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Old 27-04-2005, 17:07   #1
Senior Member+
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Angry East Accrington/phoenix projects...

I'm quite angry at hte moment

i've just come from seeing what plans they have in store for this area and my house is being planned to be knocked down

without any consultation or anytyhing. so they give 4 choices and on all four the choice for me is having my house knocked down. i do not call that a choice. if i wanted to move out of the area i would've taken up numerous offers from my company to work in london/oxford/reading - all nice areas but no i wanted to stay here. it was my choice. telling me i can chose from 4 plans of which i have 1 choice for my house is not as simple.

apparently the whole concept has been designed up by some london fancy pants company sittin in their feng shui office.

is this whole project affecting anyone else? what do u guys make of it?
If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you - Ghenghis Khan
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Old 27-04-2005, 17:24   #2
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Re: East Accrington/phoenix projects...

I'm sorry to hear about your house Mani. I would be fuming, there was a rumour about compulsary purchase orders round my area a couple of years ago and I was not a happy bunny. I checked with somebody at the Council who then said that there were no plans for at least 15 years. The way that this Phoenix project is going you may be in your house for a while yet. It's just bloody unfair when some pen pusher in another part of the country is paid a fortune to decide what will happen to our properties when they've probably never been here.
Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.

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Old 27-04-2005, 17:30   #3
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Re: East Accrington/phoenix projects...

What I do find peculiar is that they are knocking down houses in Accy while the town recorded the second largest increase in house prices (41% year on year to march) in England, and I think the 6th in the UK as a whole (that is according to the Halifax house price survey, the most authoritive of its kind)

This entire scheme is just one more crackpot idea from that blustering, incompetent nincompoop who goes under the title of Deputy Prime Minister.

You have my sincere sympathies, Mani.
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Old 27-04-2005, 17:34   #4
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Re: East Accrington/phoenix projects...

see one other thing i dont understand is this

the govt want to lower the costs of buying a house.

yet if they're makin less houses than they're knocking down how is this meant to help the prob?
some of hte regeneration plans include takin two houses and makin them into one. what happens to one of hte families?

does anyone know a time scale of this? on the boards it did say 5 yrs but i think its gonna b alot harder to pull this off.
If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you - Ghenghis Khan
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Old 27-04-2005, 17:45   #5
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Re: East Accrington/phoenix projects...

Originally Posted by mani
see one other thing i dont understand is this

the govt want to lower the costs of buying a house.

yet if they're makin less houses than they're knocking down how is this meant to help the prob?
some of hte regeneration plans include takin two houses and makin them into one. what happens to one of hte families?

does anyone know a time scale of this? on the boards it did say 5 yrs but i think its gonna b alot harder to pull this off.
ask mr jones mani he will sort you out????
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Old 27-04-2005, 18:10   #6
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Re: East Accrington/phoenix projects...

Why knock them down, why not spend thousands on them just as they have done with the ones on blackburn road,is that not the second "grant" those houses have had.

Am sure it would be cheaper in the long run to refurbish the houses instead of knocking them down.

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Old 27-04-2005, 18:27   #7
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Re: East Accrington/phoenix projects...

i heard through the grapevine that some people were only getting as little as £3000 for their houses from the council to make way for this project

i may be wrong on the figures but there was an uproar in the telegraph a while back about how little people were getting in the area near where wrist wires was and blackburn road

no one should be forced out of their home its just damn wrong especialy when it is only to make somone money at another person expense

why these people cant dig into the green belt areas like travelers can i have no idea

if theres no room to build then tough luck is how the rule should be

not force people on to the streets

Last edited by chav1; 27-04-2005 at 18:28.
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Old 27-04-2005, 18:27   #8
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Re: East Accrington/phoenix projects...

Think the Cllr you need to question is Cllr Tony Dobson.
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Old 27-04-2005, 18:42   #9
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Re: East Accrington/phoenix projects...

I think there is a lot of info on here, if you can stand the happy smiling face of our leader

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.
Albert Einstein.

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Old 27-04-2005, 20:14   #10
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Re: East Accrington/phoenix projects...

sorry about your plight, but they don't give a sh*** thats the sad part people only matter for a few weeks every election,(or they pretend thet matter then)
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 27-04-2005, 20:22   #11
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Re: East Accrington/phoenix projects...

Mani what area is this? Do you have any info on the boudary of the affected houses?
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Old 27-04-2005, 20:48   #12
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Re: East Accrington/phoenix projects...

Originally Posted by entwisi
Mani what area is this? Do you have any info on the boudary of the affected houses?
The boundries of the affected areas are identified in the link on my last post
Project Phoenix

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.
Albert Einstein.

Last edited by park381; 27-04-2005 at 20:52.
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Old 27-04-2005, 22:09   #13
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Re: East Accrington/phoenix projects...

There is talk of Phoenix 2 which affects the other side of Blackburn road around the area that teh Grammer school used to be. I was wondering if it was this bit that Mani was talking about as I guessed that those affected by phase 1 would probably have known about it before now
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Old 27-04-2005, 22:16   #14
Resident Waffler

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Re: East Accrington/phoenix projects...

Some demolition has already taken place in the phase 1 area. Saw bulldozers round there this week.

Is there any provision to rehouse people? £3,000 won't buy much.

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Old 28-04-2005, 00:00   #15
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Re: East Accrington/phoenix projects...

Obviously, I do not know Mani's house...but lets assume that he has pride in his bricks and mortar and it is in good condition! He has been given choices on moving but you can be sure that one option that is NOT open is to sell his house as it stands for the FULL asking price!

Because the council have a scheme in mind to pull down the entire region it makes Mani's house unsellable!!

It must be a terrible situation to be in...........Wish you well Mani.
Pray that there is intelligent life somewhere up in space, 'Cause there's Bu""er all down here on Earth - (Eric Idle)
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