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Old 07-11-2005, 05:34   #61
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Re: Dreaming of Pennine Lancashire

Originally Posted by garinda
When the nice people have been to all the schools to tell them of their existance, a nice man could go and call for them, hold their hand and take then there.

People died in the war, fighting for freedom, not much older than these young people, who apparently haven't the initative to source the amenities we already have locally.
Ahh, yes. The "I'm Bored" brigade. I forgot about them.

Let us take for our example today Mr Joseph Steiner, who came to this country from France with nary a penny to his name. After a short period working for a local manufacturer he had the nouse to realise that he could shift more profitably for himself and so he borrowed and begged enough to set himself up in business. By the time of his death he was worth Millions, and provided employment for thousands. He sponsored local education and was such an all round nice person that practically the whole town turned out for his funeral.

There is more to this man's story, of course, but, the one thing he did not do, was sit on his spotty backside waiting for someone to hand him his life on a plate.

The moral of this story? Providence helps those who first help themselves!
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe
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Old 07-11-2005, 08:17   #62
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Re: Dreaming of Pennine Lancashire

Aaaaargh! Don't talk to me about the "I'm bored brigade" - having tried to motivate 10 - 12 year olds into doing something so that they won't be bored and getting grumbles about how boring it is going to be before they even start to do anything I get the impression that they get their main enjoyment in life from complaining about being bored. It seems to start at about the age of 10 and develops into a fully fledged total apathy by the time they are 18.

When I was a kid we used to go out there and FIND things to do. Maybe we had more imagination then because life wasn't handed to us on a plate with children's TV 24/7 and computer games etc.

My youngest daughter is learning to play guitar in an out of school type thingy as well as being part of a drama club. They've both belonged to a dance class for years and the older one attends a church youth activity once a week. She's also thinking about joing Buddies. In between that they organise things amongst their friends. They do so much they don't have time to be bored, and not all of it costs money.

I cannot see how not renovating old buildings and making them useful rather than allowing them to fall into decay and dereliction is going to help. Surely doing the revamping is what we need.

Accrington has already lost most of its worthwhile buildings of historical interest. Breathing a bit of life into what's left is better than moaning about what we haven't got.

As for the demolition of solid stone-built terraced housing in order to replace it with (often smaller) brick built boxes and not even Nori brick at that, it strikes me as a very short sighted waste of money.

Yes we need to provide for the youth of Hyndburn, but as Cashman says it matters not how many shiny new buildings we put up - they could have flashing lights and bells on - if the kids would rather hang around street corners being bored than actually go and get involved. We already have things which are not patronised so why build yet more to be ignored? We also need to think of the rest of the population and try to make Hyndburn more appealing to all ages and that includes decent housing and decent shops and some interesting places to go.

BTW - where would these guitar teachers (just one example) come from and who would pay their wages if the lessons were going to be offered for free? Oh, wait a minute, could it be financed by the council? Hmmmm, a council tax increase maybe?

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Old 07-11-2005, 08:18   #63
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Re: Dreaming of Pennine Lancashire

Originally Posted by woody
how is wanting to build youth centres for my community a short-term thing?!
Why not check this link out

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.
Albert Einstein.

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Old 07-11-2005, 08:21   #64
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Re: Dreaming of Pennine Lancashire

Originally Posted by woody
how is wanting to build youth centres for my community a short-term thing?!
Why not check this link out
The centres are there, they just need supporting

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.
Albert Einstein.

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Old 07-11-2005, 08:24   #65
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Re: Dreaming of Pennine Lancashire

I am in total agreement with that willow.

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.
Albert Einstein.

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Old 07-11-2005, 09:23   #66
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Re: Dreaming of Pennine Lancashire

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
Yes we need to provide for the youth of Hyndburn, but as Cashman says it matters not how many shiny new buildings we put up - they could have flashing lights and bells on - if the kids would rather hang around street corners being bored than actually go and get involved. We already have things which are not patronised so why build yet more to be ignored? We also need to think of the rest of the population and try to make Hyndburn more appealing to all ages and that includes decent housing and decent shops and some interesting places to go.

BTW - where would these guitar teachers (just one example) come from and who would pay their wages if the lessons were going to be offered for free? Oh, wait a minute, could it be financed by the council? Hmmmm, a council tax increase maybe?
...which is why i said there needs to be a willingness of young people to get off their jacksy

BTW if you look at the context in which i said guitar tuition could be made available, it was only a suggestion as to what people could do. for the funds; why not shift some of the funds which are being wasted on those strange metal things in the middle of broadway over to positive development?
like i said im not an architecht or an accountant - im just providing an opinion as to what this town needs.
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Old 07-11-2005, 09:29   #67
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Re: Dreaming of Pennine Lancashire

Originally Posted by garinda
When the nice people have been to all the schools to tell them of their existance, a nice man could go and call for them, hold their hand and take then there.

