I think one reason for the bad spelling of today is that at school when we are taught our ABC & to write, we write on paper with a pen/pencil. We learn to form our letters and eventually our words on paper - we learn the flow of a word or sentence on paper with a pen/pencil.
In our English classes where we get more advanced we learnt using paper & pen, heck even a fountain pen.
Then we leave school and use a keyboard and then all we are doing is pushing buttons. Its not the same, thought processes have to change, typing is done a lot faster than when we learnt. In general you can type a heck of a lot faster than you can write on paper.
As such our brains cannot handle it as well and our hands are working a lot faster than our brain can remember the rules of the English language & our spelling and grammar goes out of the window.
But given that there are spell checkers available for nearly every writing application or web browser then in reality there should be no excuse for bad spelling. Apart from spell checkers cannot always get it right
The newspapers have no excuse, they should be checked & edited before publication as part of the process.
Either that or people are just getting more lazy/illiterate