20-02-2013, 19:42
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Re: Doesn't seem a lot really
Originally Posted by Less
Yes, well, so who decides which of us makes the grade?
Perhaps we need a housing inspectorate that gets together to decide on our behalf the people allowed to vote, but we must be democratic about it, only the most popular 600 or so people could be voted in except....
....None of us would be able to vote for them until they called around and made sure we are clean and tidy enough to vote them in.
Why do I read Jays threads?
I always end up going around in circles until I get a splitting headache which prevents me from doing housework!
Can I have an untidy house on medical grounds and still be able to vote?
People who go around in circles are bigh wheels ... or, they disappear up thier own  ... wait a sec. I think I had something to add to this, and still stay, more or less, on topic, and not mention where most politicians stick their heads.
Ahem ... on the topic of "Doesn't seem a lot really", I just read this in "The Guardian":
Disappointing 4G mobile broadband auction leaves Treasury £1.2bn short | Business | guardian.co.uk
Now I realize that 1.2 billion quid isn't all that much ... but would it not have been a little, let us say, "saner" to wait until after the sale before counting the money. I realize that your finance minister has been under a lot of stress attempting to come up with one original, workable idea; but this screw up seems to resemble things that happened during the 13 years etc, etc, etc.