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Old 30-01-2007, 13:18   #16
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Re: Do you have a dining room?

Yeah we have a dining room, we try and eat at the table as a family every night, we find Ellie eats better that way, though last night it was Chinese on knees!
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Accrington Web
Old 30-01-2007, 13:19   #17
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Re: Do you have a dining room?

We have a living room, then a sort of archway through to the dining room which then has some steps up to a separate kitchen area. So it's not quite a kitchen/dining room and it's not quite open plan.

But we eat a full, reasonably 'proper' meal at the table every night - very rare when we don't! Sometimes if I make sandwiches we eat them away from the table.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 30-01-2007, 16:11   #18
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Re: Do you have a dining room?

I haven't yet taken the plunge to move out of my dads so the dining room is my living room! Has a dining table, but thats got all my paper work on it, and computer. I've got tv, dvd, video and play station - plenty of room to work out on my dance mat lol. As far as a dining room goes, no - its my living room and the front room is my dads. We live under the same roof but I never see him!
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Old 30-01-2007, 17:30   #19
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Re: Do you have a dining room?

Not a dining room as such, but we do have a dining table...and our evening meal is always at the table. Recently we had a bit of a disaster at home...the ceiling fell in....and we spent some time trying to eat off our laps. I found it most uncomfortable and inevitably lost some of my tea down my front.....I can't do the tray balancing thing AND get food into my mouth.
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Old 30-01-2007, 18:03   #20
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Re: Do you have a dining room?

I have a living room and a front room - in otherwords the front room is a dining room. At the minute its full of papers, clothes, books, one computer chair, one chair, a tv & cabinet that as soon as my sis gets sorted it goes back to her's, in otherwords its the dumping ground. No table or chairs - they are at my sisters. I eat my tea on my knee - same as usual since i was 18 anyway. The only time i sit at a table to eat my tea is when im at my sisters or at a friends house.
<img src= border=0 alt= />

The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone
anyone want to argue
well tough!!!
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Old 30-01-2007, 19:09   #21
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Re: Do you have a dining room?

Originally Posted by Kitkat View Post
Yes we have a dining room and use it every day, I just cant' stand eating
from a tray, it just gives me indigestion !!
I feel meal time is "family time" no TV just catching up on the days events

Must agree kitkat

We have a dining room and its used everyday evey meal time .. It s our family room and when all the kids come round its used to play board games etc..... Also got a tv in there so as when me n jim want some peace to watch our progs kids can watch tv in there ...
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Old 30-01-2007, 20:00   #22
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Re: Do you have a dining room?

Yeah - we have a dining room room/pc room too! We were without a dining table for at least 2 1/2 years when we first moved in & we hated eating off our knees on the settee. When we finally got a dining table we eat there every night.....then laziness crept in and we seem to be back on the settee in front of the TV most nights now!
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Old 30-01-2007, 20:37   #23
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Re: Do you have a dining room?

we've sorta got a dining room but its under renovation/change of usage

dunno bout other folks but we get visitors from outside lancs coming over and when they do htey expect a large slap up meal etc and they usually come in numbers of 4-5. so with that in mind my sis in brum and brother in london bought houses with rooms that cud b made into dining rooms in mind
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Old 30-01-2007, 21:31   #24
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Re: Do you have a dining room?

We have a dining room with a large table, six chairs, and large fan in it. Nothing else will fit in. We use it at least once a day every day, but must admit never for breakfast.

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Old 30-01-2007, 21:41   #25
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Re: Do you have a dining room?

I can't manage to eat off my lap either.

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Old 30-01-2007, 21:45   #26
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Re: Do you have a dining room?

i could get a dining room.....if i knocked down the wall between mine and my dads
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
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Old 30-01-2007, 21:45   #27
Passed away 25-11-09
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Re: Do you have a dining room?

My dining room contains an enormous oak table with 6 chairs. The table's too big, really, and it all but fills the room but it's beautiful and was reduced to half price when I bought it so I couldn't resist. The room is at the front of the house, through an archway from the sitting room, and we eat all meals at the table except, sometimes, breakfast. I have a breakfast bar in the kitchen so sometimes it gets used for its purpose - the kitchen is large and L-shaped and my pc is in the L.

No one here eats "on their knee". I think meals are a social occasion and not to be taken while gawping at the telly.
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Old 30-01-2007, 21:49   #28
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Re: Do you have a dining room?

not got a dining room but a hugh kitchen that has a table and chairs but hardly use it!, should use it more though because my bloody carpet is getting a bashing with dropped food!!!
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Old 30-01-2007, 22:29   #29
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Re: Do you have a dining room?

A dining room!! Oh, my goodness, somebody is soon going to state that they have a study and a library. !!

We must be getting more wealthy ... nearly everyone I knew/know (as discussed on previous threads) had/has a front parlour and a living room plus sometimes a small lean-to type building which would hold the cooker/fridge and washing machine. Still majority of houses in our dear Accy are like this. Just curious to know why you ask this question Willow ?

The living room doubled up as the dining room complete with table (drop down variety) and chairs for eating. Always ate at 'the table' as was no trouble to hop from the living room settee to the table and not proceed to a separate room.
Seems that now some have a dining room, they prefer to go back to the living room as per Shortstuff's post.

Are we never satisfied?... Guess a graded 'working class' area as ours will take a few generations to catch up on the middle classes, eh ? Still think we have more fun though.
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Old 30-01-2007, 22:56   #30
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Re: Do you have a dining room?

sorry, katex, was busy reading one of the tomes in the Library, what were you saying?

Sorry, can you repeat that, the maid just came in and I couldn't hear what you said


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