People died in the war, fighting for freedom, not much older than these young people, who apparently haven't the initative to source the amenities we already have locally.
yes it is sad but remember that the times you speak of were like a completely different world; do you realy think the 16 yr olds of Accy back then would offer themselves up for the same if they knew what war was or if they knew of the unecessary deaths which were the result?
before you get on your high horse, no i am not questioning the intelligence of the people back then because i believe they were probably a lot smarter than us lot; but of course they didnt have the technology available to them to show them the effects of war. pride for their country was all they knew
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Old 07-11-2005, 09:38   #68
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Re: Dreaming of Pennine Lancashire

Originally Posted by woody
yes it is sad but remember that the times you speak of were like a completely different world; do you realy think the 16 yr olds of Accy back then would offer themselves up for the same if they knew what war was or if they knew of the unecessary deaths which were the result?
Do you believe that if this country were under threat of invasion now that people woud simply sit back and let it happen because resistance would lead to some people being killed?

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Old 07-11-2005, 09:41   #69


Re: Dreaming of Pennine Lancashire

Originally Posted by woody
yes it is sad but remember that the times you speak of were like a completely different world; do you realy think the 16 yr olds of Accy back then would offer themselves up for the same if they knew what war was or if they knew of the unecessary deaths which were the result?
before you get on your high horse, no i am not questioning the intelligence of the people back then because i believe they were probably a lot smarter than us lot; but of course they didnt have the technology available to them to show them the effects of war. pride for their country was all they knew
You complete and utter moron, do you not think that the lads and lasses out in the Middle East didn’t know what war was before they went? We fight wars because sometimes there is no other option, and to think the wars that they fight today are fought so you can continue to live is your own little world…

On - Stanley – On
- Who’s Laughing Now -
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Old 07-11-2005, 09:45   #70
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Re: Dreaming of Pennine Lancashire

Originally Posted by woody

BTW if you look at the context in which i said guitar tuition could be made available, it was only a suggestion as to what people could do.
Well the same goes for any activity which would require other than volunteers in charge of it. It still needs funding. I cannot imagine anyone doing something for free which is actually hat they do for a living - who would ever pay them if they could get the same for free?

Quote: for the funds; why not shift some of the funds which are being wasted on those strange metal things in the middle of broadway over to positive development?
like i said im not an architecht or an accountant - im just providing an opinion as to what this town needs.
No, you are obviously not an accountant or you would realise that the cost of the Broadway strange metal things (and I'm in agreement with your opinion of them) is a one-off and that couldn't be used to fund the ongoing costs of running a club or activity centre.

There's also the little problem of funds being allocated for specific purposes - again not necessarily the ideal but it's the way thungs are done. If there's money in the "coffee funds" you aren't allowed to spend it on ginger biscuits.

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Old 07-11-2005, 10:42   #71
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Re: Dreaming of Pennine Lancashire

Wow, that was a real 'light the blue touch paper and retire' thread wasn't it.

How it got on to the subject of war I'm not sure.

Anyway, back on thread - I do agree with you Graham that it's unfortunate that someone like Anthony Wilson and Yvette Livesey had to be brought in to do it, but isn't that always the case that people in power won't always believe the people under them but will believe someone who's been brought in (and paid a huge amount of money) to say exactly the same things?

Other towns have succeeded in moving forward whilst retaining their history but they have done it by building new buildings that remain in keeping with their old ones - the 70s and 80s had a lot to answer for in Accrington. All is not lost yet though!

I want the place to move forward and there are some good ideas in this thread - as Graham said, when the time comes put Labour in control and you'll see a more forward thinking Council.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 07-11-2005, 10:59   #72
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Re: Dreaming of Pennine Lancashire

Originally Posted by woody
yes it is sad but remember that the times you speak of were like a completely different world; do you realy think the 16 yr olds of Accy back then would offer themselves up for the same if they knew what war was or if they knew of the unecessary deaths which were the result?
before you get on your high horse, no i am not questioning the intelligence of the people back then because i believe they were probably a lot smarter than us lot; but of course they didnt have the technology available to them to show them the effects of war. pride for their country was all they knew
Woody, Woody you silly little chap.
I'm so pleased that at sixteen that you have some how, in your words, managed to find a very well paid job, though I would need to see your bank statements to see if I agreed it was well paid work.

My Grandfather was killed aged twenty one in France, while my Nan was pregnant with my Mum. I don't know what you may have learnt at school, but people didn't 'offer themselves up' to fight the Nazis, they were conscripted. Even if the army had been made up of conscripts, the majority of people would still have joined up to fight Fascism, which allowed us to have the freedoms we have today.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 07-11-2005, 11:12   #73
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Re: Dreaming of Pennine Lancashire

Originally Posted by cashman
agree with the potential of that area,was once told the warehouse was a listed building? would that make any differance if it was the case?
I think that to regenerate that area is a wonderful idea even if the bulding is listed it could do with some T.L.C. and money spending on it.
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Old 07-11-2005, 11:15   #74
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Re: Dreaming of Pennine Lancashire

I may be wrong but I think the "listing" only refers to the exterior and would mean that it couldn't be modified but the insides could probably be revamped.

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Old 07-11-2005, 11:19   #75
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Re: Dreaming of Pennine Lancashire

Has anybody seen the plans yet for all that is alledgedly going to happen in the area? I would hate to think that all this noise is just that and nothing is going to happen.

All comments above are nothing to do with here and therefore not the resposibility of the Accrington Web site owners admins or mods.


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