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Old 07-09-2007, 14:39   #91
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Re: DNA Yea or Nay?

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
What! Is no one going to argue about the above?

Or does it destroy once and for all the “if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear” myth?
bowing to your superior knowledge
but didnt many countries know what was going on within germany
prior to the start of the war camps .. extermination etc
and didnt hitler get rid of the people that held the purse strings
albeit within a black economy jews and gypsies held untold wealth
aquired from germany that hitler wanted back.. not a lot to do with dna
its just

like i've never been gone
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Old 07-09-2007, 15:26   #92
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Re: DNA Yea or Nay?

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
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You and others may agree with this Draconian idea but future generations won’t thank you for allowing it to happen.
knocking new technology is far more Draconian to me, the "Luddites" did that over 100 years ago. i believe that anything new that has the "Potential" to do good should be given at least a fair trial. anything is open to "Fiddle" always has been,always will be.
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Old 07-09-2007, 17:46   #93
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Re: DNA Yea or Nay?

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
That is only a short step away from testing in the womb.

The spectre of Naziism rears its ugly head.

Hate to burst your neo-Nazi conspiracy theory, but most women in the western world already have tests at between 11-20 weeks of their pregnancy, to check for things like Down's syndrome and spina bifida, amongst other things.
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Old 07-09-2007, 17:51   #94
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Angry Re: DNA Yea or Nay?

Originally Posted by beechy View Post
bowing to your superior knowledge
but didnt many countries know what was going on within germany
prior to the start of the war camps .. extermination etc
and didnt hitler get rid of the people that held the purse strings
albeit within a black economy jews and gypsies held untold wealth
aquired from germany that hitler wanted back.. not a lot to do with dna
As far as I am aware no one knew outside of Germany until WWII was well under way.

Hitler got rid of non Aryans who, had the technology been available then, would have been identified by DNA. At first the Jews were allowed to leave and those who could did. Many Jews managed to escape the Holocaust because they didn’t look sufficiently like Jews but a DNA test would have been conclusive as it would have been for any race and even mixed races.

It would have been all to do with DNA had testing DNA been known about at the time.

No one is knocking technology cashman just the use that it is being put to.

Using DNA garinda???
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Old 07-09-2007, 18:00   #95
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Re: DNA Yea or Nay?

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
As far as I am aware no one knew outside of Germany until WWII was well under way.
'The various steps taken by the Nazis prior to the "Final Solution" were all taken publicly and were, therefore, reported in the press. Foreign correspondents commented on all the major anti-Jewish actions taken by the Nazis in Germany, Austria, and Czechoslovakia prior to World War II.'

36 Questions About the Holocaust (19-29)

It's also a fact that the clean up in Berlin of all anti-semitic persecution, was reported in the British press in 1936, prior to the Olympic games held that year.
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Old 07-09-2007, 18:09   #96
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Re: DNA Yea or Nay?

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
You and others may agree with this Draconian idea but future generations won’t thank you for allowing it to happen.
Yes. A slippery slope for sure.
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Old 07-09-2007, 18:54   #97
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Re: DNA Yea or Nay?

Whatever next?

They'll be putting all our names, addresses, ages, and marital status, on a massive list, if we expect to vote.

That'll just be the start.

After that Dr. Mengle, oops...our G.P.'s, will have all our most intimate medical records at their disposal.
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Old 07-09-2007, 21:30   #98
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Angry Re: DNA Yea or Nay?

I accept that I didn’t make it clear enough but no one knew about the final solution until well into WWII apart from the Baltic states, Poland etc.

Obviously the much of the western world knew about the persecution of the Jews and other ethnic groups because they were arriving on their doorstep as immigrants.

My point in bringing up the Nazi scenario was to establish what humanity is capable of. A DNA database would just make it easier and probably more efficient. So to get back on topic and not get sidetracked by the Nazis………

The world is overcrowded now so who knows what the situation will be in ten, twenty, thirty years time. More overcrowded I guess. It doesn’t take great leap of imagination to suggest that the world’s ‘Final Solution’ would be to weed out the ‘undesirable’ and dispose of them. A DNA database would enable a government to highlight the ‘undesirable’.
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Old 25-09-2007, 07:24   #99
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Re: DNA Yea or Nay?

I watched Panorama last night,now even more convinced that DNA registration is a bit 'dodgy'.One of the talking heads said that DNA could easily be transferred to a place you would never visit,solely by a handshake.There was also evidence of planting DNA to frame a suspect.

Still a long way to go before I'd support this.
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Old 25-09-2007, 08:17   #100
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Re: DNA Yea or Nay?

i also watched panorama, and have changed my view completely, there was a guy in norfolk with no previous convictions,real bad "Parkinsons" was arrested for a burgalry in bolton,due to his DNA being found, the guy did not even know where bolton was, couldn,t have done it cos his condition wouldnt have allowed him to climb through the window (how the burgalar entered) he even offered a 2nd DNA sample which was checked at Birmingham (supposed to be the best in world according to panorama) it still came back it was him,people CAN have the same DNA, also mistakes can be made, its also a fact that if you shake hands with someone,they go to a place n commit a crime, YOUR DNA can be left there n you never even been, how the hell do you get out of that? my view now is anyone Convicted of a crime should have DNA placed on record, after that it should be voluntery for the public.
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Old 25-09-2007, 08:47   #101
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Re: DNA Yea or Nay?

Originally Posted by jambutty
. Many Jews managed to escape the Holocaust because they didn’t look sufficiently like Jews but a DNA test would have been conclusive
How can DNA determine what religion a person is?
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Old 25-09-2007, 09:16   #102
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Cool Re: DNA Yea or Nay?

Originally Posted by yerself View Post
How can DNA determine what religion a person is?
DNA cannot tell what religion a person favours. But it can determine race.

I didn’t watch Panorama last night having got hooked on Dispatches on Channel 4, which was on at the same time. It was a tale of how, over the years, MP’s set up Parliamentary rules that allowed them to get their snouts deeper in the trough. But that issue belongs in another thread not here.

However it is comforting that some people (the if you have nothing to hid you have nothing to fear people) are now rapidly changing their minds about a national DNA database for all.

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Old 25-09-2007, 09:25   #103
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Re: DNA Yea or Nay?

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
I didn’t watch Panorama last night having got hooked on Dispatches on Channel 4, which was on at the same time. It was a tale of how, over the years, MP’s set up Parliamentary rules that allowed them to get their snouts deeper in the trough. But that issue belongs in another thread not here.
That sounds interesting, Jambutty. Are you going to tell us more (in another thread, of course)?
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Old 25-09-2007, 09:35   #104
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Re: DNA Yea or Nay?

Originally Posted by Lampman View Post
There was also evidence of planting DNA to frame a suspect.

Hasn't planting evidence by bent coppers always been in place then ?
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Old 25-09-2007, 10:18   #105
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Cool Re: DNA Yea or Nay?

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris View Post
That sounds interesting, Jambutty. Are you going to tell us more (in another thread, of course)?
Recent memory not being my strong point I cannot give details but maybe the Channel 4 web site will have something.

However the programme is repeated at 3.45am on Thursday. They actually mean Friday early morning.

I’ll have a look after I come back from the dentists. Yes I do have an NHS dentist.

As in all walks of life lancsdave there are rogues but once upon a time the police were not subject to performance tables and thus there was no pressure to plant evidence, although I must have happened now and then.

Today is a different story. There is a greater incentive to bend the rules so that the success rate can be enhanced.
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Last edited by jambutty; 25-09-2007 at 10:23.
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