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Old 08-08-2008, 09:38   #31
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Dozy Parkers

Originally Posted by polly View Post
Yes, I liked that. Non aggressive and feeds the birds but maybe not bread as it blats their stomachs
So that's two good reasons, gets rid of the car and the flying rats!

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Old 08-08-2008, 12:45   #32
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Re: Dozy Parkers

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
Which part of “Strictly speaking” do you not understand?
I understand it very well thanks, my psychometric testing results put me in top 1% of the country for comprehension thanks.

Originally Posted by jambutty

Any vehicle parked close to and more or less parallel with the kerb is by the fact of being parked there, likely to cause an obstruction to other road users. It may not do so at the time of parking but additional circumstances could turn it into an obstruction. A vehicle has a concession to park on the public highway providing that it is not and does not become an obstruction - not a right.
A vehicle doesn't sudenly become an obstruction itself, the change in circumstances would have been a result of some other influence/person and as such the obstruction would be their making not the vehicle previously parked. It does not alter teh fact that the car had teh right to park their initially.
Originally Posted by jambutty
And I also posted my post #16. Don’t you understand English?

Talk about pernickety nit picking just to try and prove that I have got something wrong.

Don’t you ever grow up?
I grew up a long time ago. seemingly you like to argue rather than answer the Q that was asked.

If you got it wrong then fine, if you didn't then also fine, I asked for teh proof to something you were saying that was all

As for being pedantic, I think a term involving pots and kettles springs to mind.

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Old 08-08-2008, 23:35   #33
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Re: Dozy Parkers

Originally Posted by forceten View Post
I've tried that Neil, but the police say it has nothing to do with them
Great Harwood Police took the registration number of someone blocking our drive, and pulled their details from DVLA. Sorted within ten minutes.

We weren't even desperate to go out - we just wanted to nip it in the bud before it became habit forming.
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Old 09-08-2008, 09:01   #34
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Re: Dozy Parkers

It is annoying when that happens.
My dad is disabled and at the moment can't park on his drive because he is in a wheelchair and there isn't enough room.
He parks in front of his house when he can but more often than not other neighbours or people visisting park there even though they have drives and space in front of their own houses.
This is of course a huge inconvenience not only for my dad who then struggles to find somewhere to park where he can get out of the car ut also for his partner Linda who wheels him around.
Everybody up there knows about his condition so in my mind it is sheer bloody ignorance that they park there.
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Old 09-08-2008, 11:00   #35
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Re: Dozy Parkers

Originally Posted by Aleks View Post
Guy next door to me came banging on the door few weeks ago ranting how i "always" park outside his house...
Woman next door came over a few weeks ago to take a pop at me for all three cars parked in the layby between our houses. Did she apologise when I told her only one of them was ours. Did she h*ll.

Anyway I did. I told her I was very sorry, and that I hadn't realised that the layby actually belonged to her, I just assumed it was part of the highway like they usually are. When she told her it wasn't hers, I politely told her to go away...

Funnily enough - she doesn't appear to have a problem parking next to our house when the layby is full of her own kids' cars...
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Old 09-08-2008, 11:56   #36
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Re: Dozy Parkers

What may appear to be a public road sometimes isn't.
I lived in a gable end house where a short road at the side led to the back street.
The deeds showed that my half of this short side street was my property, but it was a right of way for others.
My son has also lived in a gable end house and his deeds showed the same.

So if you park next to a gable end house - be aware that the house owner may well own the land you park on.

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Old 09-08-2008, 23:56   #37
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Re: Dozy Parkers

Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post
What may appear to be a public road sometimes isn't.
I know what you mean - but this is a public road. It leads to a new estate, and the layby was put in to allow the existing houses either side of the accessroad somewhere to park.

Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post
So if you park next to a gable end house - be aware that the house owner may well own the land you park on.
That happens to the neighbours at the opposite end of our block. The road in front of the house is public, so they have no (legal) right to park there. the land beside their house belongs to them, and has three other peoples' cars parked there all the time. When here dad tried to enforce their ownership of the land by parking there, he got back to it to find it covered in smashed eggs!
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