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Old 26-09-2008, 23:15   #1
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mothernature's Avatar

Do You Feel Betrayed?

How many of you folks feel betrayed by this government of ours? I ask because I made the mistake of doing the right thing by my family by working around 30 hours per week (in several part-time jobs) for the last 18 years whilst a single parent. I didn't get involved with anyone until the kids had grown up because I thought it best to not cause disruption whilst the kids were growing up. I set up home with a guy 3 years ago and was working full time as a janitor of a big complex. I lost my job because of spondylosis of the spine and lo and behold I can't claim Job Seekers Allowance because my N.I. contributions are not enough(apparently you have to have worked 40 hours or more for a full 2 years). To add insult to inury, the job centre won't even help me to find a different job which would suit my inability to do certain jobs because I am not registered as disabled. Is it any wonder people don't want to work if this is the way you are treated. I am so angry and frustrated.
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Old 26-09-2008, 23:52   #2
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Re: Do You Feel Betrayed?

I don’t think that particularly this government has betrayed you, perhaps society in general. Folk who have disabilities in general terms seem to get the short end of the stick. Similarly folk who care for loved one’s.

I guess when you are open and honest and say to a prospective employer that you have health issues or tend to someone who has , then it must plant a seed of doubt as to what your attendance record might be like. I can understand it, it doesn’t make it right. People do make assumptions.

As for the Job Centre, steer clear, they are a bunch of ******* just going through the motions.

Good luck with your job search.
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Old 26-09-2008, 23:57   #3
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Re: Do You Feel Betrayed?

Make an appointment with the Welfare Rights they will point you in the right direction.
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Old 27-09-2008, 00:31   #4
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Re: Do You Feel Betrayed?

Agree with both above posts but it really annoys me that people should feel discriminated against in this way. Just another instance of people with genuine claims being made to feel a burden on the system!!! Welfare Rights is the way to go for advice, get in touch with them.
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Old 27-09-2008, 00:51   #5
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Re: Do You Feel Betrayed?

i felt betrayed the second tony blair went back on almost every single prommise he made during hsi election campaign that got labour back into power

you have a right to feel betrayed , you cant get help to find a job even though you are willing to work and worst of all your not entitled to certain benefits because you havnt paid enough national insurance but those who have never put a damn thing into the system yet alone lived in this country more than a week get everything

yup dontblame ya
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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Old 27-09-2008, 07:22   #6
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Re: Do You Feel Betrayed?

I was under the impression you could only claim Job Seekers allowance if you are available for any work ?

The jobcentre helping anyone find jobs is a long time removed from years ago when it was actually their function, having said that I don't know why anyone would want them to find them a job given the type of jobs they advertise on the jobcentre website.

You can be perfectly well and still struggle to find a job round here. Too experienced, not enough experience, wrong qualifications or skillset.
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Old 27-09-2008, 07:53   #7
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Re: Do You Feel Betrayed?

I feel betrayed;

They promised me I could retire at 60 now I find it is 63
They promised me a National Health Service but it is in tatters.
They promised me help if I or a family member should be ill, but now they tell me I earn too much for help with council tax, despite the fact husband is too ill too work
I could go on and on but won't
It is not just one government it is the whole system
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Old 27-09-2008, 08:05   #8
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Re: Do You Feel Betrayed?

Originally Posted by polly View Post
It is not just one government it is the whole system

True but is it not the various governments who put the systems in place ?

No matter how much we don't like it there is never going to be a one system fits all, but it would be good if the system treated those who want help or need help better than those who can't be bothered and use the system.
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Old 27-09-2008, 08:27   #9
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Re: Do You Feel Betrayed?

