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Old 08-08-2006, 19:35   #16
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Re: Did anyone out there have sympathy......?

Send him back to his hell as Amys' family have a hell of there own.

Just out of curio I wonder what some would get if they returned the favour so to speak?

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Old 08-08-2006, 19:43   #17
white rabbits

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Re: Did anyone out there have sympathy......?

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington

Oh and I had just better clear up a point....this man is a failed asylum seeker, but not an illegal immigrant.
Not much difference in my view,,,if it had been a young man of white english origin,would he have been given the same sentance,?
Not a full brick
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Old 08-08-2006, 19:43   #18
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Re: Did anyone out there have sympathy......?

agree 100 % with Jaysay, he should have been taken straight to the airport from his jail cell , military transport would work best , let the troops being deployed to Iraq act as his chaperones (just let them know who he is) . Maybe it should be the law that each MP has to put up a family of asylum seekers in their spare rooms, that will soon get shut of them
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Old 08-08-2006, 19:55   #19
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Re: Did anyone out there have sympathy......?

I would like to see them deported immediately if they are found guilty of any offence. Why should our taxes pay for their stay in prison? I'm sure the prison regime in their own country would be more of a deterrent.
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Old 08-08-2006, 21:01   #20
I am Banned

Re: Did anyone out there have sympathy......?

If that Iraq idiot is looking for sympathy
He will find it in the dictionary
between **** and syphilus
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Old 09-08-2006, 09:50   #21
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Re: Did anyone out there have sympathy......?

Originally Posted by grannyclaret
Not much difference in my view,,,if it had been a young man of white english origin,would he have been given the same sentance,?
Sadly, yes he would Granny. Laws concerning driving and especially causing death in a vehicle is seriously flawed. Amy Houston family are one of those heading a campaign to have the law changed.

To leave a little girl dying under the wheels of his car and not help her makes this man scum of the earth IMO.
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Old 09-08-2006, 18:21   #22
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Re: Did anyone out there have sympathy......?

got my last post wrong so had to edit it sorry,well i have no sympathy for the man,you cant have people like that comming to our country,the law does need changing

Last edited by jackyalex; 09-08-2006 at 18:29.
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Old 09-08-2006, 19:15   #23
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Re: Did anyone out there have sympathy......?

couldn,t comment yesterday cos would probably have been banned, its as ive always maintained, its the SYSTEM that allows these things to occur that is to blame, far more than that piece of crap in the paper.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 09-08-2006, 20:40   #24
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Re: Did anyone out there have sympathy......?

Until the system is fixed we shall get more and more of this happening and all the same crud spouted. At the end of the day a life was taken and the recompense and punishment is F*&^%$£ P*&^% poor

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Old 09-08-2006, 21:36   #25
Resting in Peace

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Re: Did anyone out there have sympathy......?

Of course no one is going to have any sympathy with this man Margaret .. why ask ? Was an accident I suppose in the first place, but the crime, of course, is leaving this poor girl without any thought of any medical attention, what sort of human being could do that ? That is the crime.

The other is, after reading the article, that he insisted in driving a car whilst banned... meaning not fit (by law) to drive a dangerous killing machine until he had better thoughts about it. He abused this, and should have been stronger penalties.

Was heartened to see that Greg Pope and Nigel Evans are supporting a Bill to hand out stronger sentencing for abusers and hope that some good will come out of it, that would hopefully entail the abuser to be imprisoned and, in this case, deported. Calling it Amy's Law ... yes, let's hope it becomes a National 'catchprase' in her memory.
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Old 09-08-2006, 21:55   #26
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Re: Did anyone out there have sympathy......?

why is it you get less time for killing someone whilst behind the wheel ?,it seems to me that the police have done there job but as soon as it comes to court they get off with a slap on the hands,unreal
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Old 10-08-2006, 12:47   #27
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Re: Did anyone out there have sympathy......?

Katex, I only asked because it appears that there is always some bleeding heart who will say it is a shame for this poor guy, had a bad start, lived in a war torn country etc etc..........personally I think they should ship him back so fast that his head would spin.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 10-08-2006, 12:49   #28
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Re: Did anyone out there have sympathy......?

And did the Telegraph have to feature it as a front page headline? I'm sure there were other items of news that were more was a contentious issue....and for that reason and that reason only it got front page status.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 10-08-2006, 18:03   #29
Resting in Peace

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Re: Did anyone out there have sympathy......?

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
Katex, I only asked because it appears that there is always some bleeding heart who will say it is a shame for this poor guy, had a bad start, lived in a war torn country etc etc..........personally I think they should ship him back so fast that his head would spin.
Yes, I know Margaret, didn't mean it as a criticism .. it's known as a sort of stating the obvious if you get me, and agree he was crying out for some sort of sympathy from the general public which he will not get.

Unfortunately, until we have stronger penalties on drivers who have been
banned (and insist on still driving) nowt we can do ... just optimistic that threads like yours with members/guests viewing and entering their thoughts will have some sort of influence, and get to the people that are able to change matters. Every little helps, doesn't it ?
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Old 10-08-2006, 18:41   #30
Beacon of light

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Re: Did anyone out there have sympathy......?

Yes Katex, you are right. I know that not everyone gets the Lancashire Telegraph.....and I also wondered how many people were as incensed as I was to read this mans' self pitying bleating.

Amy Houston will never have a chance at life due to this persons self indulgent and compassionless actions.....and until someone with some common sense gets to hand out sentences, then we are up the creek.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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