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Post By Busman747
Post By lancsdave
30-04-2014, 18:24
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Do YOU know a Traffic Warden?
Driving along Abbey St. today, I saw a car being booked by a Traffic warden! This is a regular sight for me as a bus driver as I pass through 46 times a day The owner obviously took a risk outstaying the 1 hour permitted parking and is paying the price. (£60-00?) Luv 'em or hate 'em, the wardens are doing their job and unlike many cities that have sneaky cameras or other tactics, there are plenty of signs stating that only 1 hours parking is acceptable.
I assume that this "short-stay" parking is so that shoppers can park close to the shop(s) of their choice without the inconvenience of parking some distance away? This would make sense to me and local shops would obviously benefit - -
But what about round the corner in Little Blackburn Rd.? Same restrictions apply and there is room for 8 cars to park for up to an hour. This is ideal for those that wish to pop into Argos, Garth Dawsons or maybe those that wish to view a house for sale at the various Estate agents?
Unfortunately, there can be as few as 3 spaces available because certain local shop managers/owners see it as their right to park their cars ALL DAY with immunity!!
Today was a classic example, while some poor sod was being hit for £60-00. just round the corner, a little black sports car was parked before 9am and was still there gone 4pm. A silver BMW wasn't so greedy, it was parked for less than 6 hours today! No sign today of the '05 Ford Fiesta that normally has more of the vehicle on the double yellow lines and over-hangs Bridge St. causing problems for longer vehicles to exit - - and the company hatchback was not seen parked outside its shop today. (makes a change lol) Did I mention the estate agents car? Forget that, I have made my point!
£60-00 is a lot of money to lose - but for some reason, shopkeepers seem to be exempt from paying it despite having all-day parking less than 1 minutes walk from their premises.
I know of a pensioner that was aware of all this and actually asked a warden why "they" were allowed to park while others were financially penalised. He was fobbed off - - but for a couple of weeks after, the cars involved were parked elsewhere
I hardly think that wardens (or their bosses) were paid off but it does seem strange that some unofficial arrangement seems to have been made with the council or others to "accomodate" shopkeepers?
What are your views Accywebbers?
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30-04-2014, 18:46
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Re: Do YOU know a Traffic Warden?
they are traffic wardens at the end of the day
1: alergic to blackburn road once it gets past the imperial pub and definatly have an aversion to giving people a ticket who park on the roundabout outside the yorkshire bank especially if said person is also a taxi driver
2: if you have any doubts of what sort of people are hired to be a traffic warden round hyndburn there was one working in great harwood who is a convicted pedophile
3: from your story they sound crooked which wouldnt suprise me i know someone who asked a traffic warden if it was ok to park and was told yes only to discover a ticket on his car when he got back
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30-04-2014, 18:55
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Re: Do YOU know a Traffic Warden?
Traffic Wardens have often got to hit targets,if they don't ticket enough cars, they get the boot.
I'd say it's more than their job is worth to let shop owners park outside their shops for hours on end (unless it's also a private residence or there is some sort of collusion as you suggest).
Personally i wouldnt be able to sleep at night knowing that i've issued X amount of tickets to people (an caused so much misery), half of which are probably debatable.
Therefore, I think all Traffic wardens are [deleted]. 
30-04-2014, 18:57
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Re: Do YOU know a Traffic Warden?
i thought shop owners got permits to park in town center but i dont think they allow unlimited parking in public parking zones just the spaces where the old fish market was
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.
ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
30-04-2014, 20:26
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Re: Do YOU know a Traffic Warden?
Originally Posted by accyman
i thought shop owners got permits to park in town center but i dont think they allow unlimited parking in public parking zones just the spaces where the old fish market was
Not sure where the old fish market is,but I'm going to presume its the yard atthe back of the Town Hall. If so then permits are issued for market traders to unload but not park all day.
No other permits are issued for shopkeepers to park in town. Personally I wouldn't do it. Surely the parking is for customers.
Maybe worth an email if anybody thinks the parking wardens are not doing there job
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30-04-2014, 22:34
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Re: Do YOU know a Traffic Warden?
30-04-2014, 23:20
Re: Do YOU know a Traffic Warden?
What about the Central taxis cars that park outside there office then take a job and come back and park again. It says parking for 1 hour and no return within an hour. Many return within 1 hour. They also drive through the no entry except for busses sign up Abbey Street and you never see them being stopped for doing it.
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01-05-2014, 00:36
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Re: Do YOU know a Traffic Warden?
01-05-2014, 10:55
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Re: Do YOU know a Traffic Warden?
Not going to say anything about traffic wardens - it's all been said already. But I do think the shop owners are being idiots for parking outside their own shops, or in spaces near their own shops.
I had a studio for about 4 years in one location, and about halfway in, the marked bay right outside the shop changed from unrestricted parking to 2 hours. No announcement, just a little plate appeared on a post right outside my door. The traffic warden on his first "pass" through the town popped in to make sure I was aware the situation had changed so I could move my car from outside - it wasn't even mine, it belonged to the owner of a neighbouring shop who routinely parked there.
As far as I was concerned, restricting parking would be a godsend because the public would start parking there and my shop front wouldn't be blocked by the same obstruction for eight hours. I was right - traffic through the door increased threefold - didn't stop me having to wind it up though 
01-05-2014, 11:09
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Re: Do YOU know a Traffic Warden?
Originally Posted by Studio25
But I do think the shop owners are being idiots for parking outside their own shops, or in spaces near their own shops.
As a shopkeeper I couldn't agree more
01-05-2014, 11:43
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Do YOU know a Traffic Warden?
Originally Posted by Accyexplorer
Therefore, I think all Traffic wardens are [deleted]. 
I have only had two parking tickets during my life as a driver, they were completely my own fault, to avoid getting tickets, don't park or overstay where you shouldn't, if you do, expect a ticket you deserve it, but don't call the guy issuing it a [deleted] that is what you are for parking there then complaining when you get caught.

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01-05-2014, 13:15
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Re: Do YOU know a Traffic Warden?
Originally Posted by Less
I have only had two parking tickets during my life as a driver, they were completely my own fault, to avoid getting tickets, don't park or overstay where you shouldn't, if you do, expect a ticket you deserve it, but don't call the guy issuing it a [deleted] that is what you are for parking there then complaining when you get caught.

In all my years of driving I've Never had one , I must follow the rules
That being said, when folk are struggling financially, And someone gets a job that adds to that struggle as well as causing misery, well, that takes a special kind of person (aka a [deleted])
01-05-2014, 13:19
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Do YOU know a Traffic Warden?
Originally Posted by accyexplorer
in all my years of driving i've never had one , i must follow the rules
that being said, when folk are struggling financially, and someone gets a job that adds to that struggle as well as causing misery, well, that takes a special kind of person (aka a [deleted])
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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