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View Poll Results: for or against the death penalty
for 25 49.02%
against 20 39.22%
undecided 6 11.76%
Voters: 51. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 22-02-2008, 22:37   #76
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: death penalty?

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
the only problem with your idea is that it would be impossible to get an anaesthetist to administer the drugs , since these people are governed by the same rules as 'doctors' (golden rule of medicine no harm) thats why we have to use 'trained paramedics' here in California who sometimes have problems finding a suitable vein .
i always thought that a doctor was present when we had capital punishment? to pronounce em dead, if thats so, then its ok for us to watch you top em, but we aint killin em, seems a bit odd to me.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 23-02-2008, 00:07   #77
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Re: death penalty?

at what point would the line be drawn - when would the death penalty be given ?

i dont agree with it at all - i do agree however that punishment isnt really punishment in prison as it is now
i mean - i would love to train in a completely different field than i work in now as much as i love my job - i cant be chasing under 4's round when i am 60
i cant afford at the moment to retrain and pay mortgage etc -maybe i should comit a terrible crime serve half the time i was given and whilst doing that time do some courses and gain qualifications i would like - for free.
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Old 23-02-2008, 00:10   #78
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Re: death penalty?

Originally Posted by keetah992000 View Post
at what point would the line be drawn - when would the death penalty be given ?

i dont agree with it at all - i do agree however that punishment isnt really punishment in prison as it is now
i mean - i would love to train in a completely different field than i work in now as much as i love my job - i cant be chasing under 4's round when i am 60
i cant afford at the moment to retrain and pay mortgage etc -maybe i should comit a terrible crime serve half the time i was given and whilst doing that time do some courses and gain qualifications i would like - for free.
dont agree,but understand that viewpoint,i voted dont know cos of your reasoning.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 23-02-2008, 01:25   #79
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Re: death penalty?

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
i always thought that a doctor was present when we had capital punishment? to pronounce em dead, if thats so, then its ok for us to watch you top em, but we aint killin em, seems a bit odd to me.
think the Doctor is only present to certify death , not take part ........
on a lighter note, if the prison service had been more alert , it wouldn't have been a problem , they could have used Dr. Shipman , don't believe any of his patients suffered unduly

why does this thread remind me of a Roberta Flack song
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Old 23-02-2008, 11:43   #80
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Cool Re: death penalty?

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
the only problem with your idea is that it would be impossible to get an anaesthetist to administer the drugs , since these people are governed by the same rules as 'doctors' (golden rule of medicine no harm) thats why we have to use 'trained paramedics' here in California who sometimes have problems finding a suitable vein .
I am fully aware of the Hippocratic oath that doctors (and that includes anaesthetists) take but I never suggested that a doctor should administer the drugs. Do try to read and understand what has been written. But you had to try and pour cold water on a feasible suggestion as a matter of course.

Albert Pierrepoint was the ‘hangman’ of England and he wasn’t born with the skill. See He learned it from his father and uncle. And that was much more complicated than learning how to insert a needle into the back of someone’s hand.

So there is no reason why a suitable volunteer could not learn to be the official ‘executioner’.

An anaesthetist mixes a cocktail of drugs tailored to the patient in order not to kill them but to render them unconscious. There is no such need in a public execution so a layman could be trained.

If the allegedly trained paramedics in California sometimes have trouble locating a suitable vein, then their training has left a lot to be desired. I accept that on occasion it would be difficult to locate a vein in the crook of the elbow if the arm is fat but my personal experience is that our paramedics insert the needle into the back of the hand and even in a podgy hand the vein is easily located.
Thanks for reading. If you have a few minutes to spare please visit my web site at
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