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View Poll Results: What is your opinon?
I oppose Rehab Centres in principle- they are a failed concept 1 9.09%
The government now has other spending priorities - maintain the existing centre in Blackburn 1 9.09%
Avenue Parade is ideal 2 18.18%
The ex-Fire Station/Cop Shop is better 7 63.64%
Somewhere else in Hyndburn, but not the Acorn Centre 0 0%
Voters: 11. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 18-11-2008, 10:38   #46
Resting in Peace
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Re: Drug and Alcohol Dendency Unit on Avenue Parade

Originally Posted by magpie View Post
and why could he not put his own poll on ?
He's not as gifted as Andrew
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Old 18-11-2008, 16:21   #47
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Re: Drug and Alcohol Dendency Unit on Avenue Parade

Quote;However will your children/family be safe if this unit goes ahead : short answer NO:

Will it be be safe if no unit goes ahead.NO.
The Poll was about the siting and reflected in the result so far.
My suggestion of the old Police Station was quite serious,though I never mentioned the Fire Station.(may yet be needed)

Some people think I'm a bit of an animal, but I'm quite tender really

Last edited by Mick; 22-11-2008 at 10:13.
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Old 18-11-2008, 16:39   #48
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Re: Drug and Alcohol Dendency Unit on Avenue Parade

Wasn't the old Police Station sold for shed loads of money last year, with the idea of turning it into flats?

I suppose it makes economic sense for the place to be sited in a building already owned by the N.H.S., wherever that migh be.

Personally I don't know if this building is the right place for a rehabilitaion centre. I do know I'd rather live near a centre where people were trying to change their lives for the better, than live near neighbours who were users, and were making no effort to get off drugs.
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Old 18-11-2008, 17:38   #49
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Re: Drug and Alcohol Dendency Unit on Avenue Parade

someone stopped me in town today and asked me to sign a petition against the centre.
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....

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Old 18-11-2008, 17:39   #50
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Re: Drug and Alcohol Dendency Unit on Avenue Parade

People tend to be unfair on drug users. Most are preyeed on in vulnerable states, often when they are still children, and soon become dependent on them and you can't just stop taking them and be right as rain.

Not enough focus is put on drug dealers and they are the root of the problem. No point having a new rehabilitation centre if we aren't cracking down on drug dealers as well. The weed still grows unless you kill the root!

As for funding things for disabled kids, there aren't enough things for kids to do in general, not just the ones that are disabled. At least the disabled ones tend to be kept indoors and safe by their parents, whilst the others are kicked out for the evening to entertain themselves. Why do you think people turn to drugs in the first place? They're either vulnerable or they're just plain bored. I agree money should be pumped into helping ALL children, which would include the disabled ones, and hopefully that would help solve the ever growing drugs issue, or at least decrease the numbers of young drug users.
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Old 18-11-2008, 18:07   #51
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Re: Drug and Alcohol Dendency Unit on Avenue Parade

Originally Posted by cashman View Post its not about you having n opinion, in fact i agree it should not be sited at peel house, i voted fer the old police station. there has been quite a few threads about using asterisks, this is the latest, i suggest ya have a read n also look at the rules before engaging yer gob. i know its not allowed, cos i have been slapped fer doin it, so now i try not to.come down from yer own backside n have a look around, somehow i doubt you will, but thats just my opinion.
I'm not up my....or perhaps more importantly, anyone else's backside!!! As far as using Asterisks are concerned, this is something which is perfectly acceptable on most other forums which i have used. If its not acceptable on here, thats fine by me, and i shall adapt my writing style accordingly! Its a mute point these days as to what would be considered a Swear word, the word i chose to Asterisk, would be in use in all primary schools these days, and i think its perfectly clear looking at the context in which i used it, that it was not aimed at causing any offence. It was aimed at highlighting what i considered to be a Poll which makes light of an important issue, when it could have been so much more constructive! For example why were the other glaring options of The Pals Centre, Acorn Centre, and Accrington Victoria Hospital not included. They are facilities already in exsistence within our borough...the two latest, provided at great expense. Any of these could incorporate a facility such as the one we are discussing, without the same disturbance on the immediate community as in Avenue Parade....again, this is MY opinion, others may well not agree, but i feel they should be seriously considered, and not dismissed totally, as the East Lancs PCT seems to have done. I dont know anyone other than the PCT who thinks that these 3 facilities dont have adequate space for such a unit! It would certainly be more anonymous if incorporated in one of them...which i feel should suit all parties! Hopefully we can discuss the relevant issues now...rather than my asterisk!

