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Old 23-12-2005, 21:22   #31
Senior Member+
park381's Avatar

Re: Cruelty to Children.

This really makes you sick, there must be 100's of couples out there that are desperate to have children and can't for what ever reason, and then you hear of this happening. The kids will end up in foster care, from there where ? it is very very sad.

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Albert Einstein.

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Accrington Web
Old 23-12-2005, 23:12   #32
God Member
Tinkerbelle's Avatar

Re: Cruelty to Children.

Originally Posted by park381
The kids will end up in foster care, from there where ? it is very very sad.
More than likely they will spend their lifes confused at why they were treat this way at the hands of the very people that were supposed to love and nurture them and will probably end up tormented adults too as a consequence! People like that make me sick to the core!!
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Old 24-12-2005, 00:43   #33
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SPUGGIE J's Avatar

Re: Cruelty to Children.

Social Services are playing god and need a huge boot up the rear. If child protection is a priority why do we keep hearing more of these sickining cases year in year out.

All comments above are nothing to do with here and therefore not the resposibility of the Accrington Web site owners admins or mods.


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Old 24-12-2005, 01:23   #34
Resident Waffler

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Re: Cruelty to Children.

I know it's not a very popular opinion but I agree with Park and Chav about the way society is going and why. It's a nightmare. The way those poor children were treated is awful. 7 years isn't long enough. How could the parents sit in luxury and just ognore them like that? It beggars belief.

When Social Services or Health Visitors or whatever couldn't get access that should have made them try all the harder.

At least the father did do something when one of the twins was "lifeless" or we may have been reading about the children being found dead. I hope they are never reunited. Anyone who mistreats an animal in such a way is forbidden to keep a pet in future. Any parent treating their children this way should never be permitted to be a parent again.

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