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Old 20-05-2005, 18:47   #1
Apprentice Geriatric
jambutty's Avatar

Question E-Bay phishing email???

I have recently done my first successful purchase on E-Bay.

Are you a member of E-Bay?

If so, then watch out because this morning I got what I consider to be a phishing email. It has been forwarded to [email protected]

The email reads:

Dear eBay Member,
We recently noticed one or more log in attempts to your eBay account from a foreign IP address and we have reasons to believe that your account was used by a third party without your authorization If you recently accessed your account while traveling, the unusual login attempts may have been initiated by you
The login attempt was made from:
IP address:
ISP Host: cache-66 proxy aol com
By now, we used many techniques to verify the accuracy of the information our users provide us when they register on the Site However, because user verification on the Internet is difficult, eBay cannot and does not confirm each user's purported identity Theft, we have established an offline verification system to help you evaluate with who you are deal with.

click on the link below, fill the form and then submit as we will verify
Please save this fraud alert ID for your reference
Please Note - If you choose to ignore our request, you leave us no choice but to temporally suspend your account.
* Please do not respond to this e-mail as your reply will not be received
Trust and Safety Department
eBay Inc.

E-Bay replied:

Thank you for contacting eBay about an E-Mail you received that appears as though it is an authentic E-Mail from eBay. We will investigate this situation immediately.

Please be advised that there have been cases where people have attempted to gain access to an eBay member's personal information by sending "spoof" E-Mails. Spoof E-Mails intentionally give the false impression that they have been sent by eBay to solicit people to transmit their account information.

Based on your inquiry to eBay, the E-Mail you received was likely to be a spoof.

They later confrimed that E-Bay did not send that email.

More and more of these phishing email are doing the rounds and getting more genuine in appearance so I’ll spell it out again to the unwary.

On-line payment processors like PayPal and E-Gold, your high street bank or even HYIP’s etc, in fact anywhere where there is cash involved DO NOT SEND EMAILS TO THEIR MEMBERS THAT CONTAINS A LINK TO THE SITE FOR YOU TO LOG INTO.

No matter how genuine the email may appear to be THEY JUST DON’T DO IT. Full Stop!

Never access your site/s except from the page that you have bookmarked when you joined. If it is a secure site check that the logging in page URL starts off with https and somewhere on your browser you see the ‘locked padlock’.

If you do inadvertently use an email URL to log in with, go to the genuine site immediately (not in ten minutes or next day but immediately) and change your password. Preferably to one that contains at least 12 random characters rather than a real word. I use 15 and as computers get faster and faster and more sophisticated the next time that I change my passwords they will be 20 character ones.

But how am I going to remember a password like Vy6jBw29mVDa I hear people think? You can’t but it is more difficult to crack than a real word. So get yourself RoboForm for free from although the free version will only allow you to store 10 passwords. The Pro version with a one off payment of $29.99 and free upgrades for life will be the best $29.99 that you have ever spent. It’s a small price to pay to secure your accounts. Money is refundable within 30 days if you are not satisfied. Would you sooner lose $50, $100 or more for the sake of just $29.99?

RoboForm isn’t just a password secure storing device, it will also fill in forms for you and it also has a random character password generator.
Thanks for reading. If you have a few minutes to spare please visit my web site at

Last edited by Mick; 21-05-2005 at 05:06.
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Accrington Web
Old 20-05-2005, 18:49   #2
Foreign Correspondent

Billcat's Avatar

Re: E-Bay phishing email???

Sound advice!

I've even gotten phish e-mails for banks where I have never had an account. Kinda makes you wonder!

When in darkness or in doubt, visit Oswaldtwistle!
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Old 20-05-2005, 19:52   #3

Angry Re: E-Bay phishing email???

have to admit i had the same one last week which came from paypal saying that my user id was invalid.please update your files via a link. needles to say i did not take any notice of the email as i have been warned before.
please be careful out there when you read them they ok
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Old 20-05-2005, 20:42   #4
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: E-Bay phishing email???

thanks for the warning i am a recent member of e-bay and have made a few purchases,i will be very wary ta jambutty.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 20-05-2005, 21:10   #5
Senior Member+

Re: E-Bay phishing email???

I am always on guard, and i am a total E bay addict.
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Old 21-05-2005, 07:04   #6
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janet's Avatar

Re: E-Bay phishing email???

I have also had the same email, i just ignored it.If it had not been for people's warnings on this site i would have replied to it. So a big thank you to all for the warnings.
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Old 21-05-2005, 18:08   #7
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entwisi's Avatar

Re: E-Bay phishing email???

The standard piece of information I can give is quite simple. Never, ever, not even once, click a link from an email that then requires you to input any form of username/password pair. If you want to go to ebay then open your browser and type it the URL yourself. If there is any reason to re-confirm your details the proper site will prompt you to update the details there and then and you should see a padlock in your browser to show that you are in a secure site. If you follow this advice you will never suffer from a phishing attack.
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Old 21-05-2005, 22:59   #8
Coffin Dodger.

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Jewel Quest Champion!
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Re: E-Bay phishing email???

cheers entwi its good to have someone who knows input as i certainly dont
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 22-05-2005, 10:01   #9
I am Band

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Exclamation Re: E-Bay phishing email???

I've had the very same spoof e-mail from e-bay, even though I have never bought anything from e-bay or have an account with them.

I also received a dodgy e-mail purporting to be from Pay-pal, claiming that a third party was trying to access my account from another country. They must have got bored waiting for a reply, 'cos they ain't getting one.
Connect it: Red > Yellow, Yellow > Blue, & Blew to ....'kin bits!

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Old 22-05-2005, 12:44   #10
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Re: E-Bay phishing email???

Unfortunately I have had several of these types of emails. I just ignore and delete them all.
Oh, look at my face, my name is might have been, my name is never was, my name's forgotten.
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Old 22-05-2005, 20:29   #11
Apprentice Geriatric
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Talking Re: E-Bay phishing email???

I got another one not from E-Bay but different to the first.

P.S Anybody want $25,000,000 from a Nigerian Bank?

If you have half an hour or so to while away the time do you want to know what happened to one such offer from a Prince Joe Eboh and how the scammer got scammed?

Read this
Thanks for reading. If you have a few minutes to spare please visit my web site at
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Old 23-05-2005, 06:38   #12
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park381's Avatar

Re: E-Bay phishing email???

Seem to be getting a lot of those at the moment, luckily my ISP has a spam filter so any that come through are identified as spam and I delete all spam without opening or reading.

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.
Albert Einstein.

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Old 23-05-2005, 10:56   #13
Senior Member+

Re: E-Bay phishing email???

I get lots of those emails where i could help people get all this money, all i need to do is send my bank details so they can deposit the money into my account otherwise the money would remain unclaimed forever!

BOO HOO as much as i would love the money i aint giving my bank detail to anyone.

Yeah right surly people dont really fall for that do they?
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Old 23-05-2005, 16:57   #14
Foreign Correspondent

Billcat's Avatar

Re: E-Bay phishing email???

Originally Posted by jambutty
If you have half an hour or so to while away the time do you want to know what happened to one such offer from a Prince Joe Eboh and how the scammer got scammed?
jambutty, It's nice to know that these fellows are amusing themselves as the expense (sometimes, literally) of the scammers. Thanks for the link!

When in darkness or in doubt, visit Oswaldtwistle!
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Old 24-05-2005, 21:46   #15
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Talking Re: E-Bay phishing email???

I to seem to get them all the time....what gives it away is that its not addressed to you personally..all ebay stuff should have your e bay id on it.
Its not a tractor its a yamaha!!
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