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Old 23-08-2008, 12:22   #31
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Re: Didn't take long

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
I think you should read the thread on my hospital experiance grego, and the new system they have in place for discharging patients, in short i was dumped off the ward and in the amblance departure lounge, waiting for my TTOs for four and a half hours, I hope you can see my point
I haven't read the thread yet Jaysay but I will, in our defence though patients are often sent to the discharge lounge before their prescription is sent to pharmacy, quite often its not even written yet the wards will say pharmacy is holding things up, even the electronic prescribing isn't always finalised, its bad planning and we've been complaining about it ourselves as we are always the scapegoat, discharges in the pharmacy are prioritised in date/time of discharge order it is up to the ward staff to specify though. This doesn't help what you've been through and thats awful.
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Old 23-08-2008, 12:32   #32
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Re: Didn't take long

Originally Posted by huncoat Pharmacy View Post
Dear Miss Technophobe

I tried my best to support the Pharmacy
I offered to buy the premisis and share the premisis with him and offer rent free to the post office and his accomodation to him so that his running cost were kept to a minimum

He would not have it!and with the Post office offering large sums of money to shut down, its not surprising that he took the money in the end.

Feel free to call in to the Pharmacy and ask for my number if you have anything that may improve or help us to make a go of the Pharmacy


Hi Sarj,

Thats a real shame about Geoff. I really thought he was sorry to be closing down, but then again I guess he was nearing retirement age so I guess that may have been a factor!

It would be great to see another Post Office in Huncoat, but I doubt it will happen.

I've only been to the Pharmacy once so far, but I will definitely be using in the future as and when I need to.

I must add, the service was excellent!
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Old 23-08-2008, 14:03   #33
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Re: Didn't take long

Originally Posted by grego View Post
I haven't read the thread yet Jaysay but I will, in our defence though patients are often sent to the discharge lounge before their prescription is sent to pharmacy, quite often its not even written yet the wards will say pharmacy is holding things up, even the electronic prescribing isn't always finalised, its bad planning and we've been complaining about it ourselves as we are always the scapegoat, discharges in the pharmacy are prioritised in date/time of discharge order it is up to the ward staff to specify though. This doesn't help what you've been through and thats awful.
I can see where your coming from grego, but you can bet your bottom dollar that it wasn't the nursing staff nor the pharmacy staff that came up with the idea to have patients sat in a dicharge loung for over four and a half hours. When you've been an inpatient all you want to do is get home, not sit about waiting for tablets, after all they knew I was going home at lunchtime the previous day. It is six weeks now since I came home and wote a letter of complaint to the patient care manager, as yet they have not had the decency to reply.
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