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Old 28-09-2008, 13:43   #31
Resting in Peace
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Re: Do You Feel Betrayed?

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
Does self relience come into this thread anywhere ? come into this life without the end you take nothing out ....anything in-between is what you make for yourself , the good and the bad
Forget the silver spoon crap , enough kids born in 2 up 2 downs with an outside lavvy have raised themselves up through either their own or their parents efforts to suceed in life without a crutch (see William Woodruff /Road to Nab End thread) .
I know what you mean Jack.
When I left school I had nothing - I've got twice as much now.
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Old 28-09-2008, 13:50   #32
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Re: Do You Feel Betrayed?

Originally Posted by polly View Post
One can be too careful in this life and that is often the reason things never get changed. Clearly your have missed out on the irony there based on the other thread.

Was eaga a registered not for profit company? If so it would have had rules about excessive profits being mad and not put back into the company.

Please explain what you mean about us not having access to the gas supply for this company, this is interesting
Eaga was set up as a non profit making company to issue the free grants, they have been questioned about the profits, and do the usual ducking and diving on the subject.
Our gas was north sea gas I believe, and am told that most of this is sold of to other countries, and we buy ours in from Russia, predominantly, at a much higher cost than we sell our north sea gas for, not sure about the politics regarding this, but we do pay much more for gas than we would have to do if the nationalised industries had remained that way, as it is, most of our resources are foreign owned and that, along with gulf wars, is th reason we are fleeced.
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
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Old 28-09-2008, 14:06   #33
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Re: Do You Feel Betrayed?


Very interesting if you h ave any further details on this issue please let me know.

However, I do feel this is an area were we must think out of the box
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Old 28-09-2008, 14:09   #34
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Re: Do You Feel Betrayed?

You could start here Polly. eaga | Media Centre | Latest News
Then there is this..
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?

Last edited by derekgas; 28-09-2008 at 14:12.
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Old 28-09-2008, 23:07   #35
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Re: Do You Feel Betrayed?

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
I don't understand why you can't get Job Seekers Allowance because my ex boyfriend dropped out of University at the end of last year, has never worked 40hrs a week in this country, though worked for about 9 months in Vietnam and he has signed on ok and he's certainly never worked 40hrs.

I can't get it because they say so. Who am to argue with the rules (even though I did put in an appeal and lost). It seems your ex could be getting Income Based Job Seekers Allowance or Income Support. Either way I can't get anything unless I try for DLA which I have tried for before and been refused 3 times. Apparently losing the use of your arm and being unable to cope with everyday tasks are not a disability. Blow that for a game of marbles. My stubborn nature will get me a job one way or another. I can be very tenacious when I want
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