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23-01-2009, 00:05
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Re: Dog Mess
They do that here in Tenerife, Cashman. There are at least six poo bag dispensers here in our village or you can call into the Council Office and ask for them. It works really well and most people take advantage of them and do use them. Including us for our Cocker Spaniel as I wouldn't dream of not picking up after her. We live across from a primary school and I'd hate to think of some poor child falling into it.
Maybe it could be put to Hyndburn as an incentive, Margaret.
June xx
So much muck to eat before you die
23-01-2009, 11:28
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Re: Dog Mess
ty was getting poo on his shoes everyday on the way to school because of all the leaves, he was wading through them (as kids do) and there was poo hidden underneath and no one was shifting the leaves..
last week he got new shoes and stood in poo the first day he wore them (trust me, pregnancy nausea and cleaning up dog poo doesnt go together)
on the half hour walk to school there is one dog poo bin and that hasnt been there long somettimes we see bagged up poo thats been thrown on the floor
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....
I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
23-01-2009, 11:42
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Re: Dog Mess
Mind you what do we really expect from some members of the human race, how many times do you see on the animal programs, the state of some houses were the owner can't be bother when there dog use the kitchen as a toilet and they can't be bothered to pick it up. Not much chance of them picking up after their dogs when they're out is there, when they can't be bothered to doing in heir own home, sorry pig sty
23-01-2009, 16:34
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Re: Dog Mess
I have been out today for the 1st time in several weeks, and crossing the grass verge to my car I found two heaps - and this is within 10 paces of a very visible red dog bin
Hopefully this recession will have a positive side when people decide that they would rather feed themselves than a dog, so that dog ownership goes down.
23-01-2009, 17:05
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Re: Dog Mess
Originally Posted by MargaretR
I have been out today for the 1st time in several weeks, and crossing the grass verge to my car I found two heaps - and this is within 10 paces of a very visible red dog bin
Hopefully this recession will have a positive side when people decide that they would rather feed themselves than a dog, so that dog ownership goes down.
There are a lot of people walk their dogs on our estate Margaret, I often look out of my kitchen window and watch dog owners and their dogs, I have only seen own owner not pick up after his dog and he got told so, he didn't like it when I said I knew where he live, so he fiddled around in his pocket and manage to find something to clean up after is pooch, he did give me a wave as he walked away, well if you can call it a wave with two fingers 
23-01-2009, 18:55
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Re: Dog Mess
Originally Posted by MargaretR
I pestered (by phone and email)-
the local environmental health dept
the dog warden
- both visited me more than once
I emailed -
Peter Britcliffe(HBC)
Councillor McLoughlin - who came to see for herself
Dorothy Westell (LCC)
I was interviewed by The Observer who did an article on page4
(I am not page3 material  )
I featured on billboards as 'the dogdirt vigilante'
There is a 'waiting list' for dog bins - get on it.
After about an 18 months wait and pester I now have TWO dog bins near my home and I see people using them
We have dog mess bins but not everyone uses them.Its easier apparantly to put ity ina bag and throw it at the side of the path or just let your dog do its buisness and then ignore it !
There was a huge pile of dog mess right outside my kids school gates so almost every child went in today with smelly shoes !
23-01-2009, 18:58
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Re: Dog Mess
My friend has written several letters to the Acc Observer about this problem (one may be in next Fri) and also to the dog warden. She has to walk her son along Alice St to Peel Park school, and regularly challenges people who let their dogs defacate on the pavement and not clear up. The dog wardens response was that it wasn't his job to monitor this situation! I think it's more to do with environmental health. So anyone from the E H Dept reading this, have someone on Alice St between 8.30 and 9.00am on a school day and there'll be loads of the dirty b***ers to fine!
23-01-2009, 19:07
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Re: Dog Mess
I think that anyone fined for not picking up the crap should be banned from keeping a dog...........FOR LIFE
23-01-2009, 19:12
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Re: Dog Mess
Cat crap is just as bad!!, disgusting git keeps pooing in my garden!!, im sick to death of cleaning other peoples pet crap up
Rant over! 
"Dont make someone a priority if your only an option!!"
23-01-2009, 19:14
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Re: Dog Mess
Originally Posted by panther
Cat crap is just as bad!!, disgusting git keeps pooing in my garden!!, im sick to death of cleaning other peoples pet crap up
Rant over! 
You and me both, know exactly what you mean
25-01-2009, 11:20
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Re: Dog Mess
Originally Posted by emzy
Slightly different, but i find it annoying when people put their cats out to do "their business" outside so they go to the toilet in other peoples gardens. I have to check the garden every morning when the weathers nice before i can let the boys play outside, its really irritating
i think you will find upon questioning that every cat owners cat wouldnt dream of pooping anywhere except its litter tray as it is traind to do so therefore after they release their vermin onto the neighbourhood it is %100 impossible for their little bundle of love to poop anywhere other than teh litter tray they provide for it.
also you will find that thier cat would never dream of tearing at any form of plastic bag and any poop or ripped bags is purely down to the rare and far and few between cat owners
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.
ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
25-01-2009, 17:33
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Re: Dog Mess
Originally Posted by panther
Cat crap is just as bad!!, disgusting git keeps pooing in my garden!!, im sick to death of cleaning other peoples pet crap up
Rant over! 
but at least the cats will keep the mice away.... but it is a pain... hate the flipping things:
26-01-2009, 06:43
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Re: Dog Mess
My cat doesnt even go outside, unless shes in heat and does a 'great escape' job (ifshe could burrow through the floor she would). Once outside through, she scares herself and decides itsnotworth itand comes backin after 30 seconds.
I've always wondered what used to happen with the dogcack years ago, we probably had the same amount of dogs etc. Did people back then have the same gripes? Oh did the dogs know where best to poo in the gool old days?
26-01-2009, 09:38
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Re: Dog Mess
Originally Posted by onlyme
My cat doesnt even go outside, unless shes in heat and does a 'great escape' job (ifshe could burrow through the floor she would). Once outside through, she scares herself and decides itsnotworth itand comes backin after 30 seconds.
I've always wondered what used to happen with the dogcack years ago, we probably had the same amount of dogs etc. Did people back then have the same gripes? Oh did the dogs know where best to poo in the gool old days?
In the 1940s there weren't as many dogs about because most people couldn't afford to feed them.- (those days may return soon)
There were farm dogs who earned their living and dogs owned by people who couldn't have children (a substitute).
So dogs were a luxury item
26-01-2009, 10:51
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Re: Dog Mess
Originally Posted by onlyme
I've always wondered what used to happen with the dogcack years ago, we probably had the same amount of dogs etc. Did people back then have the same gripes? Oh did the dogs know where best to poo in the gool old days?
dogs dont climb over your fence and take an almighty crap in your childrens play area leaving behind diseases that can blind your children , personaly i think you shoudl be allowed to shoot any verminous creature that wanders into your garden wether it be a burgular or a cat
on the subject of dog poop you dont see as much of the white poop these days , have we lost teh breed of dog that left the white stuff ?
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.
ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
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