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26-08-2006, 12:41
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Doorstep sellers cant read!
Had a doorstep seller in a suit dare to knock on my door despite the sign 'No doostep sellers welcome here', stupid pillock all dressed up thinking he was the bees kness obviously desperate for sales to pay for the suit, asked am i the homeowner & as we're selling window & doors [probably for safestyle  ]............deeerrrr does it look like i own my own home its the councils!!! So i told him sorry mate you are in wrong area pointing out mainly council rented round here & those that do own their own home have had their windows & doors done anyway!! Left rather abruptly hehehehe but i bet he still tried the neighbours
To be honest him & the other croanies looked a bit suspect, didnt see any sales props nor ID  & still he didnt get the message as my sign was from neighbourhood crime prevention alerting of dodgey sales people!! Some people will try their luck 
Last edited by accymel; 26-08-2006 at 12:44.
26-08-2006, 13:09
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Re: Doorstep sellers cant read!
I get them too, accymel, selling double-glazing when any fool can see the whole house is already double-glazed. I also get "driveway specialists" offering to block-pave my fairly-newly-paved drive and fascia-board salesmen who I delight in telling all the houses in our road have aluminium boarding which will last longer than I will. The worst, though, are the ones with dusters, dish-cloths and such. They always tell me they're on a "scheme" to "help them back into work", having presumably just come out of clink or whatever. I tell them I can't afford to buy dusters and use old, torn-up underwear.
I'm considering putting a sign up in my porch like Frank Sinatra had on the gates of his house, under the bell-push. It said, simply, "You'd better have a damned good reason for ringing this bell". 
Some cinemas let the flying monkeys in............and some don't.
26-08-2006, 13:11
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Re: Doorstep sellers cant read!
I got one at my door and he looked right dodgy and he looked like he was wearing his dads suit (was way too big for him) - anway I open the door and he asks me if I am interested in double glazing - I look at him and ask him to walk 6 foot back the way and look at the front of my house - he walks back the way looks at my double glazed windows, looks at me and says ' oh I never saw them ' , I politely close the door and leave him standing there...
I cant be doing with them.
26-08-2006, 13:14
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Re: Doorstep sellers cant read!
Originally Posted by West Ender
I'm considering putting a sign up in my porch like Frank Sinatra had on the gates of his house, under the bell-push. It said, simply, "You'd better have a damned good reason for ringing this bell". 
Hehehehe now thats a good idea, but i bet they'd still claim to be blind & couldnt see it
Originally Posted by West Ender
I tell them I can't afford to buy dusters and use old, torn-up underwear.
Now thats recycling hehehehehehe 
26-08-2006, 13:19
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Re: Doorstep sellers cant read!
LOL Glasgow guy i really do not get it as to why they think we are are thick or just stupid, maybe cos thats why they are employed in that line of work themselves
The ones we get regular are those selling kids portraits, which i think they should be CRB checked & regulated as they are in direct contact with kids - they could be anyone with a camera, plus extortionate prices - i delight in telling them that i have a digi cam & i can have my pics enlarged & framed at a lot cheaper price than them selling it for so sod off 
26-08-2006, 13:21
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Re: Doorstep sellers cant read!
Sounds a bit dodgy D/G salesmen or any other type should not cold call, i'd
tell the local cop, if you can find one, they could be giving your area the once
over. :engsmil:
26-08-2006, 13:23
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Re: Doorstep sellers cant read!
They are everywhere another pet hate is when im quietly minding my own going about my shopping in town & i get harranged by catalogue & personal injury sales pushers that pester everyone around broadway, i see them spot me & before they even open their mouths for sales patter i tell them im not interested & some cases they have litterally harrassed me by not taking the word no i tell them to f - off & leave me alone before i report em for harrassment!! Least at home i can shut the door on them.
26-08-2006, 13:27
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Re: Doorstep sellers cant read!
Originally Posted by Ianto.W.
Sounds a bit dodgy D/G salesmen or any other type should not cold call, i'd
tell the local cop, if you can find one, they could be giving your area the once
over. :engsmil:
I have very little information i can pass onto them about it in all honesty - the thing they'd say is that they got nowhere so far ie no details, they did leave once they weren't getting anywhere & to ring back if i saw them again looking suspiciously. I dont think theres a law against cold selling unless another criminal act had taken place, fraud, harrassment, theft etc before the police could intervene anyway.
