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View Poll Results: What is your opinon?
I oppose Rehab Centres in principle- they are a failed concept 1 9.09%
The government now has other spending priorities - maintain the existing centre in Blackburn 1 9.09%
Avenue Parade is ideal 2 18.18%
The ex-Fire Station/Cop Shop is better 7 63.64%
Somewhere else in Hyndburn, but not the Acorn Centre 0 0%
Voters: 11. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 15-11-2008, 11:49   #1
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Drug and Alcohol Dendency Unit on Avenue Parade

The East Lancs Pct NHS trust have earmarked the old doctors surgery on Avenue Parade as a Drug and Alcohol Dependency Unit. They say that despite spending 17million on the two new health centres, Pals and Acorn, that there is not enough space there for a Drugs and Alcohol unit, neither apparently is there enough available space at Accrington Victoria Community Hospital.

I wonder what people think of this, and where would be the preffered location for a Unit of this type?

Best Regards - Taggy
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Old 15-11-2008, 11:56   #2
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Re: Drug and Alcohol Dendency Unit on Avenue Parade

I think its better for there to be a seperate unit just for these then people cant complain that the users and alcoholics are taking up appointments that poorly people need, they also cant complain about the users and alcoholics hanging around the drs surgerys.

But someone will find something to complain about.
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....

I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
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Old 15-11-2008, 11:59   #3
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Avenue Parade N.I.M.B.Y. Slimeballs

As many of you may be aware, the local health authority have been developing plans to turn the old Peel House medical centre into a druggie's rehab centre to cater for both Hyndburn and Ribble Valley residents. One would have thought that if the borough is to have such an establishment within it's boundaries, this would be an ideal location; it is not too far from the bus station and thus those visitors from the wacky baccy factories of Great Harwood and the magic mushroom fields of Whalley would not have too far to go when entering the town. Alight, stroll to the centre, get your therapy, shoot up and then shoot off.

However, the residents of the area around Avenue Parade have seen otherwise. Not only did 150 of them turn up on thursday night to oppose the idea, they had the audacity to suggest such a facility should be placed within the Acorn Centre on Blackburn Road. Now, like the new Pals health building, these places are not designed for this sort of use; but even if they could so be adapted, the location is smply not suitable (and not only because it is so close to Church).

The issue is quite simple; you either oppose these places on principle or if you accept such provisions have to be made, the facility should be located where it is best suited -which in Hyndburn's case, is the old medical centre on Avenue Parade.

help....I wanted to attach a poll to this
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Old 15-11-2008, 12:22   #4
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Re: Drug and Alcohol Dendency Unit on Avenue Parade

As far as i understand it the unit would be providing services just for people dependent on Drugs/Alcohol so would not be depriving other people of appointment spaces. Specialist staff are being brought in to to deal just with these problems. Not many Doctors have taken up the option of relocating their surgeries into the new medical centres.

Best Regards - Taggy
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Old 15-11-2008, 13:15   #5
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Angry Re: Avenue Parade N.I.M.B.Y. Slimeballs

Before you complain because of other people’s NIMBY attitude, consider what your attitude would be if that same facility was to be placed on your doorstep.

If you would be happy to have this unit next door to you or close by, then you have every right to criticise the NIMBIES.

But on the other hand if you would become a NIMBY yourself then it is outright hypocrisy to castigate others for being the same.
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Old 15-11-2008, 14:53   #6
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Re: Avenue Parade N.I.M.B.Y. Slimeballs

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
Before you complain because of other people’s NIMBY attitude, consider what your attitude would be if that same facility was to be placed on your doorstep.

If you would be happy to have this unit next door to you or close by, then you have every right to criticise the NIMBIES.

