29-09-2006, 09:03
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Re: Doesn't seem fair?
Thanks to everyone for your concern & good wishes, unfortunately Madhatter my solicitor had already done a lot of work on the case & been to court once before I was told I couldn't get legal aid help and to be fair, she has been very supportive and I'm not sure I could have sat in the same room as him without some kind of support (I was not allowed to take anyone else but a solicitor in with me). To Steeljack, no jurors were involved, just the two solicitors, a judge and the lady from Cafcass who is supposed to be coming to see my youngest son before we go back to court in two weeks time to establish that it's not me who is 'poisoning' him against his Dad. That's fair enough as he's quite happy to have his say.
AccyMel, yes mediation was suggested and I attended a priliminary session on my own, I received a letter from the mediation team about a week later saying mediation could not go ahead, I wasn't given a reason but it came out in court that it was because my ex had had failed to make an appointment for his session. Apparently he had to apply for the mediation for his application for legal aid to be granted - even if he didn't actually show up for it. Stupid system if you ask me.