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View Poll Results: Election time - who wins & how many votes?
Jones - increases labour majority to 10,000+
0 |
0% |
Jones - takes 15-18,000 votes - same majority as Pope
4 |
12.12% |
jones - labour vote falls - majority of 200-2000
20 |
60.61% |
Jones - after a recount - scrapes through with 1-200 votes
2 |
6.06% |
Buckley - after recount, wins by 1-200 votes
3 |
9.09% |
Buckley - big swing to Tories - wins by 2000+ votes
2 |
6.06% |
Rankine - scrapes through with 1-200 votes majority
0 |
0% |
Rankine - wins seat with big majority 2000+
0 |
0% |
UKIP win
0 |
0% |
BNP/crackpot christians/greens win
2 |
6.06% |
28-04-2010, 18:20
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Re: Election - Place yer bets.
Originally Posted by cashman
Oh well that dont make deception/theft as bad then does it. 
Its certainly not good,but doesnt annoy me as much as the people who con the system,when they could work.
28-04-2010, 18:21
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Re: Election - Place yer bets.
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
well, I guess we'll have to disagree on this one.
Private conversations are just that...... private.
Do you want to listen to all of Gordon Browns conversations?
Do you think the other leaders have not got into their vehicles and made some senseless comment about who they have just met? If you do, then you exhibit an amazing naivete.
No, I'm not that gullible, Margaret. Of course, all politicos say things off mic...political history is littered with notorious gaffes. And, no, I don't want to listen to all of Gordon Brown's conversations. However, comments like this provide a fascinating insight into a politician's real views and his views of the electorate he hopes to represent.
Whether his views are "senseless" or not...well, that's a matter of opinion, isn't it? I can guarantee that sections of tomorrow's leftwing press and various commentators will put forward the view that he was quite right and that this woman expressed views which were bigoted. Personally, I think that people who consistently express negative views about immigrants are displaying signs of bigotry, but my views count for nothing, because I'm not asking you to elect me as PM and that's another argument, anyway.
However, I do think he's scored rather a large own goal here, all thanks to his own stupidity. Don't reckon it'll make any difference to Graham's vote, though.
28-04-2010, 18:25
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Election - Place yer bets.
Originally Posted by turkishdelight
As far as i am aware students who do give up will still have to repay a soon as they reach earnings of 15,ooo which in some time of their life will do.
Well I bet like me, you know one that hasn't, (and probably doesn't intend to).
Nowt but criminal if you ask me.

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Winnie the Pooh
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28-04-2010, 18:26
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Re: Election - Place yer bets.
Oh dear! the Prime Minister is finally revealed as a cowboy, in Rochdale of all places.
Still, this may well put the immigration issue back on the map. I know the Sun was due to run on this at the beginning of next week (with the emphasis on Clegg's amnesty policy) but this could well advance the debate, on top of Brown's gaffe.
Last edited by Tealeaf; 28-04-2010 at 18:31.
28-04-2010, 18:34
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Re: Election - Place yer bets.
Originally Posted by Less
Well I bet like me, you know one that hasn't, (and probably doesn't intend to).
Nowt but criminal if you ask me.

Of course you will always get them but they will never get on in life.
28-04-2010, 18:53
Beacon of light
Re: Election - Place yer bets.
Wynonie, not for a moment do I think you are that gullible(you have proved you aren't with many of your postings)........and I do appreciate your point, but I still think that there are things that politicians discuss that we would not benefit from hearing.
Mr Brown was obviously rattled by a staunch, life-long Labour party supporter taking him to task about his obvious failings....and having little in the way of answers to placate her, he lost the plot once he thought she was out of earshot.
Gillian Duffy aired the issues that she was concerned about...the PM had no satisfactory answer for her.
Politics is all about telling the electorate what they(the politicians) think we want to hear...it isn't about what is real and what is right....that wouldn't win any votes.
Gordon Brown has done himself and his party no favours at all....and all the apologies in the world will not make the headlines any easier for him tomorow.
As you rightly observed.....own goal, right in the back of the net.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
28-04-2010, 19:07
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Re: Election - Place yer bets.
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
Politics is all about telling the electorate what they(the politicians) think we want to hear...it isn't about what is real and what is right....that wouldn't win any votes.
That's what makes it all the more fascinating when the mask momentarily slips and we hear what they really think. What shocked me was not what he said, but the tone of utter, dismissive contempt in his voice directed at a lifelong Labour supporter...but I suppose I shouldn't be shocked by now.
Right, Margaret, May 6th, you get your hatpin, I'm off to the pub! Use your vote wisely! 
28-04-2010, 19:33
Beacon of light
Re: Election - Place yer bets.
Oh No, the hatpin method has been consigned to the dustbin......I will put a cross against every name on the paper...to my daughter absolute horror......she is trying to convert me to act sensibly and vote properly....so far she is losing!
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
28-04-2010, 19:39
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Re: Election - Place yer bets.
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
she is trying to convert me to act sensibly and vote properly
Act sensibly and vote properly? Never! 
28-04-2010, 20:34
Beacon of light
Re: Election - Place yer bets.
Wounded I am.....cut to the quick 
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
28-04-2010, 20:38
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Re: Election - Place yer bets.
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
Oh No, the hatpin method has been consigned to the dustbin......I will put a cross against every name on the paper...to my daughter absolute horror......she is trying to convert me to act sensibly and vote properly....so far she is losing!
Then go all the way...when you are in the polling station next Thursday, vote, get your paper, fold it up, and then right before you stick it in the ballot box use a fag lighter and light the bottom right hand corner and insert in said box.
Then run like hell.
28-04-2010, 20:44
Beacon of light
Re: Election - Place yer bets.
Originally Posted by Tealeaf
Then go all the way...when you are in the polling station next Thursday, vote, get your paper, fold it up, and then right before you stick it in the ballot box use a fag lighter and light the bottom right hand corner and insert in said box.
Then run like hell.
Come on Tealeaf...even a very unfit bobby would catch me on his worst day and on my best day.......I am one of these coffin dodgers you know 
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
28-04-2010, 20:53
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Re: Election - Place yer bets.
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
Come on Tealeaf...even a very unfit bobby would catch me on his worst day and on my best day.......I am one of these coffin dodgers you know. 
You could get one of Robinson's coaches to wait outside the polling station with its engine revving and use it as your getaway vehicle. 
Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right.
Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.
28-04-2010, 20:58
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Re: Election - Place yer bets.
From a neighbouring forum, up Shillelagh's way:
Who will you be voting for in the 2010 Rossendale & Darwen Elections?
Janet Anderson - Labour - 8.70%
2 Votes
Jake Berry - Conservative - 52.17%
12 Votes
Bob Sheffield - Lib Dems - 8.70%
2 Votes
Kevin Bryan - National Front - 4.35%
1 Vote
David Duthrie - UKIP - 4.35%
1 Vote
Michael Johnson - English Democrats - 0%
0 Votes
Tony Melia - Impact - 4.35%
1 Vote
Mike Shiven - Independent - 4.35%
1 Vote
None of the above / Not voting - 13.04%
3 Votes
Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right.
Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.
28-04-2010, 21:19
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Re: Election - Place yer bets.
one of the votes for the none of the above is mine .. and if you read the thread on rossendale online i put my reason why .. because im not in that constituency .. im in hyndburns ..
The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone anyone want to argue well tough!!!
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