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Old 06-11-2005, 21:47   #31

fireman's Avatar

Re: Dreaming of Pennine Lancashire

I have to agree with AB and now Doug, this town needs to be dragged into the 21st century and this could be the very oportunity to do this. Tony Wilson is a bit of a worry in my mind too but maybe his new thoughts, after allhe is quite a well educated man, could be what is needed. Local input would be a very necessary part to it. After all we have tolive with what we ask for. HBC will I'm sure co-opt some of their councillors towards any thoughts but the voice of the general residents must be heard and loud. Lets not taboo this it really could be what we need to pull our town back onto its feet.
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Old 06-11-2005, 21:53   #32
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Re: Dreaming of Pennine Lancashire

i do not like tony wilson! but frankly i don't give a damn if its idi amin- if theres a remote chance of summat coming our towns way anyone who wouldn't even consider it is NUTS.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 06-11-2005, 22:04   #33
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Re: Dreaming of Pennine Lancashire

I dont know about this -

A fashion tower celebrating the history of the textile history - dont we already have something like this in Helmshore Textile Museum in Rossendale?

Something to do with football - dont we already have something like this at preston north end football club?

Where are the public spaces going to come from at the heart of our towns? Most of our towns have roads and shops in the middle of them.

Pennine Playground - he says new facilities for cyclists and horse riding and small centres for sports such as skateboarding bmx rollerblading and artificial rock climbing - horse riding there is an equestrian centre near me a fairly new one which is getting to be nationally recognised, why do we need another one? Where i work we have a rollerblading session on a saturday morning when it started it was for two hours and the full hall now it is for 1 hr and half of the sports hall. When i was working on a saturday 4 kids turned up for it! I'll go for the artificial rock climbing that is popular we had one at work and people were queueing up to get on it. The bosses are already talking about hiring it again.

Leeds Liverpool canal why dont we make it a tourist attraction. Cafes, mooring points for boats, a museum about the history of the canal at the side of it and maybe even tours along it as a natural history pointing out the wildlife etc along it.

Housing in the old mills? Where are the old mills that havent fallen down, that arent still in use for manufacturing or office space or shops, already turned into flats and apartments or vandalised so badly that the safest thing to do is to knock them down?

I live in Rossendale and there are a lot of people who live in the valley already who work in Manchester. They live here because they cant afford to live in Manchester or because they are the bosses and dont want to live in Manchester!
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Old 06-11-2005, 22:35   #34
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Re: Dreaming of Pennine Lancashire

Originally Posted by Doug
Thanks Bob, that I can accept and it’s a positive statement. Willow I don’t deny that there are some good ideas, and I am all for change, the concern is that the borough gets what it’s given and not what it needs because of the lack of positive local input.

I'm not dismissing the idea of local input any more than I'm dismissing the idea as a whole with the external funding and hopeful gelling together of the entire region.

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Old 06-11-2005, 22:50   #35
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Re: Dreaming of Pennine Lancashire

I wonder how much Tony Wilson and his wife, the lovely Yvette, were paid for this report? They came up with very similar ideas for St Helens, which they wanted to rebrand as the 'new Milan'.

I'm certainly not against regeneration, just that it has to be the right sort. I totally agree improving the Leeds/Liverpool canal is a good idea, Our great architectural hertitage could be saved by turning it into residential accomodation, now we have little industry.

What does worry me though is that we demolish more traditional, stone built tearraced houses, and replace them with jerry built new homes which are then demolished twenty years later, as can be witnessed now at Church traffic lights.

I really don't think we needed a Manchester face and his beauty queen wife to tell us this, especially when their ideas seem pretty much the same for all the areas they have been paid to write reports on.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

Last edited by garinda; 06-11-2005 at 22:54.
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Old 06-11-2005, 23:16   #36
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Re: Dreaming of Pennine Lancashire

Originally Posted by garinda
I wonder how much Tony Wilson and his wife, the lovely Yvette, were paid for this report? They came up with very similar ideas for St Helens, which they wanted to rebrand as the 'new Milan'.

I'm certainly not against regeneration, just that it has to be the right sort. I totally agree improving the Leeds/Liverpool canal is a good idea, Our great architectural hertitage could be saved by turning it into residential accomodation, now we have little industry.

What does worry me though is that we demolish more traditional, stone built tearraced houses, and replace them with jerry built new homes which are then demolished twenty years later, as can be witnessed now at Church traffic lights.