Just slightly off thread : i got a letter from the town hall telling me i had not yet made new arrangements to pay poll tax etc as from the end of september you cant take cash into the town hall to pay a bill (i don't pay it i am on income support) anyway i went to the town hall to sort it out .
i walked in and got my ticket no 20 looked at the sign it was on 13 so sat down there was a few people there with the same letter including an 80 year old pensioner we waited and waited 14,15 16 then a bloke came out and told use all that if we where there to sort anything out we would have to make an appointment as they have changed the system and those with tickets where only queing to make an appointment for another day.
as look would have it a woman came round to check what people where waiting for and all those with the letter got sorted then and there.
so if your going to the town hall for anything be prepared to get a ticket and Que for 2 hours to make an appointment to come back another day
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Old 27-09-2008, 09:07   #10
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Re: Do You Feel Betrayed?

Totally disillusioned with ALL mainstream political parties. Watching the delegates at last week's Labour Party Conference, I was amazed at how totally detached from reality they are. Gordon is the man who can guide us through the present economic turmoil...Gordon will win us the next election...who are they trying to kid? But I could equally say the same about the Tories and the LibDems. This is why I've registered my protest by joining the Official Monster Raving Loony be honest, they talk more sense!
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Old 27-09-2008, 09:14   #11
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Re: Do You Feel Betrayed?

Originally Posted by mick View Post
Just slightly off thread : i got a letter from the town hall telling me i had not yet made new arrangements to pay poll tax etc as from the end of september you cant take cash into the town hall to pay a bill (i don't pay it i am on income support) anyway i went to the town hall to sort it out .
i walked in and got my ticket no 20 looked at the sign it was on 13 so sat down there was a few people there with the same letter including an 80 year old pensioner we waited and waited 14,15 16 then a bloke came out and told use all that if we where there to sort anything out we would have to make an appointment as they have changed the system and those with tickets where only queing to make an appointment for another day.
as look would have it a woman came round to check what people where waiting for and all those with the letter got sorted then and there.
so if your going to the town hall for anything be prepared to get a ticket and Que for 2 hours to make an appointment to come back another day
I think that says a lot about what is wrong with this country. Top heavy with over paid bureauocrats and management who haven't a clue how to provide a good service. No coincidence that the areas you see it most are those of a governmental nature. The government is rife with it, the NHS is rife with and councils are rife with it. We have 600+ people earning a good living by not listening or taking action,they call them MP's
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Old 27-09-2008, 13:03   #12
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Re: Do You Feel Betrayed?

Both the above comments illustrate why I said that it was the system rather than progressive governments

Ther current 2 or 3 party system is noi use to the ordinary person in this country it merely reinforces the inequalities in society

We need a complete re think - a revolution.

Of course 'they' will not let us have one
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Old 27-09-2008, 13:56   #13

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Re: Do You Feel Betrayed?

Originally Posted by polly View Post
We need a complete re think - a revolution.

Of course 'they' will not let us have one
I thought the idea of a revolution was that the government can not stop it.
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Old 27-09-2008, 14:19   #14
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Re: Do You Feel Betrayed?

I recently read a rather wild conspiracy theory that said that the US financial meltdown is due to erupt mid October into massive civil unrest, which would result in mass incarceration of civilians in prison compounds recently built for the purpose (how could they know they'd be needed)

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Old 27-09-2008, 14:54   #15
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Re: Do You Feel Betrayed?

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
I recently read a rather wild conspiracy theory that said that the US financial meltdown is due to erupt mid October into massive civil unrest, which would result in mass incarceration of civilians in prison compounds recently built for the purpose (how could they know they'd be needed)
it wouldnt surprise me in the least

even us british eventualy say enough is enough and riot , take the poll tax riots for example so it wouldnt surprise me if our govenment also was prepparing for unrest in this country

anyway it will soon be bombfire night and like every year i will be hoping somone manages to celibrate it properly and finish off guy fawks's brilliant master plan


oops due to our govenments paranoia by posting teh above comment i may have actualy commited an act of terror and not voiced an opinion under teh freedom of speech act
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.

ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

Last edited by accyman; 27-09-2008 at 14:56.
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