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01-03-2007, 08:11
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Drink Driving
I Believe the government are attempting to cut the level of alcohol a driver can have in his blood by half whilst driving, it may be being tagged on when they apply to allow random breath testing by the police.
So all the hard working people who like to have a decent drink of an evening will be over the limit the following morning.
This will make no difference to the hard core of T*****s that insist on driving whilst drunk
When will the government learn!  
Coming back to life
01-03-2007, 09:19
Re: Drink Driving
Good it is about time they started random testing. I don't see what is wrong with lowering the limit if it has been proven that the current level of blood alcohol affects drivers adversely.
As far as the morning after - if that level of alcohol affects your driving just after drinking it then the same level must as well the day after.
If you need to drive in the morning don't drink too much in the evening before.
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01-03-2007, 10:09
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Re: Drink Driving
They should lower the limit to ZERO !!
01-03-2007, 10:33
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Re: Drink Driving
I think if you want to have a drink that's fine, but you should NOT be allowed to drive at all. To many accidents happen even with a low level of alcohol in your bloodstream. Alcohol goes straight to my head after half a lager, so it would be very irresponsible of me to drive any vehicle.
01-03-2007, 13:47
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Re: Drink Driving
i agree if you want to have a drink don't drive
simple as
01-03-2007, 14:28
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Re: Drink Driving
The limit should be zero. If you're going to have a drink, then use a taxi to take you home. It's cheaper than the fine for drink driving.
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01-03-2007, 14:36
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Re: Drink Driving
I asked a copper why the limit is not set at zero so that everybody knew where they stood. He said its because some food ingredients and meals can contain alchohol and the driver may not be aware of what hes eaten.
Remember also that mouthwash etc also contains alchohol as do some vinegars.
01-03-2007, 15:12
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Re: Drink Driving
mints show up on a breathalizer as alchol , i know this coz i was breatalized after an accident and it lit up that i had some alchol in my breath when i hadnt had a drop for days , the police man asked if i had eaten mints recently and i showed him my nicorette gum and he said ahh that explains it
01-03-2007, 15:29
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Re: Drink Driving
Fair do's take into the minute consideration of those factors but the blatent drink shouldnt be even 1 !! Thats what taxi's are for if u want to drink!
01-03-2007, 17:08
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Re: Drink Driving
Originally Posted by accymel
Fair do's take into the minute consideration of those factors but the blatent drink shouldnt be even 1 !! Thats what taxi's are for if u want to drink!
no taxis are for if you want to get drunk
1 pint a drunk does not make
plenty of people have got in my car after i have had 1 pint and so far no ones dead because of it, if i thought for one second 1 pint made me a dangerous driver i wouldnt do it
it will be intersting to see who slams me for having 1 pint and driving because there are quite a few peopel on this site alone that have not had a problem with me having 1 pint and driving them to the next pub
if i go out as the designated driver i have 1 pint of larger and the rest of the night on j20 or if i decide to have more i leave the car at the pub
if i go out for a pub lunch i have a meal and 1 pint but if i am not sure of how strong a beer is like stella i will only have a half
is there an election brewing any time soon because this old chesnut seems to pop up to distract people from the real issues and failings of a govenment near voting times
before anyone plays the my friend was killed by a drunk driver card please remember that driver was probably over the limit , if he was found to be within the limit he wa a careless/wreckless driver not a drunk driver
Last edited by chav1; 01-03-2007 at 17:10.
01-03-2007, 17:11
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Re: Drink Driving
I'll vouch for you on them Chav. Theres been a few times when i've served you J20 because you were driving.
01-03-2007, 17:14
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Re: Drink Driving
to be fair most people make their judgments on how 1 pint effects them , if 1 pint effects you so badly that you think your judgment is impared so severly then you shouldnt be drinking regardless of if you are driving or not 
01-03-2007, 17:26
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Re: Drink Driving
I belive that one pint makes a difference in some people, it all depends on body mass, weight and how often they drink, ie a 6ft 7" rugby player could probably have a few pints and not even be effected while a skinny model of 5ft would be half cut, so i do think the drink drive limit should be zero as it effects different people in different ways... there are no ifs or buts to that its facts.
01-03-2007, 17:26
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Re: Drink Driving
I am against drink driving but random breath testing is just another step towards a police state. At least now the police have to suspect a breach of the Road Traffic Act before they can stop a motorist and even then they can’t just breathalise you. The cop has to have reasonable suspicion that you have been consuming alcohol.
In Europe the limit is 50mg so as this government is hell bent on us being part of the EU then 50mg sounds about right to me. Not that I particularly want to be part of Europe but you have to go with the flow.
Is it known that the law has been changed to allow breath samples taken at the roadside to be used as evidence in court rather than requiring officers to take further samples back at the police station? But this power cannot be used until a suitable roadside testing device has been approved by the Home Office.
That is more worrying than random breath tests.
02-03-2007, 04:06
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Re: Drink Driving
The thing that infuriorates me over here are the people who have been arrested for drunk driving many, many times and they're still allowed, or choose on their own, to continue drink and drive.
I've lost so many friends to drunk driving. Cindy's oldest brother was killed by a drunk driver when he was just 16. I'm sure the numbers are down greatly since the 1960s but 10s of thousands are still being killed or maim because of this.
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