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Old 04-04-2011, 19:46   #61
Accy Red

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Re: EDL mayhem in Blackburn tomorrow

Originally Posted by heth View Post
EDL were the one's that publicised this demo so that is why the news is saying its EDL's fault for the amount spent.
Blame the EDL for everything, it's what the left wing press do best

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Old 04-04-2011, 19:54   #62
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Re: EDL mayhem in Blackburn tomorrow

Originally Posted by Bagpuss View Post
Blame the EDL for everything, it's what the left wing press do best

EDL along with other protesters were there, it cost all that money.

Now I know I aint the only one that thinks this money could be better spent and find it very hard to understand why it is ok for this amount to be spent on this.
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Old 04-04-2011, 20:03   #63
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Re: EDL mayhem in Blackburn tomorrow

Originally Posted by heth View Post
Now I know I aint the only one that thinks this money could be better spent and find it very hard to understand why it is ok for this amount to be spent on this.
It's not ok but it was the police who decided they needed to spend it, I mentioned the London demo because that will cost even more, who do we charge for that? Both demos were legal but does the law need changing so no one is allowed to legally protest, surely that's not what you want?

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Old 04-04-2011, 20:16   #64
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Re: EDL mayhem in Blackburn tomorrow

Everyones intitiled to their voice and opinion.

Can your voice be heard in a better way though?
Do you get your point accross by doing it this way and do the powers that be listen and acknowledge you?

The police decided to put that many staff on as in the past these protests have been violent.
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Old 04-04-2011, 20:34   #65
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Re: EDL mayhem in Blackburn tomorrow

I personally don't think this type of demo is the best way to be heard, the only people who could hear the message where people who already have the same view because the general public were not allowed anywhere near the demo.
I know I've said it before but the left wing bias the press seem to have means people like Jaysay have already formed an opinion from what they have heard so anything that allows the EDL to gain some publicity has to be done, even my dad has heard of them now lol.
When the EDL have been allowed to protest peacefully without a counter demo on the same day there has been no trouble, an example was last weekend when they had one in Blackpool, did you hear any bad press about it?

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Old 04-04-2011, 20:55   #66
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Re: EDL mayhem in Blackburn tomorrow

The problem these extreme groups have is they attract idiots like the one in the video.As the groups try to make themselves more accessible to the masses ,interviews like the one in the video do them no favours. Having said that i think the motives of these people no matter for what colour,creed or religion they say they speak for, are less than honest.After all the extremist tag says it all. Having said that if you live in a country that has established religions and culture trying to force other views and religions upon them is wrong.As the saying goes whilst in rome do as the romans do.The goverment need to be strong and ensure our country retains its own culture and religions and not pander to the pc brigade.But it has to be carefully done so as not to alienate people who practice their own religions etc without trying to force them on others.
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Old 04-04-2011, 21:01   #67
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Re: EDL mayhem in Blackburn tomorrow

No didnt hear anything about that one in Blackpool to be honest but then did other people?
Fair enough it were done peacefully but did you get any further of EDL's opinions being heard or actioned?

So it takes for the EDL to do a un-peaceful protest for the press to pick up on it but then nothing gets done about what you are protesting about you just get labelled as thugs that are spending tax payers money.
Which then gets you a bad name as people are angry that they have had to pay for things that dont change anything?
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Old 05-04-2011, 18:55   #68
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Re: EDL mayhem in Blackburn tomorrow

I see Jack Straw was at it again, Mr Straw predicted EDL support would fall. Well guess what Mr Straw support has continued to rise.

Jack Straw needs to look a bit deeper and work out for himself why the EDL even exists. Perhaps I should spell it out for him and hopefully he may then understand.

When islamic militants burn poppies, when people are feeling like 2nd citizens in their own country, when we are not told that the meat we buy is halal, when its ok to wear a burka inside a post office but not a balaclava or a crash helmet.

When our soldiers who have been injured in Afghanistan are abused when they are recovering in hospital.
When politicians do not listen to the concerns of people about the islamisation of Britain and foreign cultures being imposed on them, then it’s only reasonable to expect people to protest.

No politician has done anything about immigration, yet 20% of our young people cannot find work.
We have nearly 3 million people unemployed and the highest level of child poverty in all of Europe.

It seems that if you protest and do not support corrupt mainstream political parties then you are considered to be an extreme racist.
Take note Mr Straw, you and the other clowns running this country are losing support big style to parties such as UKIP and the BNP. People have had enough, especially when they are branded extremist militant thugs for caring about our future.

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Old 05-04-2011, 20:49   #69
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Re: EDL mayhem in Blackburn tomorrow

Originally Posted by Bagpuss View Post
I see Jack Straw was at it again, Mr Straw predicted EDL support would fall. Well guess what Mr Straw support has continued to rise.

Jack Straw needs to look a bit deeper and work out for himself why the EDL even exists. Perhaps I should spell it out for him and hopefully he may then understand.

When islamic militants burn poppies, when people are feeling like 2nd citizens in their own country, when we are not told that the meat we buy is halal, when its ok to wear a burka inside a post office but not a balaclava or a crash helmet.

When our soldiers who have been injured in Afghanistan are abused when they are recovering in hospital.
When politicians do not listen to the concerns of people about the islamisation of Britain and foreign cultures being imposed on them, then it’s only reasonable to expect people to protest.

No politician has done anything about immigration, yet 20% of our young people cannot find work.
We have nearly 3 million people unemployed and the highest level of child poverty in all of Europe.

