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Old 17-10-2021, 16:14   #16
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Re: Death of Essex MP

Another thing…..there is no defence to this act….there is no doubt about who did the stabbing, so this man should hang.
I know that sounds radical, but it is time to make some radical changes, because what we have done so far has been not just ineffectual, but pathetically inadequate.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 17-10-2021, 16:59   #17
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Death of Essex MP

as far as im concerned if beyond doubt anyone who murders should be hung, there are many these days who CAN be proved beyond doubt with modern advances, so apart from wet sods whats the objection?
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Old 17-10-2021, 17:43   #18
Beacon of light

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Re: Death of Essex MP

I object to this piece of crap being jailed for years…..and we the tax payer being responsible for the cost.
If dispatch at the end of a rope is unpalatable to the liberal hand wringers…then perhaps he could be dropped by parachute on a remote cold the Hebrides.
He could be equipped with a spoon and a loincloth…….if he could survive that then so be it.
Isn’t there an island up there that is still contaminated by Anthrax?
Just saying.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 18-10-2021, 10:09   #19
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Death of Essex MP

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Another thing…..there is no defence to this act….there is no doubt about who did the stabbing, so this man should hang.
I know that sounds radical, but it is time to make some radical changes, because what we have done so far has been not just ineffectual, but pathetically inadequate.
the more i think about this with advances made in technology, there should be no doubt at all the guy should be hung. but weigh this up at this point he aint even been charged yet, thats how silly our law has become.!! Stats i have seen MURDER has increased since the wets ceased hanging as a DETERRANT?
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

Last edited by cashman; 18-10-2021 at 10:12.
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Old 18-10-2021, 10:28   #20
Beacon of light

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Re: Death of Essex MP

If you catch a man with a knife in his hands and there is a fellow dead…stabbed full of holes, on the floor…how is this an ‘alleged’ murder?
And why does there need to be any kind of investigation….?
The murderer was caught red handed…..there should be no need for a protracted process.
It should be a foregone conclusion…..and the best end would have been a bit of hot lead straight to his head.
Instead we must now look after this piece of excrement….for the term decided by some loony liberal judge.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 19-10-2021, 12:05   #21
Beacon of light

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Re: Death of Essex MP

Can anyone hazard a guess at why this terrorist has still not been charged with murder.
He was there, he was witnessed in the act, yet he still has not been charged.
How much investigation is required…and how much of it is relevant to the fact that he butchered a family man.
Is there some background skulduggery going on….like psychiatric bods being wheeled in to get him off on diminished responsibility.
We are going to be sending this guy to live out the rest of his life in some place like Rampton…when he should have got a spoonful of hot lead.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 19-10-2021, 13:01   #22
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Death of Essex MP

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Can anyone hazard a guess at why this terrorist has still not been charged with murder.
He was there, he was witnessed in the act, yet he still has not been charged.
How much investigation is required…and how much of it is relevant to the fact that he butchered a family man.
Is there some background skulduggery going on….like psychiatric bods being wheeled in to get him off on diminished responsibility.
We are going to be sending this guy to live out the rest of his life in some place like Rampton…when he should have got a spoonful of hot lead.
its bothered me for days Margaret,its the fault to me of the way our law has gone simple as. plus the JUDICARY are virtually USELESS yet no-one who can does anything about it .thats the reason i have abandoned the main news channels.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 19-10-2021, 15:51   #23
Beacon of light

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Re: Death of Essex MP

I just think it is rather fishy….that he has not been charged…that his father was part of the Somali diplomatic scene… should have absolutely no bearing on the process of prosecution.
I do not remember if other terrorist situations have been subject to the same delays.
I don’t think there will be much involvement with the judiciary until the CPS decide on the case.
It is once the case goes ahead that the judges get their beaks into the bowl.
Hot lead….a great lump of it!
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 19-10-2021, 15:53   #24
Beacon of light

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Re: Death of Essex MP

I know that will show me to be lacking in compassion….and some may even say racist.
This murderer had no compassion and was he not racist?
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 19-10-2021, 16:35   #25
God Member

Re: Death of Essex MP

This tries to explain why he hasn’t been charged…

Maybe they are interviewing his father as one source of his insanity? (but I doubt it).
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Last edited by Exile on Spencer St; 19-10-2021 at 16:39. Reason: Added something else
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Old 19-10-2021, 16:39   #26
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: Death of Essex MP

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
I know that will show me to be lacking in compassion….and some may even say racist.
This murderer had no compassion and was he not racist?

Not racist, I fully believe you'd hold the same view had it been someone white who'd done exactly the same & I whole heartedly agree with your sentiment as I would image a large silent majority of the British public do too.

Unfortunately, we are let down by a spineless government, cowardly judiciary & a multitude of whiny, illiberal liberal, bed wetting leftist bleaters who constantly screech their objections over & above the average fair minded public & their views.

Sadly the UK has turned way past anything I was once proud to be a part of.
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
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Old 19-10-2021, 19:50   #27
Beacon of light

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Re: Death of Essex MP

Originally Posted by Exile on Spencer St View Post
This tries to explain why he hasn’t been charged…

Maybe they are interviewing his father as one source of his insanity? (but I doubt it).
Exile, thank you for those links, but they do not really explain just why this man who is the only man in the frame for this murder…….the spiked one uses a lot of words, but boils down to blaming us…..making us confront what the media would have us believe are our faults and prejudices….you know….that white privilege crap. I have NO white privilege.
No one gave me anything in this life….yes I am white, but every advantage I gained in life was worked for….was hard won……NOT Given.
I actually do not care if this man were painted with green stripes, or if he came from the hinterland of Chorley
He is a murderer!
And do you think if he had been white, there would have been this hesitancy?
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 19-10-2021, 20:05   #28
Beacon of light

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Re: Death of Essex MP

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany View Post
Not racist, I fully believe you'd hold the same view had it been someone white who'd done exactly the same & I whole heartedly agree with your sentiment as I would image a large silent majority of the British public do too.

Unfortunately, we are let down by a spineless government, cowardly judiciary & a multitude of whiny, illiberal liberal, bed wetting leftist bleaters who constantly screech their objections over & above the average fair minded public & their views.

Sadly the UK has turned way past anything I was once proud to be a part of.
Yes, I would hold the same views regardless of the ethics, colour or creed of this evil man.
And I get really wazzed off by those who would wish to minimise the crime by telling me that this man has ‘mental health Issues’
This is a catch all excuse that is too easy to fake and use.
How long will it be before we are having this discussion again and the Muslims will say that we are guilty of islamophobia……yet so far the common denominator in these murders is one thing…..Islam….the religion of peace, but likes to behead and beat women and children and use them as slaves.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 20-10-2021, 08:37   #29
God Member

Re: Death of Essex MP

Guess how our politicians are going to react to another murder by another Islamomaniac?
Going back to hiding their expenses!

Btw, Margaret, I read the Spiked article completely the opposite way to you. The author, I thought, was making the point that the political and media elites, in their desperate obsession with identity politics which seems only to recognise the evils of white/western societies, will ‘deflect’ criticism onto that target or (yet again) play the ‘lone wolf’ card.
Must be a helluva big pack of lines wolves amongst us.
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Old 20-10-2021, 10:57   #30
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Re: Death of Essex MP

with a bit of luck he,ll be charged, found guilty and sent down. with a bit of luck some of the nasty boys will make his life a complete hell inside and might wish himself for the death penalty. if that does happen i hope someone leaves some pills or rope about so the lefties moan about his mental state not looked at when he tops himself.
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