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Old 09-04-2005, 21:47   #1
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Red face Discipline

Just replied to the thread Oakhill memorial and changed the subject onto respect and discipline of todays children, I personally think its coming to something when you cant give your own kids a bit of a smack, I dont agree with kicking the daylights out of them or child abuse in anyway but I think todays society is suffering due to lack of discipline. I know it used to keep me in check the thought of getting the cane at school, or a slap round the head or even having the board duster thrown at you. Children of today dont seem to be answerable to anyone. What do you think?
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Old 09-04-2005, 22:00   #2
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Re: Discipline

if any of my kids report me for slapping them i will simply throw them in the kids home and let them see how they like that and if the mrs dosnt agree she can leave with them lol

no way will i ever be blackmailed by those words kids seem to know so well these days " i know my rights "

sod the system if my kids get sent home from school , vandalise propperty , steal or skive off school etc they can expect an ass kicking regardless of what the law is

polititions and police should be greatfull for parents that punish their kids as so many parents these days couldnt give a crap what their kids do as long as they keep getting their child benefit all is well

parents cant punish their kids and the courts always fail to punish them enough and teh kids know this so feel no risk when commiting crime as they know no one will punish them

Last edited by chav1; 09-04-2005 at 22:07.
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Old 09-04-2005, 22:10   #3
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Re: Discipline

I couldn't agree with you more, I've always said my daughter will always be put in her place though hopefully she'll learn some respect.
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Old 09-04-2005, 22:18   #4
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Re: Discipline

We've had this discussion before and it got quite heated but I don't mind repeating that there's a world of a difference between a smack, used wisely as a reprimand, and child abuse. There are times when only a smack will suffice. Even my kids understand the difference. The threat of the possibility is enough to put them off. It doesn't have tobe, and shouldn't be, harsh or painful. A quick slap on the wrist can work wonders.

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Old 09-04-2005, 22:22   #5
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Re: Discipline

I agree. What's better, a quick slap on the hand as they reach towards the cooker or let them burn themselves?
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Old 09-04-2005, 22:26   #6
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Re: Discipline

I've twice smacked my nephew and neice when their unworldliness put them in danger of being hurt.

Most of these vandals though are older teenagers who may not have been taught respect, and it's probably too late to teach them.

Who is going to smack them now, for you can bet they certainly do know their rights?
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 09-04-2005, 22:33   #7
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Re: Discipline

Originally Posted by PurpleLass
What's better, a quick slap on the hand as they reach towards the cooker or let them burn themselves?
Exactly! You haven't time to start a long-winded explanation about the pain they will suffer - even if they'd understand what you were talking about.

The problem with the vandals and yobbos is that they have never experienced discipline. I agree with you garinda, where would you start now and how?

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Old 09-04-2005, 22:41   #8
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Re: Discipline

I cant agree more. My children know that they have pushed there luck if i smack them, i dont smack them often so when i do they know that they have been VERY naughty. Thankgod I have inheritated the DEATH LOOK off my mum.

I only have to give them this look and they know to stop right there.

The other day I was walking my sons home from school. I know it wasn't much but, my youngest was running down the street and knocked a wheelie bin over, and he meant to do it.
Explaining that ''someone would have had to pick that up off the floor now and, he had been bad''. I told him he was grounded all day. It didn't seem to bother him until.......his friend called for him as usual at 5pm to ask if he was going to his house to play on the computer.
He came into the livingroom to get his shoes, I waited til he had got them on then said '' where do you think you are going?'' he said ''to j''''''' house to play'' I said '' I dont think so you are grounded, you thought i had forgot but you are one off pal, take your shoes off and get used to it''. Yes he did the usual '' mum please........please mum..........please.'' but i stick to it, he has to learn.
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

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Old 09-04-2005, 22:48   #9


Re: Discipline

The first step on this road is to separate the difference between smacking, discipline and child abuse. The three should be tagged together the way they have been. Anybody over a certain age knows the difference. I was never abused by my parents or my teachers but I knew how much a slap, slipper or cane hurt, I’m all for the right to chastise my children should it be needed, my son is 13 and he’s not had a smack for five years if he does wrong now he gets told off and something will be taken away from him until he understands the consequences of his actions. If I had to hit him I would.

Discipline can be taught in many ways, the difference today is that kids know the law is on their side and they have no fear of anyone. Maybe it’s time we stood up to the ******* idiots who continue to preach all this crap about the rights of children. When I was growing up you didn’t have rights until you where an adult (18 or 21) or you had earned them through work or war...

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Old 09-04-2005, 22:50   #10
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Re: Discipline

Absolutely. I think my girls have learned not to call my bluff. I will not make empty threats.

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Old 09-04-2005, 23:00   #11
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Re: Discipline

I couldn't agree more Doug, the abusive teenagers of today get away with murder at home and school, at least in my day if your parents were soft you got told off or worse at school and the threat of it was usually enough. Not even the law sorts out these thugs.
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Old 09-04-2005, 23:26   #12
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Re: Discipline

respect and discipline is to me in the main inherited,slinky i think you did a great job,just by sticking to your guns. when i was young if i did owt like your lad i was grounded,all my mates parents did similar.for me not enough parents now do similar kids weren,t angels,but they new the rules,an thats what lifes all about really.also i would never go home @ tell me mam @dad if i'd (been caned at school,or clipped round the lughole with a bobby)cos i would get another clout at home.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 09-04-2005, 23:26   #13
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Re: Discipline

a slap may be enough for upto the age of 10 but when your dealing with teenagers pain is nessecary

i use to get whacked with a slipper of my mum which is now child abuse

hell my mother would be serving life right now if the laws that are in force today were about when i was a kid

how many people have grand parents who are disrespectfull and have been in and out of crime all their lives or go around spray painting walls etc

verry few if any and they used to get beaten with belts , caines and worse yet they survived and isnt it funny how people of today wish we had the life they had when they were younger

leave doors open all day without been robbed

walk down the street not fearing if the group of kids coming towards you are going to mug or spit on you

a police man walking a beat

many more things we want but are not prepared to do a damn thing about it apart from say things like

its not their fault their misunderstood or come from a poor family

the simple fact is kids are not hit enough today and if they knew to expect a good whallop off a slipper or belt they would think twice about vandalising a wall or somones car etc

there is a fine line between child abuse and punishement but that line has been moved so far towards the lenient side the punishment you are allowed to dish out is not worth anything and most likely only get the response of them rolling their eyes at you as if to say is that all you got

hitting a child with a slipper for vandalising a car is not child abuse

hitting a child with a slipper for no reason is child abuse
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Old 10-04-2005, 10:45   #14
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Re: Discipline

I agree with what your saying folks, But,the people that make the laws say "kids have rights" "people have rights" and until THEY the law makers are effected by this "Human rights culture",they don't live in the real world,they never get robbed attacked etc,and until "They" do, and learn that yobs are having young yobs with "RIGHTS", what we say won't mean anything, and it will only get much worse in the future before anythings done!!!
Make mine a PINT.......

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Old 10-04-2005, 11:52   #15
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Re: Discipline

lol it will get so bad we will have to hire profesional hit men to punish our children

wash mouth out with soapy water £20
clip around the earhole £50
smack with a slipper £70

and for gods sake make it look like an accident

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