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Old 18-06-2010, 23:01   #16
God Member


Re: Disgusted.

On the subject of spitting , is there really any need to footballers to do it so often? It has quite turned my stomach during the world cup games and these are the people are young folk look up to, is it any wonder they think it is acceptable?
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Old 18-06-2010, 23:04   #17
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Re: Disgusted.

That's a good point. I've commented on that a few times to hubby while watching the world cup
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Old 18-06-2010, 23:04   #18
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Re: Disgusted.

Unfortunately all manners and respect have gone completely out of the window.
I work at the local College and every day come across people who think that spitting and foul language is the normal thing to do.
Only today I told a couple of students that the language was not acceptable and I also stood in the smoking area with students who just spit constantly (and I do tell them but it makes no difference)
Amazingly if the parents of these kids knew what language they were using and how they were behaving they would all deny it immediately but it is happening and will continue to do so.
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Old 18-06-2010, 23:15   #19
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Re: Disgusted.

Originally Posted by anzac View Post
Unfortunately all manners and respect have gone completely out of the window.
I work at the local College and every day come across people who think that spitting and foul language is the normal thing to do.
Only today I told a couple of students that the language was not acceptable and I also stood in the smoking area with students who just spit constantly (and I do tell them but it makes no difference)
Amazingly if the parents of these kids knew what language they were using and how they were behaving they would all deny it immediately but it is happening and will continue to do so.
There to my mind is the root of it all, whilst the parents may not spit n swear themselves, the little "Darlings" can do no wrong in their eyes n they are too thick to see it.
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Old 18-06-2010, 23:40   #20
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Re: Disgusted.

Originally Posted by suedarbo View Post
He was mad because it wasn't the first time. The first time she sneezed in his face on purpose.
Have these kids got any manners?
Hit the nail on the head.. some kids do have basic manners but some don't.. I'm not to sure that it's any different now than it was say 40yrs or so ago.. some teens are just plain bad but the vast majority are just the normal, lazy, good for nothing ******* that make this country great!
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Old 19-06-2010, 09:27   #21
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Re: Disgusted.

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
There to my mind is the root of it all, whilst the parents may not spit n swear themselves, the little "Darlings" can do no wrong in their eyes n they are too thick to see it.
In fact I think your wrong there cashy, its probably their parents where they learnt it from in the first place mate
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Old 26-06-2010, 12:32   #22
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Re: Disgusted.

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
'In most cases, spitting if done deliberately will be an assault.'
Mmmm these days if a member of the public tries to put someone right over things like spitting and dog fouling it can backfire. There are many cases of people getting themselves into trouble for standing up to these sort of people. It happened to me.

I told a woman who had 2 big aggressive dogs to stop fouling a community garden where I live, about 10 day latter I was visited by the Police and served a letter accusing me of harassing the woman: she made up a pack of lies and they believe it! WHAT MAD POLICING THIS IS? What happened to me is a result of the Labour Looney Politically Correct Policing and it's happened to many other people also who try and put minor criminals right!

There is no longer respect for elders becasue of the politically correct Labour Policy.

Last edited by kestrelx; 26-06-2010 at 12:42.
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Old 26-06-2010, 13:35   #23
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Re: Disgusted.

Were they in england tops by any chance? The day of the england match, walking down to eastgate? because they may go to my school.

Sarah Louise :dummy : !!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 27-06-2010, 12:30   #24
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Re: Disgusted.

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
...some kids do have basic manners but some don't.. I'm not to sure that it's any different now than it was say 40yrs or so ago..
You're right - they're's always been good and bad, it's just 40 years ago the bad were the minority...

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
...its probably their parents where they learnt it from in the first place mate
Not all the time - I know of many families where their children are a disaster area but the parents are really pleasant people, they've just no idea how to bring up their children.

I blame the grandparents. Somewhere along the line, we've forgotten how to teach our children how to be responsible parents.

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Old 27-06-2010, 13:20   #25
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Re: Disgusted.

Originally Posted by Studio25 View Post
You're right - they're's always been good and bad, it's just 40 years ago the bad were the minority...

Not all the time - I know of many families where their children are a disaster area but the parents are really pleasant people, they've just no idea how to bring up their children.

I blame the grandparents. Somewhere along the line, we've forgotten how to teach our children how to be responsible parents.
Well I blame Henry the eighth myself, we can go on and on with the blame game, its up to parents to bring up their kids nobody else, its just that today some parents, not all, don't give a monkeys what their kids are doing so long as it don't interfere with their nights in the pub and their packs of ciggies
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Old 27-06-2010, 13:34   #26
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Re: Disgusted.

Just to reiterate what I've just posted above, my other half has just been to the coop shop for me, on returning she tells me of this little lad about 5 or six year old terrorising pedestrians on the pavement with his bike, i.e. everybody jumping out of the little tow rags way, on her way back she's confronted with this little brat, but Joan ain't for moving and stands her ground, the brat then shouts at her get out the Effing way, I beg your pardon, I'll wash your mouth out with soapy water, F off and get out the way, Joan is unmoved, just then out pops mum, fag in hand, rollers up, its about time somebody stood up to him she says, Joan says its called parental control love, which apparently is one skill you have failed to acquire, mum drags kid in of the bike, score one for the good guys, boom boom
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Old 27-06-2010, 20:49   #27
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Re: Disgusted.

yes i don,t like that my self.
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Old 28-06-2010, 08:41   #28
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Re: Disgusted.

I don't like spitting and I agree it's down to the parents.

But sometimes you wonder what chance we stand - pretty much every player on the pitch during yesterday's match was seen spitting. My daughter asked me why they did it? I did the whole explanation thing about them having too much saliva in their mouths because they were running around a lot and it's not nice but it seems to be necessary for footballers - but all the time I was thinking 'you could swallow it'.

You don't see tennis players gobbing on the courts, or golfers, or runners, or anyone else. But our most over paid, easily recognised sportsmen do it all the time - some example they're setting.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 28-06-2010, 08:51   #29
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Re: Disgusted.

thats fair comment gayle, lord snooty i aint, but thats summat even i dont like.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 28-06-2010, 09:24   #30
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Re: Disgusted.

Originally Posted by Gayle View Post
I don't like spitting and I agree it's down to the parents.

But sometimes you wonder what chance we stand - pretty much every player on the pitch during yesterday's match was seen spitting. My daughter asked me why they did it? I did the whole explanation thing about them having too much saliva in their mouths because they were running around a lot and it's not nice but it seems to be necessary for footballers - but all the time I was thinking 'you could swallow it'.

You don't see tennis players gobbing on the courts, or golfers, or runners, or anyone else. But our most over paid, easily recognised sportsmen do it all the time - some example they're setting.
Tennis players get a rest every two minutes, golfers are out for a stroll, I have seen long distance runners (marathon) spiting out after taking on water, as for footballers swallowing their spit, dern't go down that road really
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