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17-10-2007, 04:56
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Death Penalty , should this guy die ?
Wondering what the folks who are agaist the death penalty feel should happen to the guy in this news item
Death sentence for alligator child killer - Telegraph
according to the story the guy dumped a 5 yr old child in the Florida everglades to be eaten alive by the Alligators , does anyone feel the guy is deserving of a life sentance or should he go and sit on 'ole sparkys knee' (Florida still uses the electric chair...I think )
17-10-2007, 05:35
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Re: Death Penalty , should this guy die ?
In a case like that life should mean life. I'm not in favour of the death sentence but a guy like that should never be on the loose again to possibly repeat such horror. I can understand why people approve of capital punishment.
17-10-2007, 07:40
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Re: Death Penalty , should this guy die ?
This horrid thing should get the worst death, that poor child!!
they should shove him in with the alligators and let him get what this poor girl got...an eye for and eye!!
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17-10-2007, 14:01
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Re: Death Penalty , should this guy die ?
I think that the ideal sentence would be a suspended sentence – by a rope over the Everglades about 3 inches above the water.
Electrocution or whatever other method is used is far, far too quick.
17-10-2007, 14:45
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Re: Death Penalty , should this guy die ?
nah jambutty, make it 2-3 foot above upside down so he can see the teeth coming to get him!
17-10-2007, 15:12
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Re: Death Penalty , should this guy die ?
Originally Posted by entwisi
nah jambutty, make it 2-3 foot above upside down so he can see the teeth coming to get him!
I’ll go along with 2 feet above the water, but not upside down. One snap and the head has gone, the guy is dead and feels nothing. Better the right way up so that he doesn’t know when the next bite is coming. So a piece of a leg can be ripped off, then the other leg, then a bit more. Then maybe an arm and so on. Death of a hundred bites!
17-10-2007, 15:25
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Re: Death Penalty , should this guy die ?
Originally Posted by jambutty
I think that the ideal sentence would be a suspended sentence – by a rope over the Everglades about 3 inches above the water.
Electrocution or whatever other method is used is far, far too quick.
Why when they could keep tassering him. That would be a nice torture while he sees Big Al and his pals snapping at his legs while just out of reach. Failing that slow bleeding over a pond of hungry parahna while they jump up and nip of little bits. 
17-10-2007, 16:39
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Death Penalty , should this guy die ?
How cruel you all are? This man should be shown sympathy and mercy, just like he showed to the child. I am fed up with the eye for an eye brigade, it should be live and let live forgive those that trespass against us, turn the other cheek.
No-one has the right to take the life of another, unless of course he is a coward that not only attacks the mother but also murders an innocent child. He as should all rapists and child molesters be forgiven and given the chance to repent their ways, thus proving themselves once more to be of use to civilised society.
Civilised? what is civilised about a society that allows someone that causes suffering of this kind to others to live, if a dog attacks it's put down, anyone that murders has given up the right to live.
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17-10-2007, 18:12
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Re: Death Penalty , should this guy die ?
Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
In a case like that life should mean life. I'm not in favour of the death sentence but a guy like that should never be on the loose again to possibly repeat such horror. I can understand why people approve of capital punishment.
Couldn't have put it better myself.
Well maybe I could, but I've already been threatened with a "thumping." 
17-10-2007, 18:52
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Re: Death Penalty , should this guy die ?
Originally Posted by Less
How cruel you all are? This man should be shown sympathy and mercy, just like he showed to the child. I am fed up with the eye for an eye brigade, it should be live and let live forgive those that trespass against us, turn the other cheek.
No-one has the right to take the life of another, unless of course he is a coward that not only attacks the mother but also murders an innocent child. He as should all rapists and child molesters be forgiven and given the chance to repent their ways, thus proving themselves once more to be of use to civilised society.
Civilised? what is civilised about a society that allows someone that causes suffering of this kind to others to live, if a dog attacks it's put down, anyone that murders has given up the right to live.
good point less but think if that kid would off been yours , i think that guy should have a slow death and suffer like the child did
17-10-2007, 19:02
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Re: Death Penalty , should this guy die ?
" The views or whatever I post on here are the ravings of a woman possessed, not the site"
17-10-2007, 19:43
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Re: Death Penalty , should this guy die ?
Couldn't agree more Less.
Nobody has the right to take somebody elses life, regardless of what the person has done. Once you have someone locked up they no longer pose a threat and should thus not be murdered.
Reading this thread shocked me. I thought we lived in a civilised society? It sounded like a bunch of savage dogs tearing a lamb to shreds.
Come on people, we're better than that.
formerly cyfr
17-10-2007, 20:05
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Re: Death Penalty , should this guy die ?
No they don't have the right to take a life thay just do it regardless!! If you choose to take a life why should you be given a choice???
17-10-2007, 20:14
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Re: Death Penalty , should this guy die ?
because we're a civilised society?
If someone puts a brick through my window I won't go round to their house and put a brick through theirs. I am better than that. Eye for an eye is nonsense.
formerly cyfr
17-10-2007, 20:19
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Re: Death Penalty , should this guy die ?
Until it comes to a life IMHO! What is civilised about taking a life?
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