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View Poll Results: Do the Scots REALLY want Independance
Yes 1 8.33%
No 11 91.67%
Voters: 12. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 02-08-2010, 18:48   #1
Senior Member+

Do the Scots REALLY want Independance?

While the towns of Northern England slowly slide into dereliction and jobs disappear down the deserted mine shafts,suitcases full of our money continue to fly past us, slowing down only as they cross the border and settle in the Scottish Parliament.
The English currently subsidise Scotland to the tune of 4.5 billion pounds(that's 4,500,000,000 of those coins in your pocket or purse,imagine how heavy those suitcases must be).Source-Telegraph,1/02/10.That means every person in Scotland gets over £1500 of every English persons tax-no wonder there isn't much left for us!
Free prescriptions, free OAP care,free university tuition(I read a while ago that any student from the EEC would get it if selected,except English students,can anyone confirm that?)half the working population employed in the public sector etc.etc.
The money is shared out according to the Barnett Formula(set in 1978). He was Treasury Chief Secretary and has said for several years it is now unfair.Quote-'I didn't create this formula to give Scotland an advantage over the rest of the country'.So why did he create it?
So do the Scots REALLY want Independance? They have given us some of our best engineers and scientists and are a lovely,friendly people but most of all they are 'canny' about money. Would you want to loose all that money?
By the way forget the argument about 'Scottish oil'.It's UK oil and even if they got the whole of the revenues it wouldn't cover the subsidy.
Can we do a poll on which of us think Scotland should be given Independance IMMEDIATLY?Perhaps now we haven't got a Scottish Chancellor/Prime Minister and not quite as many Scottish ministers someone might listen.
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Old 02-08-2010, 18:52   #2
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Re: Do the Scots REALLY want Independance?

ya can start a poll on it Gordon if ya want.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 02-08-2010, 18:55   #3
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Re: Do the Scots REALLY want Independance?

This could be interesting. Will wait and see how it develops before I chip in my tuppence worth.

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Old 02-08-2010, 18:57   #4
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Re: Do the Scots REALLY want Independance?

Sorry, cashman, I don't know how to do that(still in learning mode).But it would be interesting if someone else did.
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Old 02-08-2010, 19:02   #5
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Re: Do the Scots REALLY want Independance?

I don't think they really do, most of the Scots understand the benefits of being part of the union, it's only those who get their version of history from that famous Scotsman, Mel MacGibson bashing the wicked English, oh hang on a minute ..... No he's an American aye "Patriot" & all that bashing the wicked English.
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Old 02-08-2010, 19:03   #6
I am Banned

Re: Do the Scots REALLY want Independance?

If Scotland has its own parliment why are there Scottish MP's in ours, are English MP's allowed to sit in this Scottish parliment.
If they want there own parliment then they should fund it from Scottish taxes and be dammed quick about it. Same wit leeks as well

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Old 02-08-2010, 19:26   #7
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Re: Do the Scots REALLY want Independance?

Surely the question should be "Do the English want independence from those parasitic, shirt-wearing, whinging, drunken layabouts north of the border?"
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Old 02-08-2010, 19:30   #8
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Re: Do the Scots REALLY want Independance?

Kixck the Bstds out - they have their own parliament, so everything else should be theirs - no more subsidies from England, Passports required, ability to speak English - and no more Porridge Gobblers as Members of the English Parliament - look what Blair and Brown have done to us - Never looked into Capt Darling's origins - but can you imagine his roots in Ossy?
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Old 02-08-2010, 19:40   #9
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Re: Do the Scots REALLY want Independance?

I think you should perhaps ask a true Scot what he wants:-

(His answer is about 8 minutes 20 sec into this clip).

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Old 02-08-2010, 19:55   #10
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Re: Do the Scots REALLY want Independance?

While we're at it, it would be a good idea to get rid of Wales, Yorkshire and Tyneside - all a miserable, useless bunch of animal abusers, child torturers and general imbeciles.
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Old 02-08-2010, 20:04   #11
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Re: Do the Scots REALLY want Independance?

'Freedom'? How about Fairness? I would actually vote against Scottish Independence, we are one nation and need to stick together in this big wicked world.Also during governments love affair with the 'city' Scottish industries were allowed to whither away just like those of the north of England.Queen Mary 2 built in France! Queen Victoria in Italy! Scotland had the biggest and best shipyards in the world once.All gone.
But fairness? We continue to fund Alex Salmonds massive spending sprees and he continues to frighten us into it. Come the crunch I doubt even he would want to cut totally free, he'd want Independence WITH subsidies!
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Old 02-08-2010, 20:05   #12
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Re: Do the Scots REALLY want Independance?

Might regret this but;

Retlaw they have devolved powers only certain powers are held by Westminster. The MP's are at Westminster are there to vote on the sections that they have no devolved powers over. The argument about Scots MPs voting on English matters shouldnt do but while they can they will. Before the devolution of powers to Scotland Northern Ireland and Wales English MP's could band together to squash anything that these countries wanted. Now the shoe is on the other foot it suddenly unpleasent. We up here can raise tax if required by 3 pence in the pound which might cover some of the shortfall.

Tealeaf the vote over independence for Scotland would also require one in the rest of the UK to get rid of them.

Barrie you could split the UK by kicking out Scotland but what about Wales and Northern Ireland? We also do not have the same problems with minorities as England has as they are not allowed to "getto" the same way as down there.

Gordon if Scotland left the UK the UK waters would not include the majority of the oil fields. That makes the UK oil slightly invalid. You can have the nukes as well.

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Old 02-08-2010, 20:12   #13
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Re: Do the Scots REALLY want Independance?

SPUGGIE J. My point was the TOTAL revenues of the oil fields do NOT cover the subsidy.Nowhere near.If as you suggest not all but some of them could be claimed by Scotland the Scots would be in an even worse position.
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Old 02-08-2010, 20:50   #14
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Re: Do the Scots REALLY want Independance?

Originally Posted by Gordon Booth View Post
SPUGGIE J. My point was the TOTAL revenues of the oil fields do NOT cover the subsidy.Nowhere near.If as you suggest not all but some of them could be claimed by Scotland the Scots would be in an even worse position.

The thing is a lot of them still think that there is a lot of money coming in. They have habit at looking at how Norway benefited from oil. The biggest problem is that there is a large wad of bodies on benefits up here a larger proportion per 1000 then in England. Hollyrood could raise taxes up here for Scottish services but wont. The best way of describing it at the moment is a case of a Mexican stand off with Russian roulette thrown in. Me I am happy as it stands but can see both sides of the argument. And yes the Scots would be worse off.
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Old 02-08-2010, 22:23   #15
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Re: Do the Scots REALLY want Independance?

dont believe the gutter press spin and alex salmond he is an ass.most people i know want to keep the union and are proud to be part of the union.both countries most successful eras have been when there has been a union both countries would be weaker without the union..
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