26-08-2006, 13:57
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Re: Doorstep sellers cant read!
Driving along Queens Road West the other day I noticed they had a sign up saying This Is A No Cold Calling Area or words to that effect. I wonder how they got one?
26-08-2006, 14:15
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Re: Doorstep sellers cant read!
Originally Posted by Tinkerbelle
Driving along Queens Road West the other day I noticed they had a sign up saying This Is A No Cold Calling Area or words to that effect. I wonder how they got one?
if you shoot enough of them eventualy the police will put warnings up for them
ime always wary of door to door sales people as one trick for burgulars is to chat to you at the door and while you are talking they are looking over your shoulder to see if you have an alarm installed etc
if i want anything i wil look for it when ime good and ready , door to door selling should be banned especialy with the tactics they use once they do gain access to someones house
i had a friend who worked for kirby hoovers and in teh training they were taught every dirty underhand trick in the book to force a sale and although they would never admit it ime sure somone here has worked for them and can back it up , my ex also worked for kirby on teh cold telephone sales side and quit after 2 weeks because she couldnt stand the team leader listening on in the calls and then been dictated as to what to say to the poor sod that picked up teh phone if she wasnt been pushy enough , they also never paid her commision or wages when she left 
27-08-2006, 15:49
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Re: Doorstep sellers cant read!
The advantage of being an old guy shuffling along the road is that no one, but no one approaches me with a clipboard in their hand. Even collectors seem to think twice before rattling their tins in my direction. So I am spared the street assault.
However that doesn’t stop them knocking on my front door. I only answer the door during daylight hours or up to about 6.00pm unless I know who is calling. Far too many old folk have been attacked at their own front door in the gloom. After 6 or after dusk I either shout through the door or put the chain on BEFORE opening it or just ignore them altogether.
Most callers during the day seem to open the call with a question.
Man at door. “Who is your gas supplier?” Or “Have you got broadband?”
Me. “It’s none of your business.”
This usually throws them and whilst they are thinking about a suitable response I come back with, “No thank you! Not interested!” whilst at the same time closing the door firmly thus not giving them a chance to respond. I’ve had the odd one shout back at me but I just ignore them.
British Gas, Scottish Power and NTL are the worst because they come phishing for occupier details.
Man at door. “Mr Hargreaves?” or any name except mine.
Me. “No!”
Man at door. “Can I have your name?”
Me. “No! What do you want?”
Man at door. Responds with his selling blurp.
Me after hearing the opening gambit. “No thank you! Not interested!” And I close the door before they have a chance to respond.
The telephone call is always started with a question.
“Can I speak to James Buckley?” That’s me! Although sometimes someone asks for Mrs Buckley.
If I recognise the voice I answer “No!” and put the phone down.
If I don’t recognise the voice I answer the question with one of my own, “Who are you?”
Their answer reveals who they are and what they want.
I usually tell them in a very loud voice to *!!* off and don’t bother me again and put the phone down. The *!!* varies from the out and out *!!* to a mild *!!*.
I used to get several phone calls in a day but now it is barely one a week. I wonder why? Is it something I said?
Last edited by jambutty; 28-08-2006 at 08:05.
27-08-2006, 16:00
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Re: Doorstep sellers cant read!
i'm 28 and i still come out with sorry my mom's not home and daddy's at work
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27-08-2006, 16:11
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Re: Doorstep sellers cant read!
Originally Posted by mani
i'm 28 and i still come out with sorry my mom's not home and daddy's at work
Sounds like you should be wary of strangers offering you sweets. 
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27-08-2006, 16:49
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Re: Doorstep sellers cant read!
Originally Posted by mani
i'm 28 and i still come out with sorry my mom's not home and daddy's at work
LOL!!! i remember a giggy moment where someone i know told them that their parents weren't home either
It was soo funny 
27-08-2006, 18:06
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Re: Doorstep sellers cant read!
A warning if anyone from NPower calls at your home, a little while ago two of them knocked on my door asking if I was interested in changing gas/electric supplier. I listened to them & said I would look through the leaflets they left and would be in touch if I was interested. A couple of weeks later I had a call from British Gas saying NPower had contacted them to say I was cancelling my contract with BG and switching over to them! I was furious, I rang NPower and gave them a mouthful and needless to say I stuck with British Gas. NPower shot themselves in the foot cos I probably would have changed over to them but for their shoddy tactics.
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