Best Regards - Taggy

Last edited by Mick; 22-11-2008 at 10:14.
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Old 18-11-2008, 18:15   #52
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Re: Drug and Alcohol Dendency Unit on Avenue Parade

I'd hope that schools were capable of providing material that could avoid swear words, asterixed or not. For every swear word there is a word that is not vulgar and is quite acceptable in ordinary civil and polite conversation.

I don't recall ever coming across asterixed swear words in school or in books unless I was delving into books targetted at adults, and they just use the normal words as they obviously weren't intended for youngsters. Unfortunately this forum IS open to all ages and respects that and so we expect everyone to respect the rules! You accept them when you sign up to the forum so there is hardly an excuse.

Anyway, people petitioning against a drug centre wont do anyone any good so I don't see why people are doing that. Drug use is a problem in this area and it should be targetted. If your child was targetted by a drug dealer and became hooked on cocaine I think you'd expect to have a centre available locally for them to get the treatment they need. I don't think you'd be seeing it as a lost cause for much longer anyway.
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Old 18-11-2008, 18:27   #53
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Re: Drug and Alcohol Dendency Unit on Avenue Parade

I was'nt offering an excuse...i was giving a reason.

Your rather negative view about there not being any point in holding a petition against something with which one disagrees is rather defeatist and not very democratic! As you will see the thread was started with a view to finding out which Location a centre such as this should be located in, bearing in mind the options available...not that NO unit should be provided anywhere.

Best Regards - Taggy

Last edited by Taggy; 18-11-2008 at 18:29.
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Old 18-11-2008, 18:47   #54
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Re: Drug and Alcohol Dendency Unit on Avenue Parade

Originally Posted by Taggy View Post
I was'nt offering an excuse...i was giving a reason.

Your rather negative view about there not being any point in holding a petition against something with which one disagrees is rather defeatist and not very democratic! As you will see the thread was started with a view to finding out which Location a centre such as this should be located in, bearing in mind the options available...not that NO unit should be provided anywhere.

Best Regards - Taggy
I voted the location, but someone mentioned that it shouldn't be opened and that the money should go to providing activities for disabled children, hence my comments.

I'd give you my best regards but I only lie for my personal gain, not politeness.

I didn't say disallow petitions, otherwise it would be fair to say I was being undemocratic. As for being defeatist, the number of signatures needed to stop such a thing would need to be huge really and I don't think they'll be gotten, but at the same time I wasn't say don't bother trying, just airing my opinion that it is pointless as it is very likely to go ahead regardless as it is a big issue and not one that should be ignored just because a few hundred people don't want to face the fact that people are suffering from drug addictions in their precious town.

It is easy to call drug addicts scum, but when they see the pregnant teenager going in for her treatment and see how sickly she looks, it becomes much harder to treat them all like criminals.
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Old 18-11-2008, 19:36   #55
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Re: Drug and Alcohol Dendency Unit on Avenue Parade

Originally Posted by emamum View Post
are you for or against the centre tealeaf?
I've just voted.

Am I in favour of a centre? The simple answer is no, on the basis that clinical solutions should be evidence based. When I last looked, there appeared to be more cost effective ways to drug and alcohol treatment than these rather expensive centres. However, there are exceptions and much rests upon a number of variables, one of which is the high levels of ongoing funding which is neccessary ( Large capital sums are spent on the bricks and mortar only for subsequent annual clinical and other staff funding to be reduced).