It seems that if you protest and do not support corrupt mainstream political parties then you are considered to be an extreme racist.
Take note Mr Straw, you and the other clowns running this country are losing support big style to parties such as UKIP and the BNP. People have had enough, especially when they are branded extremist militant thugs for caring about our future.
I feel your comments about the clowns running the country,have no real substance as the party your suggesting ie the edl are hardly qualified to run a bath never mind a country.You only have to listen to them speak to realise what a bunch of ignorant uneducated idiots they really are. Some of your points i agree with such as the burning of poppies, the abuse of injured and returning service men and women, but surely you cannot think that the edl and their like are the answer to what is a complex and difficult problem.Central goverment must be made to listen on this subject but the edl are a long way from being the saviours of British/English culture and lifestyles.
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Old 05-04-2011, 23:04   #70
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Re: EDL mayhem in Blackburn tomorrow

Originally Posted by walkinman221 View Post
I feel your comments about the clowns running the country,have no real substance as the party your suggesting ie the edl are hardly qualified to run a bath never mind a country.You only have to listen to them speak to realise what a bunch of ignorant uneducated idiots they really are. Some of your points i agree with such as the burning of poppies, the abuse of injured and returning service men and women, but surely you cannot think that the edl and their like are the answer to what is a complex and difficult problem.Central goverment must be made to listen on this subject but the edl are a long way from being the saviours of British/English culture and lifestyles.
It's posts and people like you that make me more determined than ever to push the fight against Islam and the fight to keep our way of life.
Your post stinks of the type of arrogance displayed by HBC Leader Mr Britcliffe, I am a member of the EDL and I consider myself educated (A-Levels) enough to research what we are discussing. The EDL are NOT a political party and never will be, but that's not the issue with you is it? Do you have a problem with how certain people speak? The EDL leaders are from Luton so is it the cockney accent or maybe Mr Singh who was one of the speakers in Blackburn, you are one of those people who smugly say I'm no racist and then look down on people who you consider inferior to yourself.
At least the EDL are addressing the issues that central government are ignoring, whether you like it or not they are in this for the long haul.

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Old 06-04-2011, 06:48   #71
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Re: EDL mayhem in Blackburn tomorrow

I see some interesting paralells between the EDL and the Parti Quebecois and the Bloc Quebecois. And maybe even more closely to the FLQ, the Front de Liberation du Quebec. All three groups fought, and are still fighting for the preservation of French-Canadian culture in a predominantly Anglo continent (Ok, we'll forget about Mexico). Immigrants to Quebec must learn French, have their kids educated in French, and conform to the values of the Quebecois: democracy, tolerance, equality (including that of the sexes), separation of church and state, one law for everyone, etc., you get the picture.

I don't know if I completely trust "movements"; but, in a way, I'm kinda glad that some people are getting on their hind legs, and speaking for England.
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Old 06-04-2011, 07:48   #72
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Re: EDL mayhem in Blackburn tomorrow

well i suppose the other way to show concerns is to write a letter to your mp and im sure all petitions etc get treated with deep consideration and not simply brushed aside.

taking to the streets may not be ideal but its the only way to be sure you get noticed and although the edl may not be teh best example if they had merely written in letters to teh government no one would even know there are people out there with an issue to address

i may have missed somthing but its been made clear why the edl are protesting but what were the muslims marching for this time ?Are they getting a raw deal on somthing or other.I hate to sound flippant but it dosnt take much to get a muslim march going im just curous as to what made them take to teh streets this time
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Old 06-04-2011, 17:21   #73
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Re: EDL mayhem in Blackburn tomorrow

Originally Posted by Bagpuss View Post
It's posts and people like you that make me more determined than ever to push the fight against Islam and the fight to keep our way of life.
Your post stinks of the type of arrogance displayed by HBC Leader Mr Britcliffe, I am a member of the EDL and I consider myself educated (A-Levels) enough to research what we are discussing. The EDL are NOT a political party and never will be, but that's not the issue with you is it? Do you have a problem with how certain people speak? The EDL leaders are from Luton so is it the cockney accent or maybe Mr Singh who was one of the speakers in Blackburn, you are one of those people who smugly say I'm no racist and then look down on people who you consider inferior to yourself.
At least the EDL are addressing the issues that central government are ignoring, whether you like it or not they are in this for the long haul.
If the edl are not a political movement what are they going to achieve? Marching through the streets chanting what ammounts to no more than football chants does nothing to alter legislation or law,i dont make any objection to how people speak if they make sense no matter what accent, but even you cannot deny the meat head in the video further back in the thread is hardly a shining example of a political intuition,and i for one do not want people like that speaking on my behalf,if this is arrogant then so be it.This issue is a strong one that is for sure and i agree that we should be aware of the possible threat that islam poses to our country.If the edl are to the saviours of the British/English way of life remains to be seen, i for one will not be holding my breath.
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Old 10-04-2011, 09:32   #74
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Re: EDL mayhem in Blackburn tomorrow

What is happening in the Ivory Coast is very interesting, civil war between Muslims and Christians, it WILL happen here unless action is taken NOW, wake up people.

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Old 10-04-2011, 09:42   #75
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Re: EDL mayhem in Blackburn tomorrow

Originally Posted by Bagpuss View Post
What is happening in the Ivory Coast is very interesting, civil war between Muslims and Christians, it WILL happen here unless action is taken NOW, wake up people.
You need to wake up Baggy,yer dreaming that will "Never" happen here, the British have always been largely apathetic in peacetime, give em a war n yes there great.
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