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General Chat General chat - common sense in here please. Decent serious discussions to be enjoyed by everyone!

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Old 05-04-2005, 19:09   #1
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Cut and paste news articles???

Not wishing to get anyone's dander up here;but am I the only one sick of seeing "cut and paste" news articles being regurgitated on here? No doubt these are informative to the minority who a**never watch tv or b** never buy a newspaper but surely they must be using up Accyweb resources and the majority of these threads seem to end "What's your view/opinion etc etc. I really can't see the value in these threads unless the poster has an opinion at the end of it.
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Old 05-04-2005, 19:13   #2
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Re: Cut and paste news articles???

Totally agree with you, if it was all just things about Accy that people like myself might not know about then fine, but it seems to be any national and international stories and most of us have seen it on tv or in the papers and really don't need to see it again

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Old 05-04-2005, 19:20   #3
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Re: Cut and paste news articles???

You've a point lindsay,but sometimes you may want to talk about things in the news,but I hope we can have as little of the election as possible on here, as I'll be trying to escape the blanket coverage,but as always thats just my view!
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Old 05-04-2005, 19:27   #4
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Re: Cut and paste news articles???

I don't mind the discussion at all;I do object to lines and lines of stuff thats obviously just been nicked wholesale from that morning's tabloid!
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Old 05-04-2005, 19:27   #5
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Re: Cut and paste news articles???

I cut and copy stories,but i only do topical issues that will get members talking,and they include the quotes and/or ideas of major people who are involved in the story itself.
I post the funnies in anything goes as we can have a laugh with them.
Not all people watch or read the news but may want their opinion heard with their friends on here.
Not sure if this was aimed at me,but thought i would have my opinion as

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Old 05-04-2005, 20:00   #6
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Re: Cut and paste news articles???

If the articles provoke a good debate then I suppose they are worthwhile.......but speaking for myself I have usually read the newspaper by the time I get on here.
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Old 05-04-2005, 20:19   #7
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Re: Cut and paste news articles???

Not wanting to upset my 'bosom' buddy , l agree less cut and paste, more of the real you.
l for one know your full of it [opinions!]
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Old 05-04-2005, 20:57   #8


Re: Cut and paste news articles???

Continuous issue, but I have to agree with Lindsey and Fibi, I agree that they can kick off a good response and provide a starting point for discussion, but I don’t think we need the whole story, just a couple of lines to get things started.

What I really get p*** off at is all the spam type post that appear from nowhere and hang around for ages.

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Old 05-04-2005, 21:04   #9
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Re: Cut and paste news articles???

I like a good discussion because often we don't realise what differing opinions people have or why they have them and sometimes there are things in the local and national press that it's interesting to hear other people's views on.

Perhaps just a "have you heard the latest news about such and such" and then on with an opinion but for the ex pats who haven't chance to see the Accy Observer or LET then sometimes a link or quote is necessary because otherwise they might not have the foggiest what we're on about.

If we're not careful we might get to the point where people don't post anything at all for fear of others complaining that they are wasting space and then that would be a waste. I've seen message boards die a death that way and just sit there with nothing posted for months. Such a shame.

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Old 05-04-2005, 21:26   #10
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Re: Cut and paste news articles???

I don't see the problem - it would help the thread starter to get their point across by quoting or pasting the original story and hopefully start up a healthy debate, with more people than you would normally discuss it with at work/home. I honestly do not read any tabloid papers and try to avoid the news - so it would generally be helpful to see a bit of the article. If the thread does not interest you - just ignore it!
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Old 05-04-2005, 21:29   #11
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Exclamation cut and paste

we know who you mean. why not just deduct karma?
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Old 05-04-2005, 21:40   #12


Re: cut and paste

Originally Posted by removal-man
we know who you mean. why not just deduct karma?
I wouldn’t really want to deduct Karma from someone who is only trying to be part of a community and wanting to communicate points of interest with others. The last thing that’s wanted is people drying up and not posting because of feeling that they are loosing popularity because there Karma drops off the scale. I see nothing wrong with what’s being posted; it’s the length of the content…

“Continuous issue, but I have to agree with Lindsey and Fibi, I agree that they can kick off a good response and provide a starting point for discussion, but I don’t think we need the whole story, just a couple of lines to get things started”.

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Old 05-04-2005, 21:43   #13
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Re: cut and paste

Originally Posted by removal-man
we know who you mean. why not just deduct karma?

Karma should be used wisely,and from what i have seen,it isnt on here.

Originally Posted by ShortStuff
I don't see the problem - it would help the thread starter to get their point across by quoting or pasting the original story and hopefully start up a healthy debate, with more people than you would normally discuss it with at work/home. I honestly do not read any tabloid papers and try to avoid the news - so it would generally be helpful to see a bit of the article. If the thread does not interest you - just ignore it!

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Old 05-04-2005, 22:22   #14
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Re: Cut and paste news articles???

I've had a think on this one Jason and I'm coming down on the middle ground for now. As there are a couple of other members doing the same, Cafu with the sports news for one, if we get too many cut and paste news stories it gets a bit boring, I would rather read your opinions, but for now carry on but lets keep the numbers right.

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Old 05-04-2005, 22:58   #15
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Re: Cut and paste news articles???

On a Formula 1 forum that I am a mod on, we paste the url where the story is, which uses up less space/resources than copying and pasting the whole article
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