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14-06-2013, 08:11
Resting in Peace
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Dale Cregan
Yesterday Dale Cregan, who killed two police officers plus a father and son, was sentenced to life imprisonment, a full life tariff, which means he'll die in jail, unless some lawyer doesn't jump and say its against his human rights. How much this case has cost to try is any bodies guess, the only thing we do know is it cost over £5 million to transport this guy to court every day of his trial. As the head of Manchester Police said Cregan is pure evil, which I'm sure no one will disagree with. My question is how much is it going to cost to keep this low life scum in jail for the rest of his miserable life, if ever there was a case for bringing back capital punishment this is it, evil men deserve evil measures 
14-06-2013, 08:36
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Re: Dale Cregan
I agree, the majority on here will agree, the majority in the country will agree. Unfortunately, the politicians who are supposed to represent us don't.
14-06-2013, 08:44
Resting in Peace
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Re: Dale Cregan
Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris
I agree, the majority on here will agree, the majority in the country will agree. Unfortunately, the politicians who are supposed to represent us don't.
Ya its really funny how opinions change on a trip from a train station down to Westminster Wyn 
14-06-2013, 09:03
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Re: Dale Cregan
The politicians who are supposed to represent us were voted in by us, so their policies are ultimately our fault for voting them in. As far as I'm aware, no party has a manifesto which includes the return of capital punishment. The ones most likely to introduce it are the ones you probably wouldn't want to be voting for because of their other policies.
I can't see why it costs £41,000 per year to keep someone in prison - and for this thing it will probably be more. Stick him in a 10x10x10 cube, bung some bangers and mash through a slot twice a day and some loo roll twice a week, and leave him to it.
14-06-2013, 09:12
Resting in Peace
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Re: Dale Cregan
Originally Posted by Studio25
The politicians who are supposed to represent us were voted in by us, so their policies are ultimately our fault for voting them in. As far as I'm aware, no party has a manifesto which includes the return of capital punishment. The ones most likely to introduce it are the ones you probably wouldn't want to be voting for because of their other policies.
I can't see why it costs £41,000 per year to keep someone in prison - and for this thing it will probably be more. Stick him in a 10x10x10 cube, bung some bangers and mash through a slot twice a day and some loo roll twice a week, and leave him to it.
Ya but it won't happen Studio, mind you its no good asking for a referendum on capital punishment, when we can't even get one on in or out of Europe 
14-06-2013, 09:12
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Re: Dale Cregan
Cregan killed so he should be killed to save the taxpayers money
14-06-2013, 09:29
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Dale Cregan
Thing is to me hes only got such a sentence cos 2 of his victims were police, anyone who thinks different has slate loose.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
14-06-2013, 11:11
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Re: Dale Cregan
Originally Posted by cashman
Thing is to me hes only got such a sentence cos 2 of his victims were police...
Is that a bad thing?
14-06-2013, 11:21
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Re: Dale Cregan
Originally Posted by Studio25
The politicians who are supposed to represent us were voted in by us, so their policies are ultimately our fault for voting them in. .
ahh but we cant be held to blame when a politition says they will do one thing then do a completely different thing when elected on their prommise.
blair broke every election prommise within 6 months of getting in power and so far i think cameron has done over 20 u-turns after prommising a no u-turn policey when standing for election
not one of them can be trusted to do the right thing they are corrupt to the core and its starts at council level and just gets worse the higher up they get
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
14-06-2013, 12:08
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Dale Cregan
Originally Posted by Studio25
Is that a bad thing?
Yeh as far as i'm concerned it is, a life is a life when murdered, unless you think different?
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
14-06-2013, 12:20
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Re: Dale Cregan
Originally Posted by cashman
Yeh as far as i'm concerned it is, a life is a life when murdered, unless you think different?
sadly an offence is classed a smore serious when cmmited against a police officer
not long ago a man was imprisoned for calling a police horse gay
i doubt if i called someone gay i would be put in prison
if you take someones life by the act of murder then you should expect to have yours taken away wether it be by execution or life in prison regardless of what social standing or job the victim had
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.
ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
14-06-2013, 13:05
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Dale Cregan
Originally Posted by accyman
sadly an offence is classed a smore serious when cmmited against a police officer
not long ago a man was imprisoned for calling a police horse gay
i doubt if i called someone gay i would be put in prison
if you take someones life by the act of murder then you should expect to have yours taken away wether it be by execution or life in prison regardless of what social standing or job the victim had
True, sadly those with low I.Qs. don't grasp the fact. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
14-06-2013, 13:31
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Re: Dale Cregan
another example is that when soldiers are spat upon when returning from active duty serving their country the courts arnt as harsh as if you were to spit on a police officer if an arrest is made at all
dont get me wrong assaulting an officer of the law is serious and should in no way be belittled but just as a clear message has to be sent that asasaulting or murdering a police officer wont be tolerated a clear message that doing the same to a member of the public wont be accepted must be sent also.
Sadly in most cases murderers get about 14-20 years and half off if they behave in prison so out in between 7-10 years
national coverage in the press sometimes helps get criminals longer in prison though because the world is watching and it has to be seen something is been done
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.
ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
14-06-2013, 17:57
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Re: Dale Cregan
As usual, total silence from members of mainstream political parties on this thread. 
14-06-2013, 18:56
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Re: Dale Cregan
Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris
As usual, total silence from members of mainstream political parties on this thread. 
Not too long to wait Wyn before the politicos return to tell us how good they are for us and how they will represent the wishes of the electorate - the usual misrepresentations from the usual culprits when it is time for us to vote. 
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