Originally Posted by Guinness
Apparently I’m a gammon….
You know one of those red faced baby boom angry little Englanders..
I was dragged up on a council estate with a black and white 20 inch TV and a radiogram for communication…the phone box was a few hundred yards away. Had to switch the immersion heater on for an hour to get hot water for a bath and boil a kettle to do the washing up. The sitting room had a square carpet that didn’t quite fit and was supplemented with about a foot of linoleum around the edge. Pretty much had two sets of school clothes, a couple of sets of playing out clothes and one best for church or visits to gran. Walked to primary, bus to secondary school....if I got ill at school, I toughed it out until home time. Etc..etc.etc..
Those of an age know what I mean.
But hey…those that label me as a gammon little Englander are the self same ones who cause the angry red faced little Englander in me…the just stop oil nutjobs in London, the eco warriors who deface buildings and works of art, the halfwits who let down the tyres on 4x4’s. The Europhiles who ignore stuff like..Macron who today has weakened NATO, Merkel who sunk everything into Russian gas, the village idiot from Turkey, Van Der Leyden etc..
And…you know what..I’m proud of the label….
Ich Bin Ein Gammon…..Civis Brittanicus Sum
How that resonates with me, but I can’t be a gammon, because it is a term that is used for older white men.
Instead I have to be a Karen….except Karen’s are seen as middle class middle aged women.
I could only be middle aged if I am going to live to be well into my hundreds….and please Lord do not let that happen.
Like you I had the white ‘privileged’ background.
I was privileged to be the eldest of seven children.
I was privileged to wear jumble sale clothes and ugly shoes.
I was privileged to live in a home with an outside long drop toilet.
I was privileged to lift the tin bath off the backyard wall every Friday.
I was privileged to be able to make iced lollies(just pain water you understand) on the bedroom window sill…this was inside the house.
I was privileged to leave school after the most rudimentary education at 15.
I was privileged to work in the cotton mill….battery filler first, then a big upgrade to weaver.
My real true privilege was being accepted to train as a nurse, despite having a poor education.
Another privilege was having someone who believed in giving me this opportunity.
I was truly blessed to enjoy every minute of my time looking after the people of our local towns…..and I kept expecting someone to tap me on the shoulder and tell me that I was a fake.
Guinness, my prejudices have been formed by what I have seen and experienced.
And I have to say that I am heartily glad that I am at the butt end of my life.
I have never come across so many virtue signalling naive, brain rinsed people who cannot connect two thoughts in their head….so when it is my time to exit…I will miss nothing!