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13-03-2018, 08:14
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Do We Boycott Vlad The Bads World Cup
Good morning one and all. Well here is today’s curve ball. With Vlad The Bad flexing his KGB/FSB muscles when he is not riding bears bare chested or taking -6 ice baths is right or fair that we boycott his World Cup given events in Salisbury. To put this into context the world has changed in relation to politicians. Where France and Canada have gone very liberal social leaders the USA has elected DT who despite many people views outside the USA is proving very popular with many in the US. Vlad is a different kettle of fish. He is well supported by the hard liners in Russia he is seen as the guy who pulled Russia back from the brink and is seen by many in and out of Russia as someone who is putting Russia for all the wrong reasons back in a strong position on the world stage.
Vlad Facts. Increased Russia’s defence spending to 5% of GDP. Rearming and reequipping the Russian military. Crimea and Syria where he made Barrack Obama look positively indecisive and limp wristed.cyber attacks the list goes on. And now Salisbury. Vlad and his henchmen S are looking like the chief suspects for taking a chemical dump and putting lives at risk in our green and pleasant land. So what do we do sanctions, visa refusals, hit him in the pocket. Yes they hurt butRussia has always been short on love and happy to let the masses suffer for the benefit of the few. Calls are now out to boycott his World Cup. Is it viable and what will it achieve? The English team haven’t won one piece of silver since 66 a tradition if the go I am sure will continue so what message does not going send. If it were Brazil, Argentina or Germany it would have more impact or if lots of teams failed to appear then yes but as it stands if England don’t turn up I fear they won’t be missed and as such would be a pointless gesture.
" In a battle of wits it is unfair of me to fight an unarmed man"
13-03-2018, 09:25
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Re: Do We Boycott Vlad The Bads World Cup
would only be an impact if all countries boycotted it. one or two whoever they are would make no difference whatsoever.
13-03-2018, 09:32
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Re: Do We Boycott Vlad The Bads World Cup
Absolutely right Monkey. A whole boycott would be far more effective as a political slap in the face
" In a battle of wits it is unfair of me to fight an unarmed man"
13-03-2018, 10:30
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Do We Boycott Vlad The Bads World Cup
Think it would be totally ineffective if just England boycotted it, "All or Nothing" imho. also think a Cyber attack would be stupid.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
13-03-2018, 14:44
Beacon of light
Re: Do We Boycott Vlad The Bads World Cup
The only way to deal with something of this nature is to chuck out the Russian Oligarchs from the capital and confiscate their property...bought with dirty roubles anyway.(proceeds of crime act would cover it)
What we have to remember is that it would be very easy for the Russkies to turn off our gas supplies...where would we be then eh!
Unless the whole world unites against the gangster that is Russia, then it will all be worthless.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
13-03-2018, 15:02
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Re: Do We Boycott Vlad The Bads World Cup
The whole oligarch thing has become a political bomb that’s ended up due to recent events on Theresa Mays desk. Ironically it was His Tonyness and The Joker that opened up London to the world. In the 90s an awful lot of money came into London which is where most of it stayed. Property prices soared and there was a national property boom in the early 2000s on the back of that. I don’t think at the time too many questions were asked of these oligarchs and of where and how they made their money but it seemed to me if they were anti Vlad they were in. I suppose in some places it was thought the enemy of my enemy is my friend. They now appear to donate to the Conservative party coffers which has been questioned by Comrade Corbin and although I’m no fan of his I feel any money recieved should be handed back and future donations refused. As for a cyber attack on Russia which is one of the things being thrown around the corridors of power I think we have let the cat out of the bag on that one.
" In a battle of wits it is unfair of me to fight an unarmed man"
13-03-2018, 18:02
Beacon of light
Re: Do We Boycott Vlad The Bads World Cup
BJ...think you are right.
Well, it is alleged that these rich Russians have donated money, but Jeremy Corbyn is in no real position to stir the pot on donations.
It seems to me that this reprehensible man is an opportunist and tries to make political mileage on any issue as long as it throws crap at the tory party.
All of the parties have peed in the same pot...so none of them are blameless.
When retribution for what are seen as the crimes of the Russkies is being doled out, cyber attacks do not make much sense...we have as much to lose as the Russians...after all they control our power supplies.
what a foolish thing it was to sell of such essential services to foreign powers....Putin must be peeing himself with mirth.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
13-03-2018, 19:31
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Re: Do We Boycott Vlad The Bads World Cup
Cannot argue with that Margaret. A couple of years ago he threatened to turn off the gas supply to Germany as they were getting a bit too vocal. They supply gas and coal to most of Europe and as for here WEL! Last week a couple of days of cold weather and the national grid says we are running out of gas. I mean come on!
