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Old 10-12-2007, 10:23   #16
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Re: Doubt over Babysitter's conviction

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris View Post
So if this piece of scum keeps his nose clean for 14 years and then says sorry to the parole panel, there's chance he'll be released. Disgraceful. He should be locked up for the rest of his life.

Wynonie I am only correcting Bonnyboy who appeared to get length of sentence mixed up with minimum terms.

Also it isn't just the behaviour in prison taken into account (otherwise Charles Bronson would have been released years ago.) The board take into account other things as well. (Not sure exactly but it includes severity of crime mental state etc.).
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Old 10-12-2007, 13:57   #17
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Re: Doubt over Babysitter's conviction

Originally Posted by Stanaccy View Post
Wynonie I am only correcting Bonnyboy who appeared to get length of sentence mixed up with minimum terms.

Also it isn't just the behaviour in prison taken into account (otherwise Charles Bronson would have been released years ago.) The board take into account other things as well. (Not sure exactly but it includes severity of crime mental state etc.).
the mental state is determind by how these scumbags react/behave IN PRISON, surely stan? its the fact that this piece of crap can apply for parole after only 14 yrs thats disgraceful.
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Old 10-12-2007, 19:40   #18
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Re: Doubt over Babysitter's conviction

Originally Posted by Stanaccy View Post
Wynonie I am only correcting Bonnyboy who appeared to get length of sentence mixed up with minimum terms.

Also it isn't just the behaviour in prison taken into account (otherwise Charles Bronson would have been released years ago.) The board take into account other things as well. (Not sure exactly but it includes severity of crime mental state etc.).
Thanks for the correction on the minimum term part of the sentence. I initially misread Wynonie's post.
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Old 10-12-2007, 20:28   #19
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Re: Doubt over Babysitter's conviction

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
the mental state is determind by how these scumbags react/behave IN PRISON, surely stan? its the fact that this piece of crap can apply for parole after only 14 yrs thats disgraceful.

As I said Cashman, I don't know the full details of a parole board hearing and what is taken into account but I know for a fact it isn't just behaviour in prison.
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Old 10-12-2007, 21:16   #20
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Re: Doubt over Babysitter's conviction

...and I still say that the fact that this low-life can even be considered for release after only 14 years inside for murdering someone who complained about the noise he was making is an absolute disgrace and insult to justice. There are many similar sentences being handed out in this country, too. Funny, Stan, you and Eric seem remarkably quiet about that.
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Old 11-12-2007, 00:09   #21
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Re: Doubt over Babysitter's conviction

Originally Posted by Stanaccy View Post
As I said Cashman, I don't know the full details of a parole board hearing and what is taken into account but I know for a fact it isn't just behaviour in prison.
well would appreciate you explaining this "fact" cos i fail to understand what else can be used apart from conduct,remorse, bull****ting a parole board or visiting magistrate, and such things related to conduct,attitude etc? ya cant exactly do voluntary work n get good reports from outside when yer doing life.
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Old 11-12-2007, 19:46   #22
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Re: Doubt over Babysitter's conviction

...and here's another one.

BBC NEWS | England | Man jailed for teenager's murder

...this piece of scum got a minimum of 15 years for murdering an innocent teenager. Perhaps you'd care to comment, Stan and Eric?
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Old 11-12-2007, 19:58   #23
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Re: Doubt over Babysitter's conviction

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris View Post
...and here's another one.

BBC NEWS | England | Man jailed for teenager's murder

...this piece of scum got a minimum of 15 years for murdering an innocent teenager. Perhaps you'd care to comment, Stan and Eric?

I never said they shouldn't be banged up for longer Wynonie, originally I was only explaining what a minimum sentence was in terms of a life sentence.

Cashman I don't know the full details of what a parole board looks at but I have dealt with prisoners released under parole conditions so that's all I can say sorry.
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Old 11-12-2007, 20:47   #24
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Re: Doubt over Babysitter's conviction

fair enough stan, i myself do not know parole board criteria, am just looking at it using cashy logic and cannot think of any possible way they can come to a decision using anything but information from within the prison itself,as an aside- if ya have dealt with prisoners, most were innocent anyway.
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Old 11-12-2007, 21:18   #25
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Re: Doubt over Babysitter's conviction

Originally Posted by Stanaccy View Post
I never said they shouldn't be banged up for longer Wynonie, originally I was only explaining what a minimum sentence was in terms of a life sentence.
OK, fair enough, Stan, but to get back to my original point...yes, like you, I wouldn't like to see the death penalty reintroduced, purely because a posthumous pardon is sod all use to anyone. But if we had genuine life sentences for coldblooded murder, I don't reckon you'd see as many people clamouring for the return of the rope.
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