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Old 09-03-2006, 15:06   #1
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driving in the UK ....

should imigrants who come to work in the uk for long periods of time have to take a UK driving test or some basic version of it to ensure they actualy can control a car on UK roads and know what traffic sighns etc mean

i only ask because last night a car shot through a red light at express gifts forcing me to break hard and narrowly missing the froont of my car

the offending car had polish number plates which leads me to think that either the guy was a F ing moron or that in poland a red light means go

somone in a previous post rasied the question as to where we stand if one of these people was in an accident and what if any precautions were in effect to ensure that imigrants actualy have adequate insurence or actualy hold a driving licence and cant just dissapear back to poland to avoid prosecution

ime not gainst anyone coming here to work especialy at a dump like express gifts but if they are going to be on our roads for a long period of time i think they should have to take some kind of UK top up test

i dont know what driving tests are like in other countries but ours has got a lot harder to pass with a theory test ontop of a practical test and now the new advanced course you can take after a test called pass plus which teaches you how to use motorways which i personaly think should be compulsary

i am not saying every foreighner should take a UK test as peopel all over the world drive abroad on holidays etc but if you are going to be a long term resident i think a UK test or somthing is in order

Last edited by chav1; 09-03-2006 at 15:10.
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Old 09-03-2006, 15:29   #2
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if it was a red golf mk2 then he works at my place.we got about 6 now on min wage packing plastic pots into boxes,,they cheaper to employ than us britters ....alledgely
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Old 09-03-2006, 16:09   #3
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Re: driving in the UK ....

De De dum dum

Last edited by Tinkerbelle; 09-03-2006 at 16:27.
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Old 09-03-2006, 21:04   #4
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Re: driving in the UK ....

Originally Posted by chav1
somone in a previous post rasied the question as to where we stand if one of these people was in an accident and what if any precautions were in effect to ensure that imigrants actualy have adequate insurence or actualy hold a driving licence and cant just dissapear back to poland to avoid prosecution
That would be me then

I agree completely. Why can't our local plod start taking numbers and if they are still here after say 1 month check that they have all legal requirements covered. That I would like to see.

I'm not sure what the legal requirements are but there must be some, I can't be bothered to google just now, If no one else does, I'll see what I can find tomorrow

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Old 09-03-2006, 23:46   #5
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Re: driving in the UK ....

Originally Posted by entwisi
That would be me then

I agree completely. Why can't our local plod start taking numbers and if they are still here after say 1 month check that they have all legal requirements covered. That I would like to see.

I'm not sure what the legal requirements are but there must be some, I can't be bothered to google just now, If no one else does, I'll see what I can find tomorrow
I await the answer with (yawn) baited breath.
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Old 09-03-2006, 23:49   #6
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Re: driving in the UK ....

Think you will find that since joining the EEC in 2004 the regs are uniform throughout europe. Their insurance should extend to other EEC countries as ours.
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Old 10-03-2006, 00:20   #7
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Re: driving in the UK ....

Originally Posted by big al
Think you will find that since joining the EEC in 2004 the regs are uniform throughout europe. Their insurance should extend to other EEC countries as ours.
Have they got insurance?

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Old 10-03-2006, 00:21   #8
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Re: driving in the UK ....

Only one way to find out-er you first.....
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Old 10-03-2006, 00:29   #9

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Re: driving in the UK ....

Well, to be fair - driving in poland is a lot more difficult than here, and you generally have to drive offensively to get anywhere. I quite often find myself bargeing in these days due to the english defensive driving style. If anything everyone here should have 'real' driving lessons that enable us to get places faster. That pole probably got home and was able to have a brew at least 5-10 minutes earlier than you would have done!
As for stoopid driving situations lets talk about the waste that is 'hard shoulders' - I have to grit my teeth and play nicely over here but everywhere else the extra space is used to get everybody moving home quicker!! grrrr..... We really must advance in this country before we grind to a halt!
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Old 10-03-2006, 00:39   #10
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Re: driving in the UK ....

Originally Posted by big al
Only one way to find out-er you first.....
Sorry Al i aint that daft.......yet.

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Old 10-03-2006, 09:05   #11
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Re: driving in the UK ....

Right, googling didn't give much up so I rang DVLA

A non UK national may drive a non UK registered vehicle in this country for UP TO 6 months in any 12 month period without applying for import/registration providing it is fully taxed and insured in the country of origin. A foreign national living in this country may continue to use an EEC licence for up to 12 months after which they must apply for and pass a UK driving test.

I asked whose responsibility it is to ensure that these conditions are met. The response was to have a word with local council and traffic police. The other question I had which they couldn't answer was how do we track where a foreign national is living in this country from his registration number. There doesn't seem to be a requirement for any immigration official to link a vehicle registration to the temporary address given at point of entry into teh UK

OK, whos at home who has time on their hands to go pester PB and the local traffic plod?

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Old 10-03-2006, 09:10   #12
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Re: driving in the UK ....

Originally Posted by SPUGGIE J
Sorry Al i aint that daft.......yet.
Who needs to be daft Spuggie if you keep to going thru green lights while they go on red! Unfortunately PCs see uk drivers as an easy touch, who knows if a foreign plate is on hols or on a work stint with no way of tracing & all that paperwork. Not paid enough on £18+K PA for all that agro!
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Old 10-03-2006, 19:17   #13
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Re: driving in the UK ....

i know a while back there was a group of polish all parked on the co-op car park all with done up cars, apparently they are staying local might be the same people???
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