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General Chat General chat - common sense in here please. Decent serious discussions to be enjoyed by everyone!

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Old 06-04-2005, 07:40   #16

Neil's Avatar
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Re: Cut and paste news articles???

Maybe we could have a section for news stories only instead of using "anything Goes" or "General Chat". Then if you dont want to read news articles then stay out of the news section. As far as resources are concerned has anyone ever asked Roy if he is short of storage capacity on his servers? Attachments must take up more space than a few news threads.
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Last edited by Neil; 06-04-2005 at 07:41.
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Accrington Web
Old 06-04-2005, 07:54   #17

Roy's Avatar

Re: Cut and paste news articles???

Thats not a bad idea Neil, perhaps a Current Affairs forum would work well.. To be honest, server resources are not a worry, what is a worry is that cutting and pasting straight articles from news websites is illegal. Copyright law allows you to quote the news story and then add a link to the full story. It is better to just copy the opening paragraph then place a link and then place your own comments, thus starting the thread in a legal non wasting way and anyone who wants to read the full story can click the link. I myself have found some of the news threads interesting as I don't play on the news websites and it is a waste of time buying a Russian newspaper!
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Old 06-04-2005, 09:10   #18

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Re: Cut and paste news articles???

Originally Posted by Roy
Russian newspaper!
What you mean you can program an S7 but can't read Russian.
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Old 07-04-2005, 01:24   #19
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Re: Cut and paste news articles???

I'd picked up on this section of the forum rules when starting to read this thread and my initial thought was that cut and paste was preferable to a link.

Posting Links / URL’s / Email Addresses: While we prefer that all content be posted in the forums themselves (unless it is a copyright violation to do so) so our members will always be able to access it, we realize that some information must remain on remote sites as it may be too extensive to re-post. Posting links/URL’s in the AccyWeb forums is allowed as long as they substantiate a post, or are summarized. Please don’t post links with a comment such as, “Check out this link”. Let members know what the link is about, rather than surprising them with it.

However, upon reading it again in the light of Roy's post I can see that the C&P is a problem where it violates copyright.

I find the news topic discussions quite interesting and was thinking of adding one of my own but perhaps I'll wait until a forum is decided upon.
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