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General Chat General chat - common sense in here please. Decent serious discussions to be enjoyed by everyone!

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Old 26-06-2005, 10:28   #16
God Member
Acrylic-bob's Avatar

Re: Do you feel safer???

Has anyone read page 7 of this week's Observer?

You have to laugh really, don't you? It is, after all, better than crying.

For those of you expats who cannot get hold of a copy, the story concerns a dramatic drugs raid which took place in Clayton le Moors on some unspecified day last week. Apparently, following months of inquiries and intelligence gathering by Community Beat Manager PC Rob Flannagan, two Warrants were obtained and ten officers dipped into the dressing up box and donned riot gear, Flak Jackets and Crash Helmets , took their springer spaniel with them and SWOOPED on two houses in Clayton in the early evening. Using specialist equipment they battered down the doors of two houses fingered by PC Flannagan's "Intelligence" and to their amazement discovered...Nothing! Not so much as an asprin The houses were empty!

So the next time you wonder why the Police have so little time and resources to deal with any crime that you might want to report, it is because they are otherwise engaged, as Sgt. Ian Corbett said, in sending out "a clear message to the community that we will take positive action against people involved in any drug dealing activity". Watch out Boots, you could be next!
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe

Last edited by Acrylic-bob; 26-06-2005 at 10:30.
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