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Old 22-08-2015, 22:21   #46
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Re: E Cigarettes on NHS ?

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
Yeh cant smoke em in some pubs fact, Greyhound fer one.
I'm glad i don't frequent that watering hole then
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Old 23-08-2015, 08:48   #47
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Re: E Cigarettes on NHS ?

I wonder what chemicals (if any) get mixed with the vapour when the coils start burning out on Ecigs?
I know my chest can get tight and my breathing can also become a little wheezy if I don't change it regular.
One thing is for sure,overall,it's not only myself that feels healthier for changing to Ecigs my bank balance is slightly healthier too and that seems to be reflected in most folk.
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Old 23-08-2015, 11:47   #48
God Member

Re: E Cigarettes on NHS ?

depending on what coil/burner you use you can open them up and clean them gently with one of them small brushes you use to clean between your teeth.I build my own burners its a good idea to buy a tank that takes a burner thats easy to rebuild.You can also boil them in a pan which will clean them or soak in vodka..

hey presto you have a like new coil and get a bit longer out of it


the wire in the coil dosnt usually burn out its the build up of syrup that coats the coil and prevents it working.If you have a clear tank you will notice your liquid discolours as well.Not the wire thats yuor problem its burning gunk either change or clean your burner

oh soaking them in full fat regular coke a cola cleans them as well

rinse then allow to dry out

i left some in my pocket and DAZ does a good job too but leaves an after taste
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Last edited by accyman; 23-08-2015 at 11:50.
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Old 23-08-2015, 12:12   #49
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Re: E Cigarettes on NHS ?

Cheers for that accyman,I've a box of used atomisers so I'll give boiling water a try.
Do the wicks burn out in them? there is defiantly something that tastes like burning after a few days or so of use leading to me having chest/breathing problems.
I'm going to have to invest in one of them fancy £50+ jobs with a digital display and variable voltage as this cheapo (£20) version tastes like muck after a day or two.
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Old 23-08-2015, 12:34   #50
God Member

Re: E Cigarettes on NHS ?

you will have the same problem its gunk building up thats teh problem not the wire or wick

the wick/string lasts a long time it only really damages if burnt dry

them £50 jobs are ok but overkill and you will find the burners are more expensive.You will also get used to the stronger vape so when your big battery runs out of power you cant feel a thing when you use your backup vapestick

i got mine for 15 quid at the jews market salford theres no way i will pay 50 quid upwards fro a cheap import from china which is what all brands are with different lables and prices

all the same junk from the same place you have to be wrong in the head to pay 90 quid upwards for a e-cig just because it looks bulky they all operate on the same sort of burners/coils theres nothing different about them its the battery that makes the difference and the hotter you burn the faster they stop working

just keep your coils clean , google your coil and watch videos on how to rebuild or clean them
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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