I really don't think we needed a Manchester face and his beauty queen wife to tell us this, especially when their ideas seem pretty much the same for all the areas they have been paid to write reports on.
why in the world do we need to keep derelict old buildings where some brown bread geezers painted pictures of mills and horse+carts?!?!
what we need is to get rid of all these pointless meaningless buildings and to replace them with safe places where young people can spend time positively....too much are people worrying about restoring the past when they shuold be preparing for the future
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Old 06-11-2005, 23:22   #37
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Re: Dreaming of Pennine Lancashire

Have you travelled much Woody?
Go to places like Milan, Florence, Rome, Berlin, they are jam packed full of old buildings but still manage to be exciting, vibrant places.

If you want modernism, and nothing older than the mid sixties, go to Milton Keynes. I did...........once.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 06-11-2005, 23:25   #38


Re: Dreaming of Pennine Lancashire

Originally Posted by woody
why in the world do we need to keep derelict old buildings where some brown bread geezers painted pictures of mills and horse+carts?!?!
what we need is to get rid of all these pointless meaningless buildings and to replace them with safe places where young people can spend time positively....too much are people worrying about restoring the past when they shuold be preparing for the future
Woody, no heritage, no history, no future.............

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Old 06-11-2005, 23:26   #39
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Re: Dreaming of Pennine Lancashire

i dont live in Rome, I live in Accrington, where i have to put up with a million and 1 chavs doing smack on my doorstep (not literally of course)
you old folk dont get it!!! (no disrespect intended)
the youth of lancashire is out of doing drugs left right and centre from the age of 12.
this is why we need not modern places...but safe and positive places for young people!
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Old 06-11-2005, 23:28   #40
I am Banned

Re: Dreaming of Pennine Lancashire

Some of us have been saying all these things for ages [in the report]. Its not rocket science and I am disapointed that ELEVATE had to commision someone else to come up with obvious ideas.

I am not a fan of ELEVATE [aloof, arrogant, know it all] and I hope Labour wins the next election in Hyndburn then we can at last challange and bring a breath of fresh air through the corridors of that organisation to help the regeneration of Hyndburn/East Lancs.
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Old 06-11-2005, 23:33   #41


Re: Dreaming of Pennine Lancashire

Originally Posted by Graham Jones
Some of us have been saying all these things for ages [in the report]. Its not rocket science and I am disapointed that ELEVATE had to commision someone else to come up with obvious ideas.

I am not a fan of ELEVATE [aloof, arrogant, know it all] and I hope Labour wins the next election in Hyndburn then we can at last challange and bring a breath of fresh air through the corridors of that organisation to help the regeneration of Hyndburn/East Lancs.
There’s one man willing to stand up and be counted. Good for you Mr Jones. Anyone else.

On - Stanley – On
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Old 06-11-2005, 23:36   #42
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Re: Dreaming of Pennine Lancashire

Woody getting rid of old buildings doesn't always mean a brighter, happier future for young people.

Ok, if you don't want to go to Rome go and see some of the new towns outside of Glasgow, schemie, smack heaven.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 06-11-2005, 23:40   #43
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Re: Dreaming of Pennine Lancashire

not asking just to bulldoze old buildings and creat stupid Baratt estates....

...just want to replace these meaningless places with hope for the future
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Old 06-11-2005, 23:41   #44
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Re: Dreaming of Pennine Lancashire

Originally Posted by woody
i dont live in Rome, I live in Accrington, where i have to put up with a million and 1 chavs doing smack on my doorstep (not literally of course)
you old folk dont get it!!! (no disrespect intended)
the youth of lancashire is out of doing drugs left right and centre from the age of 12.
this is why we need not modern places...but safe and positive places for young people!
This is the unfortunate scurge of society now and as for drugs one day i will go the local shop without having to try and avoid those who endulge. Besides which total count so far 3 used and one unused needle I have found at the little play area by my pad and its for 3-7 year olds. Police dont care niether do the local authority until some thing happens. I know the dangers of these needles but does a 7 year old child? Before you ask they get disposed of at the medical centre.

All comments above are nothing to do with here and therefore not the resposibility of the Accrington Web site owners admins or mods.


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Old 06-11-2005, 23:46   #45
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Re: Dreaming of Pennine Lancashire

Originally Posted by woody
...just want to replace these meaningless places with hope for the future
Anything a little more concrete about what you'd like to see?

I don't know why but I'm humming that old Hitler Youth anthem Tomorrow Belongs to Me, that meaningless dream of a bright big shiney tomorrow, but no actual statement of how it is to be achieved.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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