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Old 07-11-2005, 00:37   #16
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Re: Dinner time shoppers ... grrrrrh

Originally Posted by harwood red
It drives me mad when rushing around a lunchtime trying to get a few things but then if you think about it maybe we are part of the problem...rushing around a losing our patience hence being more intolerent to those who are just slowly going about their daily business !!!
Less haste more speed i think is needed that or more hours in the day.

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Old 07-11-2005, 09:18   #17
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Re: Dinner time shoppers ... grrrrrh

Does my head in it does. More often than not, I've got things to do, and it makes me mad that no one else appears to. GET OUT OF MY WAY.
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Old 07-11-2005, 12:21   #18
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Talking Re: Dinner time shoppers ... grrrrrh

In this day and age of me, me, me, me, me, me, me why should I shop in a supermarket at a time to suit someone else?

I avoid crowded periods but only because I choose to, not because of some harassed shoppers.

I would point out that as I walk into our local Asda I become invisible. Well I must be invisible considering the number of times someone nearly runs me over or actually bumps into me and usually says, “Sorry I didn’t see you.” Or maybe it was because the aisle hog had her eyes glued to the shelves whilst pushing her trolley forward into a main thoroughfare. It would also help if shoppers didn’t stop to chat with friends whilst almost blocking an aisle and totally oblivious to other shoppers wanting to get past. Some even look directly at you but don’t make a single move to clear a path but just carry on nattering. Then there is the shopper who has his although it is more usually her trolley across the aisle whilst she ponders which product to get.

It makes me wonder - if these aisle hogs drove their cars with the same attitude then the roads would be full of crumpled cars.

So a simple message to all those who complain of crowded supermarkets – if you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.
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Old 07-11-2005, 12:49   #19
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Dinner time shoppers ... grrrrrh

With shops open at all sorts of hours now, perhaps it isn't lack of thought by the pensioner/young mother but lack of organisation by yourself?
If you planned your shopping in a more orderly fashion you could do it at a time more convenient to yourself and use your lunch time for what it is meant to be used for!
Now get that trolley out of my way
or I'll be late for the pub!
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Old 07-11-2005, 12:54   #20
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Re: Dinner time shoppers ... grrrrrh

Originally Posted by Less
With shops open at all sorts of hours now, perhaps it isn't lack of thought by the pensioner/young mother but lack of organisation by yourself?
If you planned your shopping in a more orderly fashion you could do it at a time more convenient to yourself and use your lunch time for what it is meant to be used for!

Now get that trolley out of my way
or I'll be late for the pub!

Thats fine when it comes down to supermarket shopping as that is something I have never done in lunch breaks. It's more bits and bobs shopping in the town centre along with buying lunch within a limited time period which is more of the problem.

Also with commitments with children it is not always possible to got to shops at unconventional times.

But as I have noted in an earlier post I think part of the problem is us rushing around and probably thinking we are the only people that are in a rush!!!!!

I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
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Old 07-11-2005, 13:07   #21


Re: Dinner time shoppers ... grrrrrh

What I liked about your point Harwood is that you actually demonstrated in your post that it is you yourselves (Collectively) that has created the problem in the first place. The people you snipe and snarl at are thinking the same as you are, get out the way bitch.

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Old 07-11-2005, 17:21   #22
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Re: Dinner time shoppers ... grrrrrh

Originally Posted by Doug
What I liked about your point Harwood is that you actually demonstrated in your post that it is you yourselves (Collectively) that has created the problem in the first place. The people you snipe and snarl at are thinking the same as you are, get out the way bitch.
I have to disagree Doug, never said we created the problem but are part of the problem. As rushing around does create a level of intolerence. But even when I'm not in a rush I do still get really miffed off with people who saunter around at snails pace with no thought to who's around them. (The people who seem to be staring into space but at the same time are blocking a whole thoroughfare). so less of the get out of the way bitch thank you very much!!!!

I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
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Old 07-11-2005, 18:44   #23
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Re: Dinner time shoppers ... grrrrrh

Well I will stick to shopping between 1 and 3 am that way I dont get basket rage nor do I hold anyone else up. For those who are thinking of the shelf stackers then should they be filling the shelf with an item I want I take it from the pile they are working from.


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Old 07-11-2005, 19:28   #24


Re: Dinner time shoppers ... grrrrrh

Perhaps they have reason to saunter, they certainly have the right too just like you or I when the occasion suites us. Perhaps just a smile and a polite excuse me would see them move aside for you. It would appear that others would agree with you by the Karma deductions, oh sorry that was for the use of my language, god forbid they should read some of the more invective posting from some of the more colourful characters, but bye the bye people tend to reap what they sow and I have no doubt that people being people there will be those that feel the same way about you as you them.

On - Stanley – On
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Old 07-11-2005, 20:56   #25
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Re: Dinner time shoppers ... grrrrrh

Oh my God - how slow can the people in front of you in shops go when you're in a rush?! I think that the shops actually employ these people to get in your way just so you spend more time in them!!!
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Old 07-11-2005, 23:17   #26
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Re: Dinner time shoppers ... grrrrrh

i get into what i think is the shortest queue ,and then the till roll runs out ,or the person in front wants home delivery(iceland)or they pay by some card that takes forever to clear..
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Old 08-11-2005, 12:11   #27
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Angry Re: Dinner time shoppers ... grrrrrh

Has it ever occurred to any of the “get out of my way moaners” that some of those slow moving older folk and yes even some younger ones too, CANNOT walk any faster. Do you expect a young mum with a toddler by her side to rush around so that the kid has to run to keep up? It wouldn’t surprise me to discover that the “get out of my way moaners” tailgate trying to force the car in front to go faster and break the speed limit.

Oh! Sorry! I forgot! Just because you are in a hurry the world must step aside.

What an intolerant lot our society is becoming.
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Old 08-11-2005, 12:26   #28
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Re: Dinner time shoppers ... grrrrrh

Originally Posted by jambutty
Has it ever occurred to any of the “get out of my way moaners” that some of those slow moving older folk and yes even some younger ones too, CANNOT walk any faster. Do you expect a young mum with a toddler by her side to rush around so that the kid has to run to keep up? It wouldn’t surprise me to discover that the “get out of my way moaners” tailgate trying to force the car in front to go faster and break the speed limit.

Oh! Sorry! I forgot! Just because you are in a hurry the world must step aside.

What an intolerant lot our society is becoming.
Thats why I said it was the intolerance which was part of the problem!

I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
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Old 08-11-2005, 12:32   #29
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Dinner time shoppers ... grrrrrh

Originally Posted by jambutty

Oh! Sorry! I forgot! Just because you are in a hurry the world must step aside.

What an intolerant lot our society is becoming.
It's quite obvious that you can't tolerate the intolerant can you jambutty?
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Old 08-11-2005, 12:48   #30
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Exclamation Re: Dinner time shoppers ... grrrrrh

I don’t know where you got that from Less but I haven’t said anything about not tolerating other shoppers. I’ve complained about the way some people shop but that isn’t intolerance. So no it isn’t quite obvious.
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