grab what you want off the shelves, go to check-out, swipe & pay - then go home! The ice cream has not melted, your peas aare still frozen and your meat is still fresh...meanwhile, women are still gibbering away and once they do eventually get to these auto checkouts the first thing they do after scanning one item is to try to put the thing in reverse.
17-07-2006, 17:34
Resting in Peace
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Re: Created for men; forget us women.
Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
The loos on Peel Street get me. You have to push the button thingy right in to get it to flush and that's hard to do with finger nails because it's just the nail taking all the strain. I tend to bend my finger and push with the flat bit between the knuckles. Some of them are worse than others. There's one where I actually had to fish in my bag for something I could push it with because it wasn't working with a bent finger.
Hey, yeh, Willow, forgot about those .. bin there done that. They are improving throughout the country though, lots of motorway services/hotels have introduced the sensitive ones where you just put your hand across the button and it flushes; much more hygienic too.
Other things that spring to mind are flags, why did MAN not put them closer together .. no consideration for me stilettos.
Also, when I was a teenager, cars not enough height to take me bouffant hair-do. MAN agen you will note. No consideration whatsoever.
Tealeaf: you at it again,getting at us women. (will owe you a prod in the ribs at the next meet  ) Must say though never seen these self-service things at Asda .. which ones ?
17-07-2006, 21:47
Apprentice Geriatric
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Re: Created for men; forget us women.
You can’t blame the equipment because you choose to have longish fingernails katex.
I also have trouble with those trolley coin slots but at least it is better than the old type where if you weren’t careful and ready to catch the coin it would spit it out like a bullet out of a gun.
I spotted those self-service daleks in Asda, Grimshaw Park, Blackburn on Friday where an assistant was doing her best to show some guy how to do it without a great deal of success either. The guy just couldn't get his head round it. I wonder what would happen if you tried to scarper without paying?
Will it catch on? Hmmm! Open to debate that one.
18-07-2006, 07:00
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Re: Created for men; forget us women.
I use the self service points at tescos haslingden sometimes. As you say TL, a lot quicker although only suitable if you have a few things.
katex, you should have set your sights on someone who owned a convertible!

18-07-2006, 08:15
Resting in Peace
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Re: Created for men; forget us women.
Originally Posted by entwisi
katex, you should have set your sights on someone who owned a convertible!

Had those meself in my time, was married to a motor mechanic/garage owner, but darling, can you imagine what these do to your bouffant  wouldn't have one of these given now.
Just remembered another button that used to prove impossible. Some models of cars had cigarette lighters like this where depression of same was very frustrating when ya' gasping.
18-07-2006, 08:24
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Re: Created for men; forget us women.
Originally Posted by katex
but darling, can you imagine what these do to your bouffant  wouldn't have one of these given now.
I had exactly the same problem when I used to borrow Julies MX5 
18-07-2006, 08:41
Resting in Peace
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Re: Created for men; forget us women.
Originally Posted by entwisi
I had exactly the same problem when I used to borrow Julies MX5 
Tee hee. 
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