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Old 06-09-2007, 18:12   #16
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Re: DNA Yea or Nay?

Originally Posted by Less View Post
I am absolutely for yes it's one area that if your profile is known you should be less likely to abuse someone else, we have the technology the only people that will be frightened are those that otherwise would be tempted.

Although, to make it work, I think there would have to be re-assurances that DNA samples weren't used to check for passed crimes when given voluntarily, only crimes that happen after the sample is taken, (not because I have anything to hide, just to start with a level playing field and to keep us all in order).
i'm in favour of it no question, what i am not in favour of is a Rapist,or Murderer being able to voluntary give a sample then being IMMUNE from prosecution. that to me is 1 sure fire way of getting away with yer crime.
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Old 06-09-2007, 18:16   #17
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Re: DNA Yea or Nay?

And Judge Sedley has suggested that EVERYONE...even visitors to this country should have their DNA put onto this database....think of the logistical problems that this would create.

According to one article I read recently, the UK has the biggest DNA database in the world, yet we still have a large proportion of unsolved crime....some how the arguments don't stack me an old cynic, but might there be an ulterior motive?
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Old 06-09-2007, 18:17   #18
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Re: DNA Yea or Nay?

i have no problems with giving dna
we are all on file from birth one more
line on your record wont make any difference
its just

like i've never been gone
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Old 06-09-2007, 18:19   #19
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Angry Re: DNA Yea or Nay?

Originally Posted by Gayle View Post
Obviously Jambutty hasn't been online this afternoon or I'm pretty sure we would have had his views on this subject by now.
I’ve been busy battling a load of cretins on another forum. You don't want to know which. But thanks for the mention Gayle.

No! No and thrice NO!

On no account should every single person in the country be DNA sampled without just cause. That is convicted of a crime. It wouldn’t do a great deal for solving a crime. After all many criminals do not leave a DNA sample at the scene.

Imagine the situation. You return your hire car/van/lorry and the person who hires it next is involved in some criminal activity using the vehicle. Your DNA is in that car but you were alone in bed at the time the crime was committed. Circumstantially you could be the one that the police are looking for because the real crook has arranged himself a nice alibi.

One of the arguments against hanging is that an innocent person may get hanged and it goes on that it is better that ten criminals go free rather than one innocent person being hanged. The same applies to DNA sampling.

I understand that the proposal would also include visitors to this country. Now that should speed up disembarkation at airports, seaports etc. But that aside the thought of the government having a database of everyone’s DNA has Orwellian overtones. I won’t even go down the computer security path. Then there is always the dishonest official with legitimate access to the database who fancies earning a bit on the side.

The “if you have nothing to hide” argument doesn’t wash with me at all. The majority of the people in this country have nothing criminal to hide but they do have private lives, with the operative word being private.
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Old 06-09-2007, 18:23   #20
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Re: DNA Yea or Nay?

Well said Jambutty. Every word a gem.

What happened to innocent until proven guilty......with a DNA databank i think you would be guilty until you could be proved innocent.
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Old 06-09-2007, 18:25   #21
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Re: DNA Yea or Nay?

it would definately be a detterant (sp)
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Old 06-09-2007, 18:30   #22
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Angry Re: DNA Yea or Nay?

We are already guilty until we can prove our innocence with on the spot fines. The policeman/warden or whoever becomes prosecution, witness, judge and jury all rolled into one.

A deterrent flashytart? They said that about fingerprints. So how come our crime figures are beyond belief.
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Old 06-09-2007, 18:30   #23
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Re: DNA Yea or Nay?

Flashy, the only thing that would be a deterrent is for the country's judiciary to impose meaningful sentences.

Look at the guy who murdered his wife and children...he was given three life sentences..,,,,, which prison did they accommodate him in.....why an open prison of course. He was allowed to work outside the prison, to use his car to get to this job.....he assisted a group of other prisoners to escape and yet he is only going to serve a maximum of 13 years....or 4 years and 4 months for each person that he killed....not much of a deterrent is it?
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Old 06-09-2007, 18:31   #24
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Re: DNA Yea or Nay?

How would you feel if you were the family of those who had been killed by this man??????
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Old 06-09-2007, 18:45   #25
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Re: DNA Yea or Nay?

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Flashy, the only thing that would be a deterrent is for the country's judiciary to impose meaningful sentences
agree completely about that, but am still in favour of dna samples, you got to catch em before you can sentence em, i would be happy for the dna to be a starting point, PROPER sentancing should then soon follow, i hope.
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Old 06-09-2007, 18:54   #26
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Re: DNA Yea or Nay?

mp i was on about the dna, sorry if it was read wrong
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Old 06-09-2007, 18:56   #27
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Re: DNA Yea or Nay?

Cashy, you can hope all you like, but with jails already busting at the seams, I think that realistic sentencing is just a pipe dream.

If DNA was so useful in getting crimes solved.......then why aren't more crimes being solved? I said previously we have the largest DNA database in the world(allegedly).
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Old 06-09-2007, 18:58   #28
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Re: DNA Yea or Nay?

If this system for combatting crime was to work, then the government would have to start thinking about buying space in foreign jails to accommodate all the criminals.
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Old 06-09-2007, 19:00   #29
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Re: DNA Yea or Nay?

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
If this system for combatting crime was to work, then the government would have to start thinking about buying space in foreign jails to accommodate all the criminals.

or maybe build more jails?

surely it would make it easier to catch criminals if this dna testing went ahead?
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Old 06-09-2007, 19:02   #30
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Re: DNA Yea or Nay?

Originally Posted by flashytart View Post
mp i was on about the dna, sorry if it was read wrong
Maybe I misunderstood you there, but I still don't think having given DNA would be any kind of deterrent Flashy.

And giving DNA would perhaps compromise the security of individuals.
It would certainly infringe personal privacy.....and once you have voluntarily given that up then you are no better than a slave.
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