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Old 14-12-2005, 10:40   #16
Resting in Peace

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Re: Dreams!

1958 i am 4 i have had the same dream every year on the same date that i am flying downstairs ,
we used to live in a semi in Preston and at that time my gran lived in another semi next door so on a saturday night my mum dad and me would go next door and watch what was then very new the TV . But as a 4 year old all i wanted to do was chase the cat.
anyway as i was saying i have this dream of flying and would get it every year when i was about 20 i asked my mum and dad about it and was shocked at what they told me.
as usuall we went round to my gran's on a saturday night they were watching the tv and on this night they had not shut the door to the hall properly so the cat got through and i followed it upstairs and fell from the top step now although the tv was a new thing something had told my dad that there was something wrong and he had got up to see he came through the door in the hallway and before he even put the hall light on he closed his arm to his side and i was there he had cought me just before i smashed into 1 of them old type hall stands where you would put your hat and coat. so i was very lucky to be here talk about sixth sence but i am now 51 and still have that dream

Last edited by Mick; 14-12-2005 at 10:44.
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Accrington Web
Old 14-12-2005, 10:51   #17
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Re: Dreams!

I had a strange dream last night - I can't remember much of it but I do remember having to tell Antonio Banderas to leave me alone because I was married.

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Old 14-12-2005, 13:29   #18
Clearly Classy.......

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Re: Dreams!

Originally Posted by Gayle
I had a strange dream last night - I can't remember much of it but I do remember having to tell Antonio Banderas to leave me alone because I was married.
I think you are confusing dreams with wishful thinking Gayle!

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Old 14-12-2005, 16:27   #19
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Re: Dreams!

I would settle for a dream that showed an event free day at work. I know wishfull thinking on my part.

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Old 14-12-2005, 18:13   #20
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Re: Dreams!

Originally Posted by Romps
I think you are confusing dreams with wishful thinking Gayle!
If I was wishful thinking do you think I'd be telling him to leave me alone?

Only joking, Chris!

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Old 14-12-2005, 22:40   #21
Accy Goddess

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Re: Dreams!

I can remember Mummiboo once telling me she had drempt that her Dad was going to chop off my head with a chainsaw while I slept.
The n there were the monsters in the attic.
She gets most of her vivid and horrible dreams mostly from me.
When I was met mick up until Our eldest Daughter was born I would dream I was being chased by Vampires. It usually took place in the Sec School I went to.
They seemed so real I would run from Mum & Dads house back to the Bedsit we lived in a few streets away.
I can remeber loads of my dreams. On was about a big dancing gold fish. One about a dead Aunt who was tryng to get me this dream like Mick's and lasted right up until his Dad Passed away.
My latest one was of a big bird of the purest white you ever did see.
It felt well heavy on my arm. Possibbly an owl.
For the past year most of my dreams have containd babies or young children.
Strange or what?

Last edited by ANNE; 15-12-2005 at 22:15. Reason: spellling
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Old 15-12-2005, 10:26   #22
Senior Member+

Re: Dreams!

I remember that dream like it was yesterday, you and my dad were argueing under the covers and my dad left you arguing to yourself he sneeked out from the covers went downstairs and came back with a chainsaw and chopped off your head!!! I was screaming my head off and you heard me!!!!
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Old 15-12-2005, 14:40   #23
Filthy / Gorgeous

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Re: Dreams!

I used to have a recurring dream years ago, haven't had it for ages though. I was running down a street containing tall buildings and warehouses. It was dark and there were no streetlights or lights on in any of the buildings. I was trying the doors of all of the buildings trying to get in, there were footsteps behind me but I never saw the person. I would finally find a door and open it, then wake up..... I never did find out what was on the other side of the door, but I always woke up feeling calm..
Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.

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Old 15-12-2005, 14:47   #24
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Re: Dreams!

In the week between our Dad dieing and his funeral both me and slinky had a weird dream. I can't remember what happened in slinks dream but in mine he was waving to me from a window in a building, the weird thing was that in both our dreams he had had no moustache, it was only at his funeral that we found out the funeral parlour had removed his moustache that he had worn for at least the last 25 years of his life, he never shaved it off. Freaky or what!
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Old 15-12-2005, 14:47   #25
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Re: Dreams!

My Mum once had a nightmare that she was being attacked by an elephant. Dad trying to calm her, put his arm round her, and told her she was ok.Thinking his arm was the elephant's trunk she grabbed a pair of nail scissors from the bedside cabinet and stabbed him in the arm.

How we laughed years after, once the wounds had healed.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 15-12-2005, 14:51   #26
white rabbits

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Re: Dreams!

Originally Posted by mick
1958 i am 4 i have had the same dream every year on the same date that i am flying downstairs ,
we used to live in a semi in Preston and at that time my gran lived in another semi next door so on a saturday night my mum dad and me would go next door and watch what was then very new the TV . But as a 4 year old all i wanted to do was chase the cat.
anyway as i was saying i have this dream of flying and would get it every year when i was about 20 i asked my mum and dad about it and was shocked at what they told me.
as usuall we went round to my gran's on a saturday night they were watching the tv and on this night they had not shut the door to the hall properly so the cat got through and i followed it upstairs and fell from the top step now although the tv was a new thing something had told my dad that there was something wrong and he had got up to see he came through the door in the hallway and before he even put the hall light on he closed his arm to his side and i was there he had cought me just before i smashed into 1 of them old type hall stands where you would put your hat and coat. so i was very lucky to be here talk about sixth sence but i am now 51 and still have that dream
thats spooky............glad it all turned out o.k.
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Old 15-12-2005, 14:53   #27
white rabbits

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Re: Dreams!

Originally Posted by Tinkerbelle
In the week between our Dad dieing and his funeral both me and slinky had a weird dream. I can't remember what happened in slinks dream but in mine he was waving to me from a window in a building, the weird thing was that in both our dreams he had had no moustache, it was only at his funeral that we found out the funeral parlour had removed his moustache that he had worn for at least the last 25 years of his life, he never shaved it off. Freaky or what!
thats spooky too....
Not a full brick
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