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Old 10-04-2005, 13:08   #16
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-pixie's Avatar

Re: Discipline

My son is 16 months old. He isn't old enough for me explain actions = consequences just yet, so at times the occasional smack has to suffice when I know he is being deliberatley naughty.
When he is older the smacking will be used as a last resort, when reason has failed. I would rather discipline him now and have him cry over a few smacks/toys confiscated etc, than have him being returned home by the police when he is a teenager.

I see too many children that are spoiled rotten and they have the lack of respect and manners that go with parents who let them run riot. Parents who cannot or will not take charge of their children do not deserve to be parents. They are too worried that disciplining their child is a bad thing - its not. Children need boundaries and routine...its all too obvious today that many parents cannot provide this and society is paying for their almighty failure as parents.
Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult.
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Old 10-04-2005, 13:21   #17

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Re: Discipline

Originally Posted by -pixie
Children need boundaries and routine...its all too obvious today that many parents cannot provide this and society is paying for their almighty failure as parents.
I agree with this pixie. We set boundries and try and keep the children into a routine that they understand and it is working well for them and us.
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Old 10-04-2005, 18:53   #18
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Re: Discipline

Originally Posted by chav1
lol it will get so bad we will have to hire profesional hit men to punish our children

wash mouth out with soapy water £20
clip around the earhole £50
smack with a slipper £70

and for gods sake make it look like an accident

Then put a claim in!!!
Make mine a PINT.......

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Old 10-04-2005, 19:18   #19
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Re: Discipline

I was really quite strict with my daughter when she was growing was hubby who was the softy. Now my daughter tells me that the boundaries that were set for her were reasonable and that she only challenged them to see how far she could go.

I would always give a warning first and if the bad behaviour continued then I would carry out my threat.

She is now using these practices with her stepsons and her own son.

I do not believe in child abuse, but I do think it is the responsibility of a parent to instill values, moral and otherwise into their children.
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Old 10-04-2005, 20:18   #20
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Re: Discipline

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
I was really quite strict with my daughter when she was growing was hubby who was the softy. Now my daughter tells me that the boundaries that were set for her were reasonable and that she only challenged them to see how far she could go.

I would always give a warning first and if the bad behaviour continued then I would carry out my threat.

She is now using these practices with her stepsons and her own son.

I do not believe in child abuse, but I do think it is the responsibility of a parent to instill values, moral and otherwise into their children.
hear hear,nice one margaret !
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 10-04-2005, 20:34   #21
Aquarius's Avatar

Re: Discipline

when my grandchildren got caught breaking bottles, they were made to sweep up all the glass using old toothbrushes. they never did it again.
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Old 10-04-2005, 20:45   #22
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Re: Discipline

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington

I would always give a warning first and if the bad behaviour continued then I would carry out my threat.
That's quite often the place where people fall down these days - they make empty threats and don't carry them out. The best bit of advise I was given when I was about to be a parent was never to make threats that I wasn't prepared to carry out.
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Old 11-04-2005, 16:01   #23

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Re: Discipline

As a kid I admit I was a buggaroo, but when I got caught I got the deserved walloping. It taught me respect, and at 18 I joined and served twelve years in the R.N.. This again teaches young people respect. I must admit I was a bit hard on my kids, but they still love and respect me ,and regularly bring the grand kids and great grand kids from yorkshire at least once a month to see us, that is love and respect, even though they tell me I was a hard father.
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