My real concern with this - the info I have gained from the online Telegraph on Sunday - was the way those attending the meeting on thursday evening appeared more than ready to offload the facility on to Blackburn Road, which even if you do accept the outline cinical case, is obviously the wrong place to be.
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Old 18-11-2008, 19:40   #56
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Re: Drug and Alcohol Dendency Unit on Avenue Parade

Why haven't you included a site in Church? I think they should refurbish and convert The Stag. An ideal location.
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Old 18-11-2008, 19:43   #57
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Re: Drug and Alcohol Dendency Unit on Avenue Parade

Originally Posted by blazey View Post

Not enough focus is put on drug dealers and they are the root of the problem. No point having a new rehabilitation centre if we aren't cracking down on drug dealers as well. The weed still grows unless you kill the root!
good on yer blaze, agree 100% with that, can't give ya karma, but i owe ya.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 18-11-2008, 19:55   #58
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Re: Drug and Alcohol Dendency Unit on Avenue Parade

Given the fact that a vast proportion of drugs are imported and supplied by a certain minority of our community, how about situating this centre on Richmond Hill Street, or Higher Antley Street perhaps?
Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right.

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Old 18-11-2008, 20:15   #59
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Re: Drug and Alcohol Dendency Unit on Avenue Parade

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
People tend to be unfair on drug users. Most are preyeed on in vulnerable states, often when they are still children, and soon become dependent on them and you can't just stop taking them and be right as rain.

Not enough focus is put on drug dealers and they are the root of the problem. No point having a new rehabilitation centre if we aren't cracking down on drug dealers as well. The weed still grows unless you kill the root!

As for funding things for disabled kids, there aren't enough things for kids to do in general, not just the ones that are disabled. At least the disabled ones tend to be kept indoors and safe by their parents, whilst the others are kicked out for the evening to entertain themselves. Why do you think people turn to drugs in the first place? They're either vulnerable or they're just plain bored. I agree money should be pumped into helping ALL children, which would include the disabled ones, and hopefully that would help solve the ever growing drugs issue, or at least decrease the numbers of young drug users.
People tend to be unfair on drug users.
( I wonder why that is .... could it be because of all the pain and devastation they cause, not to mention all the hurt they cause their family and friends)

Most are preyeed on in vulnerable states, often when they are still children, and soon become dependent on them and you can't just stop taking them and be right as rain.

(Most disabled children are never right as rain, and it is not their fault... the people that take drugs know full well what they are doing and what the end result will be)

Not enough focus is put on drug dealers and they are the root of the problem. No point having a new rehabilitation centre if we aren't cracking down on drug dealers as well. The weed still grows unless you kill the root!

Be it drug dealers or drug users there needs to be more punishment put into place... not excuses Oh he's from a broken home, there is nothing to do etc...

As for funding things for disabled kids, there aren't enough things for kids to do in general, not just the ones that are disabled.

Not enough things for kids to do in general.... which planet are you on: I could name loads of venues where ( kids in general can go ) youth clubs, skate parks etc.... but I can only name three for disabled children.... even the sports centre is not disabled friendly.... there is no specific disabled changing room

At least the disabled ones tend to be kept indoors and safe by their parents,

Why do you think that is..... because there is nothing else for them to do. ( disabled ones )

so keep the disabled ones in and let the complete thugs out so they can start on the down hill street to drug use.... THESE SO CALLED KIDS KNOW RIGHT FROM WRONG.... only when caught they get nice treats and no punishment... oh we could supply them with a nice new centre so they can learn more about their hobbies ( drugs and booze ) and meet their mates...

whilst the others are kicked out for the evening to entertain themselves.

There are enough events and venues around the town for kids to find entertainment...
The things is for a lot of kids, entertainment is DRUG USE and ALCOHOL ABUSE.....

Why do you think people turn to drugs in the first place? They're either vulnerable or they're just plain bored.

You forgot to leave out STUPID:

I agree money should be pumped into helping ALL children, which would include the disabled ones,

I think you will find most of the money in the pot hardly ever finds it way to helping disabled children:

and hopefully that would help solve the ever growing drugs issue, or at least decrease the numbers of young drug users.

It is about time... that law abiding good people got some credit and services.... the drug addicts do not give a toss, so why should we:
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Old 18-11-2008, 22:39   #60
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Re: Drug and Alcohol Dendency Unit on Avenue Parade

The unit could be useful to some law abiding, tax paying people, who maybe addicted to drugs prescribed by thier GP....or are they also low life scum?
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