Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
You do realise we are in danger of a telling off from Unca Less for wandering off his very serious subject here don't you? (It would have to be small barges week)
Of course your not in danger, as i said:-
You and Rindy are getting close to being in the etc group in my first post! The idea is to talk about the M6 not alternatives, there's plenty of room for you to start your own alternative threads!
The emphasis is on
getting close,
The reason I said what I did in my first post is because whenever a thread is started about transport the loonies come out of the woodwork and post something along the lines of:-
'I don't use cars I think they should be banned', These idiots when you enquire don't seem to have a solution to transport problems that would be caused by throwing 60,000,000 of us back into the middle ages, they won't contribute anything worthwhile but seem to think the rest of us should comply to their way of thinking immediately.
Then there is the narrowist view, e.g. all lorries/caravans/cars/pedestrians/etc should be banned! Again, not a very practical solution for improving the M6. (By the way I do think all pedestrians should be banned from the M6 does that make me a narrowist?).
If however Rindy and yourself would like to talk about canals instead I don't really mind I think they are a resource that could still be useful. But then with proper investment so could the Railways!
However at the moment the countries main lifelines are the motorways and it would be nice for them to be as useful as possible, (a nice dream but hardly practical).