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Old 05-04-2005, 15:40   #16
white rabbits

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Re: Election:Blair Names The Day

Originally Posted by grannyclaret
i believe every body should vote ,,,,,then if the party of your choice does not win and the other lot cock it up then you can give them a bad time ,,,,if you dont vote ,,then keep your mouth shut ,,

blimey hark at me bossy boots number1
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Old 05-04-2005, 15:40   #17
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Re: Election:Blair Names The Day

even if we vote how do we know its not going to get altered is the question i would like answering by the people in charge of collecting votes
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Old 05-04-2005, 15:51   #18
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Re: Election:Blair Names The Day

Another worry coming from The police............

Groups linked to al Qaeda may try to take advantage of the run-up to a May 5 general election to stage an attack, terrorism experts say.

There is a genuine risk of an atrocity similar to the Madrid train bombings which had a direct result on the Spanish election last year, many believe.

"We must be aware that al Qaeda will see the opportunity this year for a worldwide statement," said the country's most senior policeman Sir Ian Blair. "There is a threat, a very serious potential threat."

The morning rush-hour bombings on commuter trains in Madrid killed 191 people in the most devastating attack in modern Spanish history, just three days before a general election.

The attackers claimed to represent al Qaeda in Europe.

READ MORE..................

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Old 05-04-2005, 15:54   #19
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Re: Election:Blair Names The Day

Originally Posted by jason
Another worry coming from The police............

Groups linked to al Qaeda may try to take advantage of the run-up to a May 5 general election to stage an attack, terrorism experts say.

There is a genuine risk of an atrocity similar to the Madrid train bombings which had a direct result on the Spanish election last year, many believe.

"We must be aware that al Qaeda will see the opportunity this year for a worldwide statement," said the country's most senior policeman Sir Ian Blair. "There is a threat, a very serious potential threat."

The morning rush-hour bombings on commuter trains in Madrid killed 191 people in the most devastating attack in modern Spanish history, just three days before a general election.

The attackers claimed to represent al Qaeda in Europe.

READ MORE..................
food for thought.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 05-04-2005, 16:04   #20
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Re: Election:Blair Names The Day

Postal voting is beginning to look more attractive then...
"The Hour of Scampering is usually around teatime, according to the Vorlon/Human Translation Dictionary."

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Old 05-04-2005, 16:48   #21


Re: Election:Blair Names The Day

Originally Posted by vorlon24
Postal voting is beginning to look more attractive then...
Somebody said the same for Cherie Blaire when viewed from a distance…..

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Old 05-04-2005, 16:57   #22
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Re: Election:Blair Names The Day

So she was either standing behind a brick wall or a supermodel then?!

I am sure she has been mistaken for a postbox on occasion, too!
"The Hour of Scampering is usually around teatime, according to the Vorlon/Human Translation Dictionary."

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Old 06-04-2005, 06:33   #23
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Re: Election:Blair Names The Day

Originally Posted by chav1
i suppose we could start our own political party and call ourselves the COMMON SENSE party where all decisions will be made upon common sense and not what brussles says we got to do
There is already just such a party. It's called UKIP. But I suppose you lot will ignore it and just carry on voting for the same old parties. When we eventually become a region of the United States of Europe and you don't even have a country left to vote in, then I'll take a grim satisfaction in saying "I told you so!"
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Old 06-04-2005, 11:37   #24


Re: Election:Blair Names The Day

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris
There is already just such a party. It's called UKIP. But I suppose you lot will ignore it and just carry on voting for the same old parties. When we eventually become a region of the United States of Europe and you don't even have a country left to vote in, then I'll take a grim satisfaction in saying "I told you so!"
I wouldn’t consider ukip to be the answer to anything to be honest; However, I have to support the underlying seriousness of what you are saying. It is time people started to whinge less about personalities and paid more attention to what’s happening in the real world of politics, specifically within Europe.

On - Stanley – On
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Old 06-04-2005, 12:20   #25
white rabbits

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Re: Election:Blair Names The Day

i liked robert kilroy silk,s attitude,about free speech ,,,but them days seem to have gone now,,,you are not allowed to think for yourself ......
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Old 06-04-2005, 12:27   #26
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Re: Election:Blair Names The Day

Labour equals higher taxes. Not an opinion, a historical fact. Simple. SO - if you work for a living and pay taxes, it's your choice. Taxes will go up still higher if Labour get back in, because Blair inherited a very sound economy from the Conservatives, which is now beginning to limp due to their ham-fisted policies.

Also despite having promised that he would never do so, Blair has handed control over OUR immigration policy to Brussels. So the Germans and the French can decide how many more immigrants WE take. Anyone coming to this country has the right to vote, so long as they are on the electoral roll - asylum seekers etc. They have an interest in voting Labour, because it is Labour policy to follow the Human Rights Act slavishly - therefore, even if they have no right to be here, you can't kick them out because that infringes their human rights. ... work that one out.

And that is not a racist comment - this is a small country, France is roughly 5 times the size with about the same population. Wholesale immigration prejudices those decent people from the immigrant population who have lived and worked in this country for many years.

As for Europe - vote Blair back in and you can kiss goodbye to your pound - it will be Euros sure as sure.

No prizes for guessing which side of the fence I stand!
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Old 06-04-2005, 13:35   #27


Re: Election:Blair Names The Day

Many very valid points their Pendy..............although I'm not convinced much by the others either. It's time someone made a positive stand for Britain or England if people prefer. We do to much bowing and scraping to Europe and the US. We may have to accept that we are no longer a world power, but that doesn’t mean we have to be subservient. Where is our pride………

On - Stanley – On
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Old 06-04-2005, 13:54   #28
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Re: Election:Blair Names The Day

UKIP may not have the answers, but a sizeable protest vote for them would "bounce" the other parties into being more euro-sceptic. Labour and Liberals are wholeheartedly pro-EU. The Tories play the most dangerous game of all, pretending that there is a way to stay in the EU, yet maintain our independence - a total fallacy.
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Old 06-04-2005, 14:15   #29


Re: Election:Blair Names The Day

I accept you point unequivocally………………..but how long before someone will realise just how close this thing with Europe really is. UKIP have had ample opportunity to define their role within british politics and then blown themselves out by with interpersonally contest within there own ranks.

On - Stanley – On
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Last edited by Doug; 06-04-2005 at 14:17.
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Old 06-04-2005, 14:41   #30
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Re: Election:Blair Names The Day

I will be voting Labour,I'm more old than new it's got to be said,but you vote for the party that will do most of the things you want,no party will do everything you'd like,My top concerns are health jobs crime education and the econome,now the only thing I'll add is that please will all of you that are thinking of not voting please do,it does'nt matter to me what party you vote for but please do. We can vote others never get the chance to!
Make mine a PINT.......

Last edited by wayneyboy1942; 06-04-2005 at 14:43.
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