But on the other hand if you would become a NIMBY yourself then it is outright hypocrisy to castigate others for being the same.
To be quite honest JB I don't think there would be to many people saying ya its right put it next to my house its what we've always wanted round here. When I was in doc rescently in a 7 bed ard two were taken up with people who were alchol dependant, one had been in and out of hospital regularly over the last two years. I honestly don't think the Avenue Parade site is the right place for this unit, but where is the right place
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Old 15-11-2008, 15:44   #7
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Re: Avenue Parade N.I.M.B.Y. Slimeballs

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
To be quite honest JB I don't think there would be to many people saying ya its right put it next to my house its what we've always wanted round here. When I was in doc rescently in a 7 bed ard two were taken up with people who were alchol dependant, one had been in and out of hospital regularly over the last two years. I honestly don't think the Avenue Parade site is the right place for this unit, but where is the right place

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Old 15-11-2008, 16:18   #8
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Re: Drug and Alcohol Dendency Unit on Avenue Parade

Maybe they should re-open the Duke of Welly on Abbey Street.I suppose they've got a purpose built building,standing empty, on Avenue Parade,which saves a few quid for a start.I do sympathise with residents who live near by as i certainly would'nt like it close to my home(and the value of property round here is low enough,thank you).Wherever this place ends up it's going to be a case of NIMBY. Maybe they should have bought the Shoulder of Mutton & converted that,any junkie desperate for his/her methadone would walk to Green Howarth.
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Old 15-11-2008, 16:24   #9
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Re: Drug and Alcohol Dendency Unit on Avenue Parade

yeah stick it near my house if you want, might be the best place for it,would save them all a long walk.
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....

I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
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Old 15-11-2008, 17:12   #10
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Re: Drug and Alcohol Dendency Unit on Avenue Parade

Surely its best situated in an area were a high propotion of people are drug users ?
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Old 15-11-2008, 17:20   #11
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Re: Drug and Alcohol Dendency Unit on Avenue Parade

The money could be better spent on units for disabled young people.... where can they go. NOWHERE is the answer there.
They did not ask to be born disabled .... where the addicts are sick with their own making:
We do have units for the elderly ( maybe we need more )
Why should these LOW LIFE get help at the tax payers expense.
A better use for the building would be for a young person's respite care unit.... so that loving overworked and extremely unpaid parents/carers can have a break... we only have one such unit in the town.
If these drug/ alcohol/addicts are ILL then they need to go hospital not nice day's out in a residential area.
We all know the kind of person that will be using this unit if it goes ahead.... cut the need for being PC : its all to easy for them to say I want to get better ... rubbish the only way for them to get well is not to drink or take drugs.... they do not care about the people they are hurting so why the hell should we.

Last edited by magpie; 15-11-2008 at 17:22. Reason: posted to fast
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Old 15-11-2008, 17:32   #12
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Re: Drug and Alcohol Dendency Unit on Avenue Parade

respite care is also provided by people in their own homes, a little like foster care but maybe for one night so that parents can have a rest.
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....

I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
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Old 15-11-2008, 17:36   #13
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Re: Drug and Alcohol Dendency Unit on Avenue Parade

Originally Posted by emamum View Post
respite care is also provided by people in their own homes, a little like foster care but maybe for one night so that parents can have a rest.
Yes I know... I was thinking more of a centre for young adults... say aged 16 -30 where they to can meet people rather than being stuck in their homes......
like a social kind of place....
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Old 15-11-2008, 17:40   #14
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Re: Drug and Alcohol Dendency Unit on Avenue Parade

ah, yeah also one that teaches them life skills so they can have some independence?
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....

I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
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Old 15-11-2008, 17:49   #15
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Re: Drug and Alcohol Dendency Unit on Avenue Parade

My feelings are that these types of problems are not suited to being treated in a mainly residential area.
Many children will walk to and from school via Avenue parade and a collection of druggies and alcoholics can be quiet intimidating even to adults.
I do except that they need treatment, the question is where. I would suggest Blackburn Royal. Yes I know it is a trail but if people want to get better they must be committed enough to travel and there are many buses up to the hospital nowadays. If The Royal does not have space, then it should be created, after all it is a large site and I am sure a portakbin or similar could be used.
The premises on Avenue Parade would be more suitably re-deployed as a nursery, a community or childrens centre - something family orientated.
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