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View Poll Results: What is your opinon?
I oppose Rehab Centres in principle- they are a failed concept
1 |
9.09% |
The government now has other spending priorities - maintain the existing centre in Blackburn
1 |
9.09% |
Avenue Parade is ideal
2 |
18.18% |
The ex-Fire Station/Cop Shop is better
7 |
63.64% |
Somewhere else in Hyndburn, but not the Acorn Centre
0 |
0% |
16-11-2008, 10:28
Resting in Peace
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Re: Drug and Alcohol Dendency Unit on Avenue Parade
I'm just wondering what happened to the old peoples homes shut by LCC, some of them were in their own grounds, and would be ideal, anyway is this centre just for Accrington or is it for the health authority. 
16-11-2008, 11:10
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Re: Drug and Alcohol Dendency Unit on Avenue Parade
The Acorn centre is a purpose built medical faciltiy which has cost an awful lot of money and certainly doesnt appear to be being used to anything like its capacity, at least if the Drug and Alcohol dependency unit was located hear it would only take up a reletively small portion of the building. Also, looking at it from the users points of view, anyone using the service would have more confidentiality there, as they could be visiting the centre for many different reasons, in a "stand alone" unit, such as whats proposed for Avenue Parade, everyone is going to know what the people who are going in and out, are there for!! I really cannot see any logic at all, from any angle, in locating this on Avenue Parade, when there are more suitable options already available!
Best Regards - Taggy
16-11-2008, 14:12
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Re: Drug and Alcohol Dendency Unit on Avenue Parade
Originally Posted by polly
I would suggest Blackburn Royal. Yes I know it is a trail but if people want to get better they must be committed enough to travel and there are many buses up to the hospital nowadays. If The Royal does not have space, then it should be created, after all it is a large site and I am sure a portakbin or similar could be used.
The premises on Avenue Parade would be more suitably re-deployed as a nursery, a community or childrens centre - something family orientated.
Then you would have the other bus travellers complaining about having to share a bus with a junkie en route to the hospital.
16-11-2008, 14:32
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Drug and Alcohol Dendency Unit on Avenue Parade
Originally Posted by jambutty
Then you would have the other bus travellers complaining about having to share a bus with a junkie en route to the hospital.
Perhaps not, they would probably get a taxi and claim expenses!

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Winnie the Pooh
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16-11-2008, 16:33
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Re: Drug and Alcohol Dendency Unit on Avenue Parade
Originally Posted by BERNADETTE
On reading most of the posts I surmise that none of you have ever had a family member with a drug or alcohol problem. If that is so you should be very thankful because it could so easily have happened to any one of you. These people are not the scum of the earth they are people with a very real problem. A problem which is going to get worse unless the police come down hard on known drug dealers!!!
But as I said if you haven't been there you will never understand  And before anyone says it will never happen to any of their family I would say "never say never" it happens to people from all walks of life unfortunately.
I have had personal and close involvement with a close family member: and my views are still the name.... An addict knows that when they have that pill or whatever what they are doing and more to the point what it can lead to... there is more than enough information on the subject:
If you smoke ( which I do ) I know what risks I am taking... also for many illnesses the NHS will not treat smokers... ( I know they have clinics and so on ) yet it will fund units and the like for addicts and they are not excluded out of other medical treatments:
These people do not care what they are doing full stop ( its their so called illness ) that makes them that way.... what about all the crime that goes to fund their habits and nine times out of ten they get a way with it... oh I was drunk or I am a drug addict...
If they must fund them for treatment then it should be in a secure hospital....
If it goes ahead then the area will be even more run down.....and it will be come a meeting place for them.... and NO I don't live in the area so really that is not my concern. I am sick of all the help these idiots get and the damage they leave behind.
16-11-2008, 18:58
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Re: Drug and Alcohol Dendency Unit on Avenue Parade
they could convert Accy police station,not much going on there now and the cells are in place.
Would be ideal. 

Some people think I'm a bit of an animal, but I'm quite tender really
16-11-2008, 20:23
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Drug and Alcohol Dendency Unit on Avenue Parade
Originally Posted by Benipete
they could convert Accy police station,not much going on there now and the cells are in place.
Would be ideal. 
not a bad idea, they could also appear in court the same day, no problem. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
16-11-2008, 20:32
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Re: Drug and Alcohol Dendency Unit on Avenue Parade
Originally Posted by cashman
not a bad idea, they could also appear in court the same day, no problem. 
then hop off across the road to the pub to celebrate their slap on the wrist! 
"Dont make someone a priority if your only an option!!"
16-11-2008, 20:42
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Re: Drug and Alcohol Dendency Unit on Avenue Parade
The last 3 posts are great! I agree with all of em! I also agree with magpie about running the area down more, I looked at a house midway up water street, I was told that all the druggies and drunken teens congregate on that corner, so if they do that now, what would it be like if more drug users are brought there?
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
Last edited by derekgas; 16-11-2008 at 20:44.
17-11-2008, 10:40
Resting in Peace
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Re: Drug and Alcohol Dependency Unit on Avenue Parade
Originally Posted by derekgas
The last 3 posts are great! I agree with all of em! I also agree with magpie about running the area down more, I looked at a house midway up water street, I was told that all the druggies and drunken teens congregate on that corner, so if they do that now, what would it be like if more drug users are brought there?
Couldn't agree more derek, there was an alcoholic moved into the area where I live and with him the baggage he brought with him. coming in at all hours, people screaming and shouting all times of day and night, urinating against walls in open view. Touch would he went into rehab in Lancaster and hasn't been to bad since he returned, yet only this morning I saw one of his cronies hanging about.
17-11-2008, 15:33
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Re: Drug and Alcohol Dendency Unit on Avenue Parade
Why not the old fire place ?
17-11-2008, 17:20
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Re: Drug and Alcohol Dendency Unit on Avenue Parade
Added a poll at the request of Tealeaf as he wanted one in his thread and the two are now merged.
formerly cyfr
17-11-2008, 17:22
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Re: Drug and Alcohol Dendency Unit on Avenue Parade
Originally Posted by SamF
Why not the old fire place ?
do you mean fire station or are you saying we should burn them?
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....
I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
17-11-2008, 20:23
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Re: Drug and Alcohol Dendency Unit on Avenue Parade
I don't personally think there is anything wrong with a little in-house parochial humor, or even humour  Now, if he had suggested transporting druggies and alkies to Australia, or Canada, that would be another thing entirely   .... esp. Canada. 
Last edited by Mick; 22-11-2008 at 10:08.
Reason: removed bad language (in the quote)
17-11-2008, 21:18
Resting in Peace
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Re: Drug and Alcohol Dendency Unit on Avenue Parade
Originally Posted by andrewb
Added a poll at the request of Tealeaf as he wanted one in his thread and the two are now merged.
and why could he not put his own poll on ?
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