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Old 08-05-2005, 21:57   #1
Always EVIL within us

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Don't Get Too Close....

T.B. is a killer disease and is on the increase in this country. In Britain some 7,000 people are diagnosed each year and around 350 die from T.B. It can be passed on by coughing, sneezing or just being around an infected person who is talking.........

A man from Leicestershire was diagnosed as a T.B. carrier in 2002. If he had a 6 month course of antibiotics he would have been rid of the infection but he CHOSE not to take the treatment.....An order was issued by Magistrates forcing him to attend hospital but the doctors were unable to give treatment without his permission so he was allowed out again.

In 2003, he was arrested in connection with a serious crime but the police (quite rightly) refused to interview him because of Health and Safety Rules so he was released without charges brought against him.

Shortly after, he took a short term course of antibiotics so the police rearrested him and he was jailed for three months but on his release again stopped medication....and became infectious again.

He has infected at least 12 people of which some may die and all 12 will have passed on the infection to friends and family, this guy is still walking the streets.

Because of our archaic laws he cannot be "forced" to accept treatment, nor can he be incarcerated for others safety and if the government now try to review the public health laws it is feared that Human Rights Legislation would prevent imposing compulsory treatment.

Check out the full report and vote on whether this man should be prevented from spreading this disease...

Pray that there is intelligent life somewhere up in space, 'Cause there's Bu""er all down here on Earth - (Eric Idle)
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Old 08-05-2005, 22:11   #2
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Don't Get Too Close....

the government say it may breach the disease carriers human rights bullsh** what about the human rights of the general public, this is insanity it shouldn't even be open to discussion if anyone has an infectious disease if that offends anyone TOUGH.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 08-05-2005, 22:49   #3
Resident Waffler

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Re: Don't Get Too Close....

If some one he has infected dies would that be manslaughter? He's fully aware that he has a potentially lethal contageous disease. And how about the other people it gets passed onto by those 12?

This is the story Margaret Pilkington and I were referring to in Tinkerbelle's Human Rights thread.

Sometimes I'm convinced the whole world has gone insane.

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Old 09-05-2005, 15:33   #4
Filthy / Gorgeous

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Re: Don't Get Too Close....

Could the people who he has infected not bring a case against him. I know that cases have been brought before in instances where HIV positive people have been brought before the courts for knowingly infecting a partner.
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Old 09-05-2005, 15:49   #5
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Re: Don't Get Too Close....

its about time people coming into this country were given full medicals before setting one foot into this country

especialy from countries like africa where aids and tb are as rife as the common cold

dont want to uspset the holiday makers as well but maybe it wouldnt be a bad idea to have a health check/blood test within 1 week of arriving back off holidays when they have been to certain areas of the world

it would protect them and the public

and for those not too sure about how big a problem TB is getting the patient in hospital next to my friend a few weeks ago was recoverinbg from TB that he picked up in samalia when visiting his family

Last edited by chav1; 09-05-2005 at 15:53.
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Old 09-05-2005, 15:56   #6
Filthy / Gorgeous

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Re: Don't Get Too Close....

1 week would be too soon for a health check after travel. It takes at least 12 weeks for blood to seroconvert after contact with HIV. The test for TB is usually an acid fast bacilli test of sputum or urine. Lovely!!!!!
Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.

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Old 09-05-2005, 15:59   #7
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Re: Don't Get Too Close....

but would you agree in general that holiday makers when visiting certain parts of the world should have medical tests when they arrive back at some point
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Old 09-05-2005, 16:24   #8
Filthy / Gorgeous

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Re: Don't Get Too Close....

I would be inclined to agree. Funnily enough health checks for immigrants including HIV and Hepatitis tests were debated in parliament in about 2002 ish and guess what........ The human rights do-gooder lobby said that making immigrants have these tests infringed their human rights and was racism. So therefore these diseases are now costing the NHS millions per year to treat (including TB) because the government were too soft to say 'sod you' to the do-gooders, even though other countries such as the USA, Australia, NZ, China Russia and Saudi do these tests on immigrants as a matter of routine.
Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.

The views expressed here are my own and not necessarily those of my family, friends, employer, this site, my neighbours, hairdresser, dentist, GP, next door's dog or anyone else who knows me..
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Old 09-05-2005, 17:03   #9
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Re: Don't Get Too Close....

On top of that, anyone with HIV cannot be forceably returned to their country of origin. There are now an estimated 30,000 non-UK citizens receiving ten thousand quids worth of medication, each per year. By my reckoning thats three hunded million which could be spent on something else.

I don't know the figures for TB.
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Old 09-05-2005, 17:03   #10
Resting in peace
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Re: Don't Get Too Close....

Almost worse is the fact that he packed up treatment after three months - thereby guaranteeing that the bacillus will be well on the way to developing a resistance to whatever he was given. TB is becoming a major problem, it had been virtually eradicated in this country but now it's on the up and up.

Why are the "human rights" of one idiot so much more important than the human rights of the population at large? - if this dangerous loon sits opposite me on a bus and coughs over me, what price my human rights not to be infected? And yes, we ought to screen people coming into this country. Other countries do, and they don't hand out incredibly expensive ongoing healthcare to anybody who crosses their borders.
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Old 09-05-2005, 18:03   #11
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Re: Don't Get Too Close....

i say we throw the doogooders in with the aids victims and TB sufferers and see how their attitude changes

most do gooders arnt the ones who usualy have to live amongs these people carrying the diseases so dont care about anyone but them selves

they will push their views on us and sod the consiquences as long as it dosnt effect them they are quite happy to tell us what to accept
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Old 09-05-2005, 18:07   #12
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Re: Don't Get Too Close....

Don't get me started on this one;this sad individual has refused treatment that would cost him nothing and is now wandering around inflicting his disease on all and sundry.In the meantime my child has waited 4 months to see a specialist,another 3 months to see a paediatrician and now we have to wait another 8 weeks for an MRI scan[and that's being "rushed" thru apparently!] There is something very wrong here!
"Cover up those table legs Mother, they are inflaming my sexual ardour ! "
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Old 09-05-2005, 20:03   #13
Beacon of light

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Re: Don't Get Too Close....

The other thing about this guy......who is white by the that he cannot be identified so that the local population can avoid contact with him........identifying him would breach his right to confidentiality.

And as for bringing manslaughter charges against him if anyone are they going to do that....? He was involved in 'serious' crime before and the police had to let him go because they did a dynamic risk assessment that showed the police were 'at risk' if they interviewed him.
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Old 09-05-2005, 20:23   #14
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Re: Don't Get Too Close....

Its disgusting it really is, we have a fortnightly TB clinic at BRI and its 99% Asian, I've no problem with that after all they are being treated and not all actually have the disease. I think human rights have been taken a bit too far if that makes sense.
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Old 09-05-2005, 20:25   #15
I am Banned
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Re: Don't Get Too Close....

this guy should be taken out with a sniper rifle so that the men in vacume sealed suits can take his body away and burn it like they do with cows with mad cow dissease

on the note of TB

its not surpriseing its on the up with all the gobbing that is done on the streets

it has become a minefiled of green snot and flem in accy center and the sight of people emtying their noses and throats onto the floor has become so often it barely registers when i see the dirty sods doing it

Last edited by chav1; 09-05-2005 at 20:30.
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