" In a battle of wits it is unfair of me to fight an unarmed man"
14-03-2018, 20:45
a multieloquent Mule
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Re: Do We Boycott Vlad The Bads World Cup
It will make no difference if we turn too or not, but if the rest of the european (NATO) teams do the same then maybe it'll draw some news coverage. But the big problem about trying to shove it up the Ruskies is the fact that the plums of most of the european countries are nestling in big Vlads iron mits! (gas & oil dependency) One little squeeze & the outraged europeans will be squealing like bitches & so effectively neutralized, ignored & put back in their boxes.
Added to all that, DisMays perceived hard stance "reeks" of deflection politics to my mind. It's strange that she can demand, threaten & even dismiss Ruskie diplomats within 24 hours, yet the eu wrangling is a constant hick-hack of dithering ineffectiveness & submission & lets not forget the ugly spectre of Telford & the ensuing enrichment has now been conveniently sidelined by this newest outrage!
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
14-03-2018, 22:07
Beacon of light
Re: Do We Boycott Vlad The Bads World Cup
Originally Posted by DaveinGermany
Added to all that, DisMays perceived hard stance "reeks" of deflection politics to my mind. It's strange that she can demand, threaten & even dismiss Ruskie diplomats within 24 hours, yet the eu wrangling is a constant hick-hack of dithering ineffectiveness & submission & lets not forget the ugly spectre of Telford & the ensuing enrichment has now been conveniently sidelined by this newest outrage!
She is doing the easy stuff first.
It is an easy task to summon 23 Russians and dispatch them off home(not that it will make an 'apporth' of difference to the situation).
And Son, you are spot on when you say that the Russians have us by the short and curlies...Putin must be peeing his pants....no not in fear, but laughing at the lily livered response.
Nothing will happen...he will just be say 'meh' to the expulsion.
The EU thing is a tangled mess of snakes...some of which sit in our own Parliament...and as for the Telford, Rotherham, Rochdale, Oxford (and all the other multitudinous places) where the grooming of young white girls has gone on...how do you think that can be tackled?
That is another great big can of worms.
The only way to deal with the grooming and sexual exploitation of children is to round up the perpetrators, plus every single member of their families and ship them off to where their descendants came from.
They see white girls as less than dirt on their shoes.
If these were young Muslim girls being treated in this manner by white men I think something would have been done about it...and it would have been bloody!
They might have been born here but they are not British...a pig born in a stable will never be a horse.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
15-03-2018, 08:42
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Re: Do We Boycott Vlad The Bads World Cup
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
They might have been born here but they are not British...a pig born in a stable will never be a horse.
or do they actually think they are british either. i know the majority will support their land of their patents or grandparents birth when they play test matches against england. although i was born in harlepool my mother was polish and even i do not think of myself as totally british even when the religeon{or lack of it in my case** is the same.
15-03-2018, 10:20
Beacon of light
Re: Do We Boycott Vlad The Bads World Cup
No, I am sure that they do not see themselves as British...though they chose(or their parents did) to come here.
That is a large part of the problem. They do not integrate, they will not make friends with a white person(unless they have something to gain from this 'friendship' and in my eyes friendships whose foundation is on a 'what's in it for me' basis are not true friendships)... and there is a name for this in the Koran...but I am blowed if I can bring it to mind right now.
You cannot tell me that there are people in the Muslim community who do not know this is going on...well, yes you can tell me, but I refuse to believe it.
I will believe there is a sea change when the Muslim community stand up and hand in the names of these reprehensible men...and then go on and set up support for the girls that have been led into drugs and sold of for sex to other men...that is when I will hold my hand up and say I am wrong...but it is NOT going to happen.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
15-03-2018, 19:02
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Do We Boycott Vlad The Bads World Cup
We will be going to the World Cup, but heard England will boycott the Knockout stages,  Not mine that, nicked it off another site. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
16-03-2018, 20:42
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Do We Boycott Vlad The Bads World Cup
Seems another Russian has been Strangled in London on monday, he was also on the list of Ruskies, No1 on it i believe, yet the authorities say there is NO CONNECTION with the Salisbury attempts!! To me they are completely GUTLESS, who else would have a reason to top him? The connection to me is both were on Putins list,they to me have just used a simple method with this one, to try to allay suspicion, after the balls up they made in Salisbury? But of coarse Prats like Corbyn will obviously object to such an accusation. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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