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Old 07-08-2008, 16:38   #31
Resting in Peace
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Re: displeased.

Originally Posted by ozzypostie View Post
im sorry but i have to defend us postal workers a bit we knock on the door to get rid of the packages, the last thing we want is to be carrying dead weight around with us all day.
if your on the first part of the round and this happends we have to try and squeeze it in our bulging other 7 bags.
ive knocked on doors, rang bells several times waited for 5 mins and moved on only to be called back 5 mins after that with "oy postie" its very annoying.

we deliver to about 1000 homes so when you get letters through the post from someone who lived there 9 years ago and complain to us often sending the letters back with abuse jotted all over the letter you must realise we just deliver we dont send.

mistakes do happen were only human and if you ring the number on the card we will re deliver it for you the next day free of charge even to the inconveinance of the postie who has already tried to deliver previously but you will be surprised how manty times we redeliver and theres still no answer.

im refering to the foot posties here not the vans drivers .but i feel all posties are being tared with the same brush here the vast majority of posties in accrington take pride in delivering all mail correctly and im one of them!
I can see your point OP but can you explain why, when there is a letter with insufficient postage on it (I don't know what was wrong with the old chaging rates)the postie puts a card through the door and definately doesn't knock. This has happenedto me on numerous occasions and its very annoying to say the least
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Old 07-08-2008, 19:33   #32
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Re: displeased.

probably because the postie isn't allowed to take monies off people. Quite sensible when you think about it, stops any accusations of falsly obtaining funds, or failing to collect the right monies.
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Old 07-08-2008, 20:42   #33
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Re: displeased.

I hope my new pc via citylink turns out ok tomorrow.

At Uni my deliveries never even came as far as my Block! Thats the first locked door but they never even attempted, always give them to Warden and if the warden wasnt in (most days since hes a lecturer) they'd just post a card and leave. I had to start watching out my window for hours if I knew they were coming so i could run to the wardens office.. haha.
formerly cyfr
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Old 07-08-2008, 21:56   #34
Full Member

Re: displeased.

the card you get through the post comes from the delivery office desk were you owe money for underpaid items so wont be delivered until payed, ocassional some slip through the net and you get it for free if its not picked up by the system.
so theres no point knocking as we dont have anything for you.
you have to collect or leave it depends how important it is you may also get a reciept if you wish to take it up with the sender for any lost monies
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Old 07-08-2008, 22:52   #35
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Re: displeased.

I love it when i try to deliver stuff and the people are not in. My company rings me and says can you go back to 69 etc etc street they need it desperatly. Yes i will. But ill leave it till last. if they are not in and they need it then its your own fault no point in crying about it if you was in or not.
Used to be known as Aleks, Tadah and Silvermain.

Last edited by Mick; 08-08-2008 at 05:01. Reason: bad language
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Old 07-08-2008, 22:56   #36
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Re: displeased.

Originally Posted by Aleks View Post
I love it when i try to deliver stuff and the people are not in. My company rings me and says can you go back to 69 etc etc street they need it desperatly. Yes i will. But ill leave it till last. if they are not in and they need it then its your own fault no point in crying about it if you was in or not.
Full of sense as ever Aleks.
I was not pleased because the postie did not knock on my door. He/she just left a card, which isn't on.
Ozzyposie - I haven't complained about any other postie apart from the incompetent, ignorant and lazy postie that I had the displeasure of handling my property.

Last edited by Mick; 08-08-2008 at 05:02. Reason: bad language
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Old 08-08-2008, 00:57   #37
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Re: displeased.

Originally Posted by Aleks View Post
I love it when i try to deliver stuff and the people are not in. My company rings me and says can you go back to 69 etc etc street they need it desperatly. Yes i will. But ill leave it till last. if they are not in and they need it then its your own fault no point in crying about it if you was in or not.
I Am really disappointed when I am unable to deliver a parcel and try and leave it with a neighbour or at least be as helpful as I can.
If I can return on my way back I will only be to pleased to help.
The customer is always right and I will do my best to promote the good intension's of my employer.
I realise that without customers I will be out of a job.

Is that what you meant?

Last edited by Mick; 08-08-2008 at 05:03. Reason: quoteing bad language
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Old 08-08-2008, 10:09   #38
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Re: displeased.

Originally Posted by ozzypostie View Post
the card you get through the post comes from the delivery office desk were you owe money for underpaid items so wont be delivered until payed, ocassional some slip through the net and you get it for free if its not picked up by the system.
so theres no point knocking as we dont have anything for you.
you have to collect or leave it depends how important it is you may also get a reciept if you wish to take it up with the sender for any lost monies
Thanks for that postie, but I still think its a nonsense, that items are judged on size as well as weight, I hadabout three of these cards through my door at xmas and they were all xmas cards, two had 1st class stamps on them, but according to the GPO list were about half an inch to long
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Old 09-08-2008, 10:19   #39
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Re: displeased.

a lot of what royal mail does is nonsence im afraid this isnt the posties fault its the people who get paid mega money to come up with all these stupid changes to save or make more money for themselves.
when we striked last year due to all these changes and not just the pay increase we should of got, The big cheifs at the top who said the company was struggling took a bonus of 2 million maybe more im not sure. These are the people who are ruining what was once a fine oiled machine that was the envy of europe and now well time will tell.
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Old 09-08-2008, 13:57   #40
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Re: displeased.

Had this problem a couple of times,card through the door saying we called but you weren't in when we most definately were!
Annoying when you have to traipse to the post office to collect it.
Also keep getting peoples mail from the road across the street from the flats we live in and for people that lived in this flat before me and i've lived here for 8 years now!
Not really having a go at posties,i'm sure the majority do as good a job as they possibly can but a minority are spoiling it as well as the bosses.
Diesels' Wife!!
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Old 09-08-2008, 14:39   #41
Resting in Peace
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Re: displeased.

Originally Posted by ozzypostie View Post
a lot of what royal mail does is nonsence im afraid this isnt the posties fault its the people who get paid mega money to come up with all these stupid changes to save or make more money for themselves.
when we striked last year due to all these changes and not just the pay increase we should of got, The big cheifs at the top who said the company was struggling took a bonus of 2 million maybe more im not sure. These are the people who are ruining what was once a fine oiled machine that was the envy of europe and now well time will tell.
With you on that one,the street postmen &women do a remarkable job and from my experience are always well oiled.
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