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View Poll Results: What is your opinon?
I oppose Rehab Centres in principle- they are a failed concept
1 |
9.09% |
The government now has other spending priorities - maintain the existing centre in Blackburn
1 |
9.09% |
Avenue Parade is ideal
2 |
18.18% |
The ex-Fire Station/Cop Shop is better
7 |
63.64% |
Somewhere else in Hyndburn, but not the Acorn Centre
0 |
0% |
19-11-2008, 10:47
Resting in Peace
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Re: Drug and Alcohol Dendency Unit on Avenue Parade
I think the main thing is that nobody would want this or any other establishment like it within their own community, its as simple as that
19-11-2008, 11:18
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Drug and Alcohol Dendency Unit on Avenue Parade
Originally Posted by jaysay
I think the main thing is that nobody would want this or any other establishment like it within their own community, its as simple as that
sums it up very well, no-one has voted "Oppose Re-habs" even though some have voted the daft options. bulk of vote is for old police station,which fer me is a far more suitable site.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
19-11-2008, 14:58
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Re: Drug and Alcohol Dendency Unit on Avenue Parade
In theory the Old Police Station/Fire Station would seem to be a more suitable location, however its availability to the PCT is probably debateable. Its probably going to have to be placed within a facility that the PCT already own, which along with Avenue Parade, would also include The Pals Centre, The Acorn Centre, Accrington Victoria Hospital and maybe even a couple more such as the former ESMI Unit (The Mount) opposite Accy Vic, and the Metal Health Support Unit on the corner of Nuttall Street/Wellington Street.
The first two have recently been built at great expense (17Million quid), I'm quite sure that there is enough space in either of these buildings, (Or even scope to add on, if needed) for a unit of this type to be incorporated into it, if the PCT have a desire to do this. Because this unit would then take up only a relatively small portion of the existing structure, it would be able to function in a more anonymous way than say a "Stand Alone" unit, in a purely residential area. Again Accrington Victoria, whilst being in a more built up area (Residential wise) than the previous two, could contain a unit within its confines, in a much less invassive way than a Stand Alone unit. If needs be perhaps a separate entrance could be created on Whalley road, to access that side of the Hospital area.
I dont know what the feasibility of the last two suggestions would be, The Mount is perhaps already fully operating to capacity. However the Mental Health Resource at Wellington St/Nuttall Street, could perhaps provide an alternative. Its more "Set back" with Car Parking than would be the case on Avenue Parade, and that particular section isnt as residential either. It would perhaps mean moving those services already there to somewhere else...perhaps such as Avenue Parade.
I do feel that use of the above facilities would prove less disruptive than what is currently being proposed. I also feel that it would not affect Property Values in the same way either, as the one on Avenue Parade would. Estate Agents have said Property values would drop between 8%-12% in the immeadiate area, with a Stand Alone Unit as is currently proposed. Contained within an existing medical facility, large enough to absorb it, property values would not be affected in this way.
I do feel that the Petition is indeed wothwhile, and that if sufficient pressure is brought to bear, than the PCT could be made to re-consider. Most of the Options mooted above, did get mentioned at the Meeting (I was There), however a deaf ear seemed to be turned to some, and at times certain things were missed due to the heated nature of some exchanges.
Its interesting to note that, until now at least, this matter has not been discussed at "Full Council" level. Hopefully thats about to be rectified, might be interesting to hear what thoughts come out of there, assuming that takes place. Council cant veto the plans because planning consent was'nt needed, however its not very often plans of this nature would go ahead, if Council expressed objections to it!
Best Regards - Taggy
19-11-2008, 15:05
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Drug and Alcohol Dendency Unit on Avenue Parade
I dont know what the feasibility of the last two suggestions would be, The Mount is perhaps already fully operating to capacity. However the Mental Health Resource at Wellington St/Nuttall Street, could perhaps provide an alternative. Its more "Set back" with Car Parking than would be the case on Avenue Parade, and that particular section isnt as residential either. It would perhaps mean moving those services already there to somewhere else...perhaps such as Avenue Parade. ----- that sounds logical to me. still HBC n logic aint the best mix in the world. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
19-11-2008, 15:09
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Re: Drug and Alcohol Dendency Unit on Avenue Parade
Originally Posted by Taggy
I also feel that it would not affect Property Values in the same way either, as the one on Avenue Parade would. Estate Agents have said Property values would drop between 8%-12% in the immeadiate area, with a Stand Alone Unit as is currently proposed. ....., did get mentioned at the Meeting (I was There),
Best Regards - Taggy
This is what is called a NIMBY. 
19-11-2008, 15:15
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Re: Drug and Alcohol Dendency Unit on Avenue Parade
Perhaps all residents should be petitioning for the proposed centre being near them, in the hope their property only falls by 8-12%.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
Last edited by garinda; 19-11-2008 at 15:17.
19-11-2008, 15:39
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Re: Drug and Alcohol Dendency Unit on Avenue Parade
So it is okay to move it to Wellington Street/Nuttall Street? Would children from those areas not be allowed to walk to and from school without coming into contact with the centre? Sounds more like as long as it isn't in my area it is ok to me.
19-11-2008, 16:00
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Re: Drug and Alcohol Dendency Unit on Avenue Parade
Originally Posted by BERNADETTE
So it is okay to move it to Wellington Street/Nuttall Street? Would children from those areas not be allowed to walk to and from school without coming into contact with the centre? Sounds more like as long as it isn't in my area it is ok to me.
That's the impression that's coming across. 
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
19-11-2008, 16:26
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Re: Drug and Alcohol Dendency Unit on Avenue Parade
hey! that is my area  yeah go for it lol
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....
I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
19-11-2008, 17:23
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Re: Drug and Alcohol Dendency Unit on Avenue Parade
The NIMBY accusations are total codswallap.....for a start the Wellington Street/Nuttall Street location is not surrounded on all sides by Residential Housing...which is the reason i suggested that!!...However as you will see i have made several other suggustions too, and i think my reasoning for those being more appropriate are well considered!
Its seems to me its more a case of a few people are now starting to worry in case it ends up nearer to them.....would'nt that perhaps be called a NIMBY attitude??
Best Regards - Taggy
19-11-2008, 17:25
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Re: Drug and Alcohol Dendency Unit on Avenue Parade
Originally Posted by Taggy
The NIMBY accusations are total codswallap.....for a start the Wellington Street/Nuttall Street location is not surrounded on all sides by Residential Housing...which is the reason i suggested that!!...However as you will see i have made several other suggustions too, and i think my reasoning for those being more appropriate are well considered!
Its seems to me its more a case of a few people are now starting to worrying in case it ends up nearer to them.....would'nt that perhaps be called a NIMBY attitude??
Best Regards - Taggy
it is across from an old folks home and sheltered accomodation tho.
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....
I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
19-11-2008, 17:28
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Re: Drug and Alcohol Dendency Unit on Avenue Parade
But still not as built up a residential area as the one currently being proposed!!
Best Regards - Taggy
19-11-2008, 17:47
Resting in Peace
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Re: Drug and Alcohol Dependency Unit on Avenue Parade
Originally Posted by Taggy
But still not as built up a residential area as the one currently being proposed!!
Best Regards - Taggy
Do you not think the elderly have enough problems already without sitting a rehab unit in their back yard
19-11-2008, 18:15
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Re: Drug and Alcohol Dendency Unit on Avenue Parade
Plenty of Elderly People live on Avenue Parade too!!...As you will see, I've made several other viable alternatives also, all owned by the PCT, and as such suitable for consideration!
Best Regards - Taggy
20-11-2008, 10:48
Resting in Peace
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Re: Drug and Alcohol Dependency Unit on Avenue Parade
Originally Posted by Taggy
Plenty of Elderly People live on Avenue Parade too!!...As you will see, I've made several other viable alternatives also, all owned by the PCT, and as such suitable for consideration!
Best Regards - Taggy
There are old people everywhere Taggy, but in this area they are all old people, old people and people with addiction problems don't mix very well, although I understand what your saying. The things is, a the end of the day the powers hat be will make the decision and there isn't a thing anybody